7 years and 13 games later, this is still head and shoulders the best AC that Ubisoft ever put out...

7 years and 13 games later, this is still head and shoulders the best AC that Ubisoft ever put out. This is absolutely undeniable.

This was the first game that made me ditch my friends in order to play videogames all day. And I didn't even get the platinum because of the 100 fucking feathers.


It's essentially AC2 but with a shittier story.

Killstreaks were a mistake. Counter one guy and you can kill a small army uncontested.

there was a map online

Underage detected

Gameplay wise it's a bit much. But considering Ezio is a master assassin, from a character standpoint it makes sense.

But I'm 20

Single player, yes.
Brotherhood was better for multiplayer.

Brotherhood had better gameplay and the brotherhood mechanics were cool as fuck. This had better settings and story, I really can't pick a preference.


No. The best ASSASSIN'S Creed game was the first one. About an actual Assassin. Who did Assassin shit. With other Assassins. And the story was decent, with a protagonist who had actual character growth and villains who, with the exception of one, were morally grey in their motives. It set the series up with a great twist at the end, only for II to fuck it up with ancient not aliens, fist fighting the pope, and the introduction of a character that shouldn't have lasted longer than one game.

Fuck Ezio. Fuck ACIII, Fuck Ubisoft.

Wasted series potential: The series.

>with a protagonist who had actual character growth
How didn't Ezio have growth?

I want to play the multiplayer again.
I have the game on PC, I wish there were more people who played it.

seven years?

oh geez

The first was fucking garbage, 2 and brother hood were the peak of AC.
It literally ruined the rest of them for me because it was so good

>the best AC that Ubisoft ever put out
What is Black Flag

>Still no AC in Nippon
Will it ever happen?

No, Assassin's Creed is going to stay fairly western/European/colonial forever.

Eh. It's had games set in the Middle East, India and China. I can see a Japan game in the future. Especially in the era when the country was becoming more Westernised.
