ITT: We speculate the MC score

ITT: We speculate the MC score

And we wait.

We wait just a few hours more.

Other urls found in this thread:

Critic: 73
User: 45

lol no


Critic: 95

User: 67

PC Petition Race will inevitably flood the user score like they always do.

Or 89

6 confirms a score of 90+

Surprisingly average, 77ish.

kill yourself



Critics will cream their pants because "muh ico and muh spiritual successor" also "video games can be art"

People will eat this shit up because of the simple cinematic gameplay and 2deep4u smart game for smart gamers.

Regardless of score, Sup Forums will shitpost.
We're doomed either way

>We speculate the MC score
Seriously? This is some fuckin stupid neogaf shit.
Who cares about journo reviews?
Is Mass Effect 3 an amazing game because it got 9.5 reviews? Is God Hand bad because of the poor reviews it got?
Making a big deal over mc scores is fucking pathetic.

You assume i'm a PCfat because I told you to kill yourself?

Don't bother responding.


Critic: 79
User: 67

Will the shitposting overtake the XV shitposting tho?

>no one has spoiled the game yet

Nothing that guy said was wrong
If PC-only fags don't get a game, they start whining and petitioning about how they deserve it

>It's not because the game is shit
>I-It's because of the PC GAMERS!!!

>Implying I care about the critic score or the user score
The game isn't out and we hardly know anything about it, so I'm gonna hold my breath on calling it shit

Congratulations on being tied to one system though.

>Sonygger damage control

What would you like to discuss about the game that has not been brought up in the past 8 years?


I'll be doing it

Around 6PM Central

The reviews are already out. Game is shit.

>It feels awkward as hell when it comes to actually controlling the main character. The protagonist doesn't walk so much as he lurches in whichever direction you've pushed the analog stick. Much of the demo focuses on platforming, but his jumps have a stickiness to them, a sense of inaccuracy that could be played up as realistic weightiness in the right game but just feels frustrating here.

>The game seems to have a hard time determining what you actually want it to do from button presses alone. On several occasions, I tapped the jump button to reach a swinging rope, only to have the main character instead shift direction and climb on top of a nearby railing.

>Many of my problems with this short demo of The Last Guardian can be summed up neatly in one sentence: It feels like a PlayStation 2 game.

>What would you like to discuss about the game that has not been brought up in the past 8 years?
How about the recent footage and trailers?

>Many of my problems with this short demo of The Last Guardian can be summed up neatly in one sentence: It feels like a PlayStation 2 game.

So Ico or SotC?

Looks like PS4 is now the proud owner of 2 masterpieces.


User score is irrelevant

>The reviews are already out.

but they're not

>Many of my problems with this short demo of The Last Guardian can be summed up neatly in one sentence: It feels like a PlayStation 2 game.
So it's awesome?

>It feels like a PlayStation 2 game.
The guy tried to use this as a negative but it's something that people are looking for in this game.

Critic: 93
User : 87 because of PC faggots giving it 0s

>it feels like a PS2 game
>this means it's a masterpiece
Full. Damage. Control.

>I ran into trouble with simple actions like pushing something up an incline. I was supposed to grab and push a large cylinder up a ramp, but I kept getting stuck in place or suddenly let go of it.

Have you not discovered the magic of games stuck in development hell? What the fuck do you think happens when a game spends that long at the bottom of the septic tank?

Look at reviews from people who aren't bought and paid for.

Out of all the bad things he lists about the game you hold on to >muh ps2 feel
Fucking kill yourselves. You deserve this shit game.

user you're using quotes from an old demo

stop baiting and just do something helpful

Just vent your frustration about not being able to pirate the game on PC into a 0 MC user score.

He lists shit that has been in past team ico games. People who played the past games and are looking forward to this will give less of a shit of what some faggot thinks about controls.

It's artsy and from a renowned developer so critics will probably be inclined to give it a good score, but it will probably also have the standard team ico shitty controls and frustrating gameplay that will bog the score down.


No damage has been done, user.

No reviews have come in.


>Sony exclusive from a dev that made indie walking sims before they even got perfect 10s
I'll be fucking shocked if it gets anything lower than 94.

>We wait just a few hours more

The embargo doesn't lift until like eight hours from now.

>feels like a PlayStation 2 game

How is this a bad thing?

maybe 80-85

well yesterday there was a guy who played through the entire game already. Hi did bearly have any complains about the controls except when jumping off of the dog, he said you could get stuck on the dog again, if you hit a part of his geometry.

>"awkward as hell"
>There are people who write like this with jobs in game journalism

>It feels like a PlayStation 2 game.

Stupid fucking millennial dickhead, that's a positive.

I feel like the Last Guardian has been completely forgotten under the shitstorm of Final Fantasy XV's release.


Lucky fuck, mine is estimated to deliver on the 14th.

Critic: 97
User: 78

Reality: 6/10

So basically Last of Us.

TLOU had 95/91

user reviews are as bad as critic reviews

Jesus. More sad than that Wanderlei guy.

93 critic and 87 user

stay mad pcucks

Critic: 87
User: 8.0

>Out of all the bad things he lists about the game you hold on to >muh ps2 feel
>Many of my problems with this short demo of The Last Guardian can be summed up neatly in one sentence
>summed up neatly in one sentence
>summed up

Because "It feels like a Ps2 game" is literally "all of the bad things he lists about the game."

60 at best.

it's like Sup Forums when they wait for the rt

they complain about journo but they do the same shit other people do, it's hilarious

Mike Ross spitting it raw.