>Spaniards being retarded and leaving their bases unprotected
>All that free kill coins and SPlithium waiting to be taken
Let it Die
>get to the second area
>suddenly guns and butterfly knives everywhere
>will be two shot even with decent gear
I wasn't ready for this.
>base invasions
Huh? Where, when?
Also my stats are capped at 5 is there a way to break that limit?
Hey Senpai, read the tutorials you fucking faggots
Progress further. Once you hit floor 10/11, you unlock rank 2 characters you can create. As for invasions, beat Coen on floor 3 and when you come back you can do them.
What the hell does this baseball bat special attack do? It's not a block or a parry apparently. The hammer's special attack is pretty good, it seems to do a ton of stamina damage and leads to easy goretastic kills.
>Get over confident because I've robbed four empty bases
>The fifth has six guards, all decked out
Forgot being in the wrong neighbourhood, I was on the wrong continent.
Cool, are fists viable later in the game. Cant seem to stop using them
Use it when an enemy shoots at you
Dope, I'll give that try next time I see someone with a fireworks launcher.
I'm still using my fists on everything but player characters/groups. I use a machete otherwise. Highest floor I've been to is floor 13.
What floor has the blueprint for machetes? So far machetes and hockey sticks have been the rarest weapons to find for me. Got a few magnums, though.
>The iron's Goretastic kill
That's some rough shit
How do i expand my bank, I'm completely full on cash.
I think I found it while climbing up the tower from Wanoki. Could have been in one of the floors you can get to from there.
Go to the Death Metro computer in your waiting room and in its menu choose waiting room, buy equipment. There you can upgrade your bank, splithium tank, and freezer. You'll have to have killed that floor 3 miniboss to use it.
Has anyone fought a Jackal?
>Your restroom is full, you cannot capture more fighters
>have no one in my restroom
>can't put the body down to leave
At least I freed someone's fighter and got 4,500 SPL bonus.
When can I play this in Europe?
please tell me this game is mostly single player
Just make a UK account or something
It´s 100% singleplayer
Any point in spending the login reward shit from the box at the start, or just save for later?
Use it to buy more storage slots
so when do I get songs that I can put on the radio?
>spend 20k on gear for each defender
>if they get captured they lose everything
>successfully defending your base only gives you 100 lithium
The entire raid system is retarded and only exists so you never have a large amount of money to encourage buying premium for increases coin gains and exclusive decals that give you 100% more coins.
So not Scandinavia then. Fucking hell.
Floor 4
This cage match vs two hammer users on the train is making a bitch out of me. Died to it twice now.
is there the obligatory jpop song?
It's also a good way to make money.
It's designed to make you play every couple days. If your fighter gets captured you have two days to raid that players base and steal them back. If you're not going to be playing, just put the fighters in the freezer.
Maybe, there are a shit load of songs
>The woman in the VIP elevator
Porn when.
>she sometimes opens the VIP elevator a little then closes it when you get close if you don't have VIP
>second login bonus was a 24 hour pass
Riding that elevator was great.
Just downloaded this game.
What the fuck is it? What am I in for?
How do you capture an enemy at their base?
except it's not a good way to make money after you reach the sixteenth floor. You end up spending more money on gear to deal with the guards than you actually get from completing the raid.
and rescuing the captured fighter doesn't matter. The moment they are captured all the gear is stripped from them and disappears into the void.
>those couple destructible pipes on the second or third floor
For what purpose.
it was made by the same guy who did No More Heroes and Killer7
Man I wish I could find the music to this game especially when uncle death shows up.
>the first war started is between Tennessee and Alabama
>put all my fighters in defense
>run a simulation
>eliminate them easily with fists only and at level 1
I ran it 6 different times with different positions, it's no use if putting them there just means getting my resources AND fighters taken, fuck it.
How do you know?
>wasting that pass on early floors
Enjoy your 10k elevator fees later on.
I saw one between Australia and Arkansas yesterday.
Also Lollipop Chainsaw and Killer is Dead
Less noteworthy games but still the same feel as this one.
What's the best way to defend my base?
Do I need to get multiple defenders with weapons good for stunlocking?
