Cute girl

>cute girl
>cute body
>taller than chicken chan
>went with a god tier ponytail look
>will one day have the body of Lusamine
>trying her best to be strong and independent

She's almost perfect, Sup Forums. I want to protect her.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lillie is the best character after she evolves

>>will one day have the body of Lusamine
/h/ is that way (>-_->)



It's you.

Gamefreak-designed sexbots when?

Lillie is for Chicken-chan only

What are the conditions for her to evolve? I've been trying to all fucking day.
Putting Nebby in the bag?

When Lillie gets to Kanto, what starter is she going to pick?

It's not the anime, there isn't a professor that offers the same three Pokemon to every kid who wants to start a journey.

Evolve while holding Lillinium-Z

JoJo reference?

I want her to do the Catastropika dance.

Lillie is "I'll start tomorrow" personified.
Spent an entire game saying she'd get stronger and stop leaving it all to other people, and at the end she acts like she achieved that but really she never made it further than running past a couple of birds and playing a flute.

Hell, her finest moment happened before the game started when she escaped, after that she just took it easy.
If anything she devolved.

Anyway, she went to Kanto to fetch Bill, chances are she won't make good on all her talk about becoming a trainer.


maybe ?? ? ? ? ? ??



lmao this is that butthurt namefag who gets triggered when the janitors delete his /vp/ threads

I like this Mega evolution

You should.

I want to gently tuck Lille into bed and then kiss her goodnight!


I want to fuck her edgy faggot brother and make her watch




P e w

>Are you going to get a Z-ring?
>"N-no I don't have pokémon yet"
>Want me to help you catch -
>"WHOA LOOK AT THE TIME you're going to be late for doing everything in my stead"

>wanting to protect a fucken slav

To be fair the protagonist/rival are usually exceptional trainers in the world, most people don't get as strong as they do in such a short span of time.

Having a Pokemon wouldn't have done a whole lot of Lillie in the places they go anyway.

Well Sup Forums?

>doesn't post objectively superior THIQQ edit





>To be fair the protagonist/rival are usually exceptional trainers in the world, most people don't get as strong as they do in such a short span of time.
Literally your neighbors in most games, with few instances of total wusses manning up over the course of the game.

>Having a Pokemon wouldn't have done a whole lot of Lillie in the places they go anyway.
Sure beats saying you're strong when you're doing jack shit.
Shauna, the two stooges from gen VI and Bianca weren't serious rivals but at least they tried to do things themselves in the context of the story.


Wait a few years. She's only 11

I want to hold hands with her

Gladion isn't edgy, he'd just like you to think he is. Three of his pokémon are friendship evos and another can only evolve when traded with a friend twice. The reason his clothes are torn is because he's dirt poor and can't buy new ones after Type: Null scratched them in training, he's been trying to mend them himself but he's no good at it.


Get in the bag Nebby.

It won't work.

this nebby bag meme is the worst

Not me sadly.

Who is the sexier 11 year old?




Was opening Ultra Wormholes part of your plan?

Is the anime good?

It's okay

TWO (2) LANA'S!!

What is this madness?

Her little sisters.


Those are her imoutos

It's pretty good so far.

>tfw still haven't started playing my copy because I can't pick a name for Chicken-chan
Help me

Lana backwards

Get on the bag Nebby!



Honestly I probably will at this point.

One for each nut, the main course for Lana

Flip a coin.

I named her Cereza. I mean shit, it was called Pokemon MOON of all things, I couldn't resist. Named my Poplio Jeanne as well.


That's a terrible name.

This is a cute ship.

Thank you I do my best to come up with shitty names.

Yes it is.


Why did they give her a bag and hat?

Is it a reference to Jojo or something?

Oh shit
She's the daughter of the pale, tall blonde adult from the trailers that looks just like her
I'd have never known


Die, scum

It's a reference to UB-01



Hold on, you can't have two girls hold hands.

That's just wrong, isnt it?
What will they say to their church once everyone finds out?

You tell me

Yuri is boring

>You will never fail to seduce Lillie
>When you think all hope is lost she will never put her hair in a ponytail and make you blush by revealing she returns your feelings.


I disagree

what are those hands

Magic hands.


Anime Lillie a shit, she doesn't even have a bag.

>muh meme
Fuck off.


Gladion is chuuni basically.

He's not though, he's just trying to act tough because his pampered upbringing didn't prepare him for living in the real world.

Post the second pic if you dare, faggot.


>taller than Lillie
The shittiest of art



Perspective is a thing user.

Can boys hold hands?