I just finished yesterday, and I just don't understand these guys.
In the final audio conversation they had, they said they were going to support their own Big Boss, but fast forward (or past backward?) Ocelot sided with Liquid, and Miller was mentoring snake... only Miller was really Liquid, and Ocelot was working with CIA and used him, because he was sided with original Big Boss... but that meant .... what it all meant?? Why did I kept playing it ? I enjoyed... but ...just...
I just finished yesterday, and I just don't understand these guys
Okay kiddo. I'm going to assume you aren't baiting.
Have you played the whole saga?
MGSV is retarded, don't try to make sense of it.
I skipped the psp ones, but in the end I just got confused with all the twists Ocelot made, that I just lost tracked to who he ended up siding with. It's like... just, give me some trust man...
Alright I'm gonna make this the most understandable way possible.
Ocelot was so fucking madly in love with Big Boss that he gave away his life for him.
Ocelot sided with Big Boss in Outer Heaven
Is that why he ended up with Liquid's arm? Does he wanted to touch himself with Big Boss son's arm?
and what does he feel about Solid Snake (David)? what was all that guns of the patriots nonsens he put him trough?
>skipped the PSP ones
Portable Ops is OK to skip, but Ground Zeroes picks up literally right where Peace Walker left off. Like, Peace Walker is the prequel to V and a lot of character establishing and development is done there. How the fuck did you skip it??
This, I avoided it so long, despite being a fan of the series.
Just picked up the PS4 version that comes with Ground Zeroes. I'm just playing it like it's Mercenaries 3 and ignoring everything plot-related.
Didn't like the game mechanics, felt it too different.
>I'm just playing it like it's Mercenaries 3
Peace Walker is easy to miss. I never had a PSP, and was really excited when that HD collection came out with it. Played like 3 hours and then never again. It's just too weird, and doesn't really feel like a Metal Gear game.
Miller was the one that trained Snake.
Miller only [spoilers]dies and is impersonated by Liquid during the events of MGS1
Is a reason ever given why Miller can't have a robot arm and leg, given that Snake gets one? I'm assuming it's probably addressed in one of the cassettes, but I might've missed it.
>muh phantom pain
Thats all really
He does not want any of that shit, just so that the "pain would remind him of his goals".
Literally said in the games. Miller's top edgy.
Ok, story time.
What happens at the end of MSGV is that Miller and Ocelot feel betrayed as shit. Both of them wanted to see the Boss' will brought to life by Big Boss, but he went full retarded, misinterpreted her shit, and built his own country while Venom took care of Outer Heaven.
When they discover that Venom was just part of Big Boss' plot, they decide to train his sons to take him down.
Liquid was bad and flew off with the sahelanthropus destination unknown, Solidus was into politics (lol), but David was a perfect soldier. Big Boss wanted to delete the evidence of what he did, so he sent Solid to Outer Heaven in order to either kill Venom, or get Killed by Venom.
Venom discover's he's a clone, bla bla bla, but he takes the oportunity and tests David's skills. David ends up killing Venom, and Miller takes David into more training so he can finally kill Big Boss.
Time skip till MGS1. Ocelot joins Eli's army of misfits so he can come in contact with David again. Fueling David's rage, he kills Liquid, and escapes. David starts hunting Metal Gears along his bro Otacon.
Without realizing it, Solid was in the right path to fullfil the Boss (Ocelot's mother) vision of a wold at peace. So Ocelot decides to take on the task of making Solid achieve his mother's final goal, and gets himself hiptonized into believing he was Liquid after the arm change.
Making Solid believe he was still fighting Liquid was the only way to make him go all the way through till he finally destroyed the Patriots alongside Rayden, and the world lived at peace hapily ever after. Solid dies and Rayden keeps on his legacy, hunting down the last remnants of war.
oh shit... that's neat user.
Yeah, they had to rewrite a lot of shit when MGSV was released. It's cool as shit IMO. In the latest novelization of MGS they say that Solid had PSTD with Outer Heaven, and he says that he remembers Big Boss as a guy always covered in blood and with a horn, and nobody believes him. Cool stuff.
Its aparent he has PTSD at the end of MG
he says something a long of the lines of
>mission complete. Its over. Everything OK. I am OK. (suuuure)
>and Miller was mentoring snake... only Miller was really Liquid
The real Miller mentored Snake in Metal Gear 2. Liquid killed him just before the events of Solid 1, and impersonated him during the game itself.
>When they discover that Venom was just part of Big Boss' plot, they decide to train his sons to take him down.
>Liquid was bad and flew off with the sahelanthropus destination unknown, Solidus was into politics (lol), but David was a perfect soldier. Big Boss wanted to delete the evidence of what he did, so he sent Solid to Outer Heaven in order to either kill Venom, or get Killed by Venom
how the hell big boss managed to convince his son to kill venom or even managed to trick ocelot and miller if they feeling betrayed?