what went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
everything apart from the performance issues and dlc model/drm
The ability to kill people freely. Which it almost fails at due to the retarded score drop from civvy kills.
Soundtrack is so dull its better to turn it off after playing a while
and the AI not reacting to blood or your reflection in the mirror. And no briefcase. That's about everything that went wrong desu.
yeah ai are pretty dumb
game is still fun as though
>Caring about score
The score literally impacts nothing other than your ego, if anything this game is the least punishing towards killing non-targets across the entire franchise since there are no unlocks or anything associated with getting SA.
The gameplay
Level design. Maps are incredible, easily best designed levels of the last 2-3 years
>Go to LAN party
>Friend unironically tries playing the game on PS4
>5 min load times
patching unlocks to work offline, it's still a retarded system but it's a step in the right direction, now if they'd fuck off with
and if they'd patch in a blood money hideout and gun briefcases, that'd be swell too
But didn't you like the little titles you would get at the end of blood money?
What's up with the constant Hitman threads lately? Stop shilling your games already
i saw somebody who doesn't own the game use this exact phrase yesterday, and it's not exactly a common phrase. are you pretending to own the game, friend?
>m-muh shills!
Shut the fuck up. When people enjoy a game they tend to talk about it.
Most of those titles required you to fuck around and go against the "optimum" way of playing the game, the new game encourages people to fuck around plenty, most of the achievements for the levels (the ones that actually give you in-game rewards) require you to play the game using Wile E. Coyote logic like killing the target by shooting him with a cannon or smothering him with a birthday cake.
The only time their servers go down is for updates. If you disconnected it's probably because of your internet connection.
One thing I don't like how every fucking target must have some bodyguards or some bitch following them on their ass 24/7 and assassination opportunities are just in one place if the planets align correctly
crapped out is, in fact, a common phrase
ok I admit it my internet is shit, still a crappy system
My favorite was getting Caruso to faint in Sapienza or pushing Margolis onto Novikov after setting off the fireworks in Paris
It just seems so cumbersome, did you sneak around picking off her guards one by one?
Me, fucking hate the suit though
wasn't that from absolution or something? when you're rouge and poorfagging your way through some hotel with a shitty revolver instead of your ballers?
That's the one, he has the plaster over the barcode if you wear that suit too.
huh, regardless of the source that's neat to include
Technically it's right afterwards, 47 wears the absolution suit to Terminus, gets his shit fucked up by Danny Trejo, escapes the fire and then has to flee through an abandoned library/stoner den/metro complex from the police with his damaged outfit.
>tfw can't get winter suit before christmas themed Paris bonus episode
Absolution could have done better if they just made the maps more open, actually pass people without being stopped immediately and disable that terrible scoring system
hello it is i mr bong james bong
>tfw accidentally killed myself in the elusive target
For those who repressed the memory of it
Jesus H. Christ this game was fucking dire.
Probably went to sabotage an electrical socket in a puddle without turning off the electricity first. Lost an ET myself that way
I did to, i was disguised as a waiter and picked up a knife. little did i know waiters cant pick random knifes out in the street
Fun fact: The guy who almost replaced 47's voice in Absolution does the voice of the Shadow Client guy in Hitman 2016.
This game has no bugs.
Especially not ones that effect gameplay.
Sup Forums told me x-ray vision never happens. Nope, never.
I did something similar in one of the many many Paris ET's. I picked up a fucking letter opener and just managed to restart before getting plastered.
>Screwdriver, fine
>Wrench, fine
>Hammer, fine
>Crowbar, fine
>Christmas themed Paris EPISODE
You're delusional. There is no EPISODE for that this season.
I can't believe how much Bateson lucked out. He was only brought back to Absolution because of the fan outcry, there's a video interview of him thanking everyone and saying that he's really excited and he's sure Absolution would be the best Hitman yet.
Then it was complete horsepiss and I figured that was the end of his career in video games.
Somehow miraculously they not only turned the franchise around but also brought him back AGAIN.
Shame about Diana's VA, but the new one is good too.
>This game has no bugs.
>Sup Forums told me x-ray vision never happens.
Your favourite game probably has bugs too
Oh shut the fuck up cunt you know what I mean.