>Constant threads with no pictures or webms or even talking about what the game is about
Send a tank first, your fighters pop up every 15 seconds, so if he lasts enough he should be overwhelmed quickly.
>Lollipop Chainsaw
>Suda was responsible for every other cosplay qt at a convention being in a cheerleader outfit sucking on a lollipop
Thank you Goichi-sama
>mfw I found out the flying tubers with the cock drills are female
How do i set up a tank?
I still need PS+ for this right?
I can definitely say the combat in Let it Die although clunky, feels a billion times better than the combat in Lollipop Chainsaw.
That game is a steaming pile.
First things first, what level are you and what floor have you reached?
I've heard a good tip is to put a defender out first since they can take a beating then your other guys follow. It helps create 2v1 situations.
>death metro computer
is this something that unlocks at some point? I don't know where it is in the waiting room
No you stupid fucking idiot.
That's what I'm saying
No, but you need to always be online to play.
When can I expand my bank? I've been sitting at 40k for a while because I don't like buying temporary tattoos and gear. I want my mushroom stew from the mushroom slut.
2 characters. 1 is maxed at 25 and the other is 22. I've made it to the 6th floor
It unlocks after defeating the first min boss, ''Coen''
T-thanks user
ty user
>wanted to level up a new character on floor 11
>get one shot like a bitch
Learned my lesson.
Once you beat Coen you can find a new balloon, find it and it'll explain.
Have a screenshot, user.
How the hell does the stamping actually work? I failed one even though I hit it with the correct color.
>correct color
Its only X. Try to hit it on the center to get the best stamp.
dont worry. That's going to happen on every floor because they designed the game so Haters power is based on your character grade not what floor you are on.
Level 50s will show up on the first floor with Machetes
>max sharp's mouth
Misunderstood your post. You press it on every circle.
>tfw Poo in loo and iceland is more important than scandinavia
Fuck bros. I'm losing it
I know how retarded this sounds, but I wish I had a PS4. This game looks fun, and a few others look alright too.
Tennessee represent.Fuck Memphis though.
I love the Let It Die viral marketing campaign
>not seeing the tits as soon as you encounter them
>f2p game comes out
>people discuss it
>viral marketing
Thanks, user. I already fucked up like an idiot, but thanks
>f2p games can't be shilled
What is your favorite class and weapon?
>Dark Souls+Persona+Manhunt+Suda51
I'm liking a lot so far.
I didn't even know chileans had internet or the economy for ps4s.
So how the fuck do I complete the "armor limit" quest? I completed the first floor killing everything in sight with no armor and went up to Imokawa, yet it doesn't give me the medal. Am I missing something?
So what's this about and what do you think of it? Yeah yeah, I hear it's f2p and I could just download it on my PS4 but I want to hear it from you.
if a hater kills something you automatically fail. So they are currently impossible to complete
If a hater kills an enemy it fails the mission.
Oh wait, actually I can't, fucking hell.
Can someone give me an update on the Alabama vs Tennessee war? I can't check for myself right now.
it's not even in Japan?
don't have you to clear two floors?
>can be shilled = all is shilling
Dark Souls style combat(more forgiving and arcadey) rougelike with a gigantic Persona 3 style evil tower to ascend. When someone dies they leave a phantom that shows up in other players world as an AI enemy. Lots of weapons and armor to find/craft. Lots of resources that you can buy on the store. MGSV style invasion system. You have a home base that can be invaded. Procedurely generated levels, but the enemy placement actually feels unique and provides challenge. Suda51 horror/japmeme aesthetic. I find it funny. Doesn't overplay itself like an american game with the same style would.
I enjoy it. I'm just waiting for f2p to hit me in the face. I'm 5 hours in so far, and 5 hours of enjoyment.
The fuck im a huefag and i can play it translated and all that...
Oh fuck that sucks.
I technically paid 10 dollars for this because of Comcasts shitty 1tb data limits. So far it's been worth it.
Suck a dick Comcast. I'm going to assassinate your CEO. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING FOR MORE DATA YOU COCKSUCKER
>I'm just waiting for f2p to hit me in the face.
It already is with the elevator costs and the wait times on crafting.
This is bullshit, it doesn´t list my region but i got the game