Why aren't you playing?
Why aren't you playing?
Cause I have to be at work in a couple hours and I wanna just eat and chill out a bit.
Because Halo died at 4
Because Reach is better
That's a new one.
I played a shitload for months. Now I've moved on to Titanfall 2, BF1, and still playing a little Overwatch. I don't have enough free time these days to play all the vidya I want.
Occasionally I hop on for some Action Sack or comfy Warzone assault. Customs are a blast too if I can find a group.
Becuse reach was the last decent one,
Because I played the game for a year and moved on already. Plenty of other games to play at the moment
Because if I didn't like the older halo games I'm not going to keep playing the series
Which ones did you try?
Halo 5 might... surprise you.
3, 4, and reach
You tried the worst ones.
CE, 2, and 5 have better multiplayer.
But I am
Halo and COD died for me whe they became the same game
They don't play at all alike.
t. retard
They're nothing alike. Halo actually takes a bit of skill.
>tfw almost got an Xbox One because of Halo 5 and Forza
>ended up going with PS4 because Bloodborne
I can't say I regret it now that Forza is on PC but... Fuck I want to play Halo 5 so bad. Even if the next halo does come out for PC I can't imagine Halo will be the same with kb&m
Cus finals week. Just played super fiesta last night
It's free on PC and you can use an xbox controller.
>Because Reach is better
holy b8
>It's free on PC and you can use an xbox controller.
It's also fucking garbage.
>using controller
>when kb&m are options
Bungiefags and their Reach was good and or decent meme.
Not him but 3 worst one, kill yourself.
because FFXV is out and I don't have a bone, i hate microsoft and have never played a halo game
I was in the thread your pepe was made in, memes grow up so fast
Are you some other user?
He said "Fuck I want to play Halo 5 so bad" and "I can't imagine Halo will be the same with kb&m"
kill yourself.
3 babby detected
me too
I like super fiesta.
It's easy mode when you can use all the guns well.
Can't wait to shit on people in gun game.
Nah, Halo fan and I already told you 3 babbies don't exist, they're all the same catagory, Bungiefags. But in terms of MP Halo 1-3 > 5, 5 would be on the same level if its maps didn't suck, aiming didn't suck, fucked over BTB, removed split screen, added microtransactions, or add some boring Battlefield wannabe for a poor replacement to BTB.
*and added
I've been into older games lately
currently going through Castlevania III for the first time in like 7 years
I do play Halo 5 twice a week though, it's the core of an on-line social thing I kept going for a long time
>3 babbies don't exist
>I win because I posted smug anime
Halo 3 was big boost to halo population and for most players it was their first Halo game.
Bungie fags is too limiting because there's loads of people who think Halo 3 was amazing and dislike CE.
halo 3 was amazing.
halo 2 was amazing
halo ce was amazing
halo 4 was trash
ODST was comfy
reach was OK
and 5 looks better than 4 and reach but not as good as the first 3
What does this have to with my post?
>ODST was comfy
>Halo fans (1-3)
Enjoy only these Halo games and feel the series should have stopped here
>Halo fans
Loved Halo 1-3 but still need that Master Chief itch
Either started the series late which means they started at Halo 2, 3, ODST, or Reach; or they did start with Halo CE but never played the other games and came back with either Halo 3 or Reach. These faggots have a completed misguided view on which Halo was the best in the series and which was the worst that their opinions are immediately discarded when they give it. They are also inclined to put their favorite Halo as the best.
They actively defend anything 343i does and will try to put their games on the same level.
>Wars fans
Niche but they are Halo fans through and through.
Halo 5 multiplayer is on the same level.
Don't need to be a shill to see that.
Forgot to add that Bungie faggots also can be considered a Bungie faggot if they only played Halo CE and 2 and skipped 3 for the other games.
But you are a shill if you are ignoring these problems:
>5 would be on the same level if its maps didn't suck, aiming didn't suck, fucked over BTB, removed split screen, added microtransactions, or add some boring Battlefield wannabe for a poor replacement to BTB.
Each game had issues. The aiming doesn't suck.
It does, and the previous games issues are nowhere near the level of "it plays bad, has terrible map design, has a bad weapon sandbox, has dumb sprinting and boosting, and is generally unfun".
Yes it does, ignoring the mess that was Halo 4 or the shit Bungie made after Halo 3. Halo 1-3 weren't perfect but they had less major issues that Halo 5 has 3 of those I listed are a big problem. Split screen, good maps, and BTB are important to Halo and you can't just take athose away and expect fans to not attack you on it, but seeing how they tried to remove Master Chief from the campaign I think they want fans to attack them.
>plays bad
>has a bad weapon sandbox
nice opinion fagtron you really swayed the discussion with that one
Actually good campaigns are also fundamental to Halo, and 5's was even worse than 4's. Seriously the least fun I've ever had playing a game.
Halo 5's sandbox is much more balanced than 2/3, duel wielding was retarded. Only CE is better.
Agreed, Halo 5 campaign would have been good if it was just Chief and Blue Team but 343 just had to shove their agenda and fan service down are throats instead of making a good campaign. I hope Microsoft is tearing into their asses with Halo 6 to fix all the damaged they caused with Halo 5.
Well have fun with your le epic MLG game that's totes balanced, but has nothing actually fun or interesting to use or shoot
>but has nothing actually fun or interesting to use or shoot
Wut? Plasma caster isn't interesting or fun? Or hydra? Or scatter shot?
What about all the req weapons? A sniper that creates gravity balls? Manually guided rocket launcher?
What about weapon glitch combinations in forge?
How are CE's weapons interesting and fun and Halo 5's not?
halo died at reach guys you guys are ALL WRONG
i hate when people say it died after reach these are newfags
reach could have been good but the vibes were all wrong it was time to go for some reason they took a left turn and didnt stick with it
halo 3 had the same simple combat which halo was
and then reach said we add this thing and sprint and abilities and nobody recognized it and said this dies in 2 weeks and halo 3 had hundreds of thousands of players for years
This is a terrible opinion. H5's weapon sandbox is top tier. You cannot complain about it and be taken seriously.
My only real gripe about Halo 5 other than the shit-tier campaign and lore rape is that the MP feels too tryhard at times, and has lost some charm. But overall it's the most well-done FPS on console around in my honest opinion familam. I just don't play it much lately since there's new shit to play.
I'll add that a lot of H5 built in maps aren't great. Honestly I feel same way about Halo 3 though.
CE and H2 had loads of great maps for various things.
Luckily you can recreate almost any old map using forge.
This guy gets it
Yeah I'm not raving about H5 map design. It's pretty meh. I enjoy Warzone if I can get a group going. Warzone assault is less tryhard.
Some of the things people have made in H5 forge are amazing. I wish I had more friends still playing it. Playing it by myself isn't as fun for me anymore.
We been basically saying the same thing that guy said Reach is whee Halo died because Bungie decided to throw out what was good about Halo for their own bullshit, how are we wrong, Reach was shit?
>>using controller
>>when kb&m are options
halo is better with a controller
Because I'm catching up on JoJo
I traded my old 7950 for a set of new winter tyres and now I'm waiting for my 1060 to arrive. Can't play Halo 5 until then.
>for a set of new tyres
How does it feel driving a Corolla with 13" steels
Because aiming in the game feels like it's weighed down by fucking bricks, can't enjoy an FPS if aiming is shit.
You can change the settings.
Stop being a retard, the aiming being shit is an actual issue that can't be addressed with settings, 343 even acknowledged that the aiming is shit and is working to reduce the latency in their next update.
Are these settings live?
They're currently only being used for tourney builds, they'll be released next update.