Sapienza > Paris > Hokkaido > Marrakesh > Colorado > Bangkok
Is this accurate Y / N
Good use of episodic format, I guess. Also it was a proper return to Hitman after Absolution.
The devs being based is what went right.
>All unlockable items that are earned when connected to the game's servers, are now also saved to an 'offline profile', meaning that they can be used when in Offline Mode.
Items include all mastery items; including weapons, gear, starting/pickup locations as well as Elusive Target suit rewards and Challenge Pack unlocks.
You really are a fucking idiot. I love this game but this is a major fucking problem and Sup Forums pretends it doesn't happen. Saying "other games have bugs" literally isn't an argument.
And this shit is literally game breaking when you have ONE TRY EVER events that can be affected by it. My only ET failure was caused by this shit.
Wait, has that been confirmed as the 3rd bonus episode coming in January? I thought it would be set in Sapienza again where 47 kills a mayor.
>Next Update
As we mentioned at the start of this blog post, we are also planning a December Update, which we are very excited about as it will wrap up the year nicely and will be a great way for us to wish all of our players a happy holiday season. We'll have specifics to share as we get a little bit further into December.
Seems legit
Works on my machine :^)
No really, I've never had any game breaking bugs.
>Sup Forums pretends it doesn't happen
One more time
I don't know why people hate Bangkok so much, it's definitely better than Colorado and Marrakesh.
Might just be a reskin of Paris, might be a bonus episode with a new target. See
fucked disguise weapon permissions have been in hitman for a while
>white house mission in blood money
>marine using an m14, a-ok
>marine holding a pistol, the same pistol that some of the marines at security use? FUCKING TRAITOR GUN HIM DOWN
>secret service room has a stash full of smgs
>pick up the smgs, they are immediately alerted to you lies and kill you with, what else, smgs
I agree it's better than Colorado but I like Marrakesh more. Bangkok's major flaw is that it's just a mirrored hotel where only one half is just a shell.
I posted reproducible videos you utter retard.
>I don't post in Hitman threads
Not my problem, read the archives.
Different user here, only bug I've had was when I was doing Bangkok mastery. Weather was bad and I kept disconnecting.
Made a save and came back when my connection was stable. None of the challenges I got would unlock so I went to another mission, I go back to Bangkok and they're unlocked.
Only problem is I didn't get the achievement for level 20 mastery but I looked it up and other people had the same problem and it just popped up randomly when they were playing the game.
Not a big deal but a tad bit annoying.
Why do people like Sapienza so much? It's a pain in the ass having to destroy the virus sample every time.
the right side of the hotel is useless besides 47's suite and being able to get a cheesy headshot on ken from the balcony five seconds after starting
Why would I reproduce them? Who's the retard here?
The hotel itself is severely under utilized. That's the biggest reason in my book.
Can disguise as hotel staff and drown the fat dude in the toilet. EZPZ.
I do post in Hitman threads and it's well known that this particular bug exists. I've never seen anybody try to deny it, maybe a few have said it's never happened to them, because it's never happened to me either, but saying that people pretend it doesn't exist is a lie. Everybody knows this bug can happen.
You are.
You can't claim the bug doesn't happen for you despite proof it's consistent.
There's only 2 ways up to Jordan.
>very limited history or just lies
Either way, I don't care.
It didn't happen for me, it happened for you.
I don't want to break my game on purpose. What is wrong with you?
Then why are you posting links and replying to everybody if you don't care? Also which part is lies?
That's about it though, other than the 18 golden elephant statues you can shoot for an achievement in Morgan's suite most of the hotel isn't utilized. That was sort of my problem with Marrakesh as well, this big sprawling interesting market was under utilized until Night Marrakesh was released which is far superior to its normal counterpart.
fun maps, fun assassinations, buncha content. can't ask for more 2bh.
You would have to be incredibly retarded to want the NPC getting alerted by blood or seeing your reflection on the mirror.
These mechanics would be so fucking broken.
>Works on my machine :^)
>except it doesn't lol but I'll still shitpost about it
Gain reading comprehension, try again.
To be fair, if you replay and do all the opportunities or challenges then you usually get to explore the entire map.
>You would have to be incredibly retarded to want the NPC getting alerted by blood or seeing your reflection on the mirror.
>These mechanics would be so fucking broken.
