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Why'd you crop the rest of the review



>The cons are actually positives

>lack of direction leaves you lost

oh, so it's one of them (((reviews)))

>Not enough on-screen markers

kek casuals

This dude sounds like he sucked at the game.
Is this your review OP?


>lack of direction leaves you lost

>Basic button prompts persist to the end
Wait, really?

All games must be like ubisoft with a mapmarker everywhere, anytime.

"Occasional slowdown"

How the hell does this even happen? I get it in the PC market, since everyone's platform is different and you have to scale everything. But every PS4 is the same (until the pro, yeah yeah) so why would you not make sure the game always runs at 100%? "We know the hardware can't actually handle this, but it makes a good screenshot, so fuck it"?

is this the only review with legitimate cons?

10 years to make

But was it sublim?

>lack of direction leaves you lost
Muh handholding

It's hilarious how badly the Sony crowd NEEDS this to be good.


Known shippable friend, it has and always will be a part of gaming.

>backtracking is bad meme

>a walking game that has bad controls and bad camera
>a positive
You sound like those soulfags defending bugged collisions and long loading time.
You probably are.

>How the hell does this even happen?
The game was made in less than 2 years. It was only a few weeks old when they announced it a E3 (stock models and unity physics). Then it got gold this summer.

Not that guy, but Souls games have never had loading times on my SSD and it's only DS2 that had massive hit box issues. Have you ever played them? Because if we're making assumptions, you haven't.

post real review sites not (((((gaming journalist loser))))

>the next to score 6 in their reviews are GamingTrend and Slant Magazine


Also Daily Dot scored the same

I'm so fucking tired of blunder of the century shitposting.
You guys are already having a field day with FFXV, we don't need it to flood even more of the board with TLG.

Is it time for """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""reviewers"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" doing game """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""reviews"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?


>lack of direction leaves you lost
"""Professional""" video game """journalists""" everyone.

>sonytards wait 50 years for TLG
>turns out it's shit

my sides

>a simple puzzle game is too difficult

modern gaming journalism

>all these reviews complaining about getting lost


>"cons" are positives

>I can't find my way so it's bad

This. It's like IGN with Alien Isolation again.

>backtracking is bad

What is Resident evil 4 for 500?

Of Zelda does not score higher than TLG or even BB. Nintoddlers will be on suicide watch

it's probably gonna get an overall positive metacritic and a lot of 9s and 10s purely because of the narrative experience.
As a person who stands by reviews, I'm not gonna say reviews don't matter all of a sudden , I'm just sayin I'm not paying $79 (aus) for a 5 hour narrative experience.
If I want a short interactive narrative experience imma stick to rpgmaker, at least those games are free and quite honestly, probably better written.

consoles do not have custom hardware anymore, they use the same architecture of common computers, so while it's easier to program for them it's also easier to utilize all their hardware in chunks unless you program for a specific part of the hardware for years

last guardian began as a ps3 title, do not forget that

What's wrong with that review? It's true.

>As a person who stands by reviews

>Too much text
>Direct sequel that literally continues directly from a critical point in the previous game
>Too hard for newcomers to follow

You can dislike VNs all you want senpai but that shit is stupid. That's like getting angry when you jump into the middle of a movie and nobody is explaining who is doing what or why, then getting frustrated that it isn't ending as fast as you want it to.
It's like when you get dessert first while complaining that it's taking too long, then wondering why you never got the apps or main dishes.when it's over