Wrong. AI seeing blood worked in Blood Money. AI seeing you in the mirror worked in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Just because you can't wrap your brain around how they would work doesn't mean they'd be broken.
Also, wanting NPC's to be alerted by someone who's clearly been seriously injured is retarded? If you saw a giant pool of blood on the floor would you just ignore it? If you looked in the mirror and saw someone point a gun at you would you not react? Where's your logic in that?
user, seriously, what is your fucking point?
I'm actually laughing at you right now.
>literally admitting to having autism
I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'll stop hurting your brain, here is your last (you).
>unfucking the retardation they themselves did, and not even fully, is based
I mean it's good, and unexpected of a modern dev, but let's not get ahead of ourselves
Fucking nothing, its yet another shitty western multiplat with micro transactions and QTE replacing gameplay in a sea of shitty western multiplats with micro transactions and QTE replacing gameplay. On PC there's really nothing else to play, but anyone on console should just avoid it.
>Wrong. AI seeing blood worked in Blood Money
The AI in previous hitman, when they saw blood trails, it worked like absolute shit, in SA it was a direct alert.
In Blood Money the IA just started wandering everywhere looking for a body, but nothing special.
Imagine how it would play out in this game, where there are places to dump bodies everywhere.
And the mirror, how would you ever be able to subdue an npc if they can see your reflection?
Are you a fucking retard?
thats how i felt at first too but after spending some more time playing it turned out i was wrong. accidents alone open up so goddamn many ways
I don't really care about the mirror thing, because there haven't been many times where I've been doing suspicious shit behind somebody who's looking in to a mirror, but blood pools are my single biggest gripe with this game.
Fiberwire is useless, the only reason to bring it along is for completely silent kills and for being able to drag a body 0.5 seconds faster. If blood pools were noticed then it would actually give you a real reason to bring your fiber wire.
There's VERY easy way to get SA on the ET.
Protip: Just shoot her in the head
Micro transactions?
There it is. Busting out the autism meme when you're proven wrong.
Throw some more insults and reddits around while you're at it
When is the next ET? Would be cool if it was a pedophile santa
Blood pools being noticed is useless, it was always useless in every Hitman and was just here to piss off the player more than serving an actual purpose.
You really think they would go through the hassle to code something that has never worked good before, when they still haven't implemented essentials like the briefcase?
>proven wrong
Never happened.
>And the mirror, how would you ever be able to subdue an npc if they can see your reflection?
...have you considered crouching?
>Are you a fucking retard?
Considering your previous question, this is incredibly ironic.
>No bodies found
does anyone have the elusive target suit picture?
it works. you can get her escorts to move ahead of her, then shoot her. they never look back
>People get alerted when they see trails of blood
This is bad how? Learn not to make such a fucking mess. Real people aren't just going to see pools of blood and act as if everything is normal.
>And the mirror, how would you ever be able to subdue an npc if they can see your reflection?
You do realize just seeing you in the mirror, unless you're trespassing, would mean nothing right? Use your brain.
AI seeing you in the mirror would only make it so people can't just start dragging bodies behind NPCs without being noticed or taunting them with a pistol pointed at the mirror. You act as if AI being able to look at reflections would stop you entirely from walking into a bathroom or any room with a mirror for that matter, it wouldn't.
>Are you a fucking retard?
No, but you clearly are.
But it has worked before, in BM they used to follow the little splats that appeared on the ground when you were dragging a body around and eventually wound up finding the body. Being able to just leave massive pools of blood on the ground is dumb and stupidly unrealistic and renders the iconic fiberwire 100% useless.
When I first played the new one, I killed a guy in a bathroom in Paris and hid his body, then I noticed the blood all over the floor and that I could flood the sink, I got excited thinking that I would be able to wash the blood away, but a woman ran in and didn't give a shit about the blood, she was more concerned about the water on the floor. It's just stupid, and I'd prefer if they encouraged you to use cleaner methods like they did in BM.
There should have been more people staying at the hotel, like a few extra people with disquises or something. Morgan feels really pointless like the whole maps disigned around the band but they wanted two targets so tacked another on.
I also wish you could go into those 2 rooms being fumigated. Kept thinking there was something really hidden in there.
It's a true return to form, but elusive targets are the most unfair BS ever
You're retarded. Shoot her before she leaves the building.