Please, explain to me how this is the worst Dark Souls game again

Please, explain to me how this is the worst Dark Souls game again.

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>Ornifex not in Brightstone Cove Tseldora as well
Ya blue it

DS1 > DS2:SOFS > DS3

It takes a while to be able to Powerstance great hammers.

Dark Souls 2 is better than 3 at least.

so what, you dump like 8 points out of 120 during a game

>120 is max level
Fuck metafaggots

> slow gameplay so bad for button mashers
> the lore isn't as interesting as the others
> fast warp everywhere and at the beginning
> bosses are too easy
> too many swarms
> level designs are too video gamey (lava stage, snow stage, forest stage)

Not saying I'm one of those people, DS2 is one of my most played

That DaS1 image is wrong. You can't get back from the Abyss to New Londo Ruins without the bonfire.

it's not, retard, it's like an average for a new game
max level I think is 999

You are literally retarded.

> the lore isn't as interesting as the others
DS3 had way worse lore

No u, dipshit

>Four straight lines where you kill the strong soul of destiny so you can open a door and avoid having to climb a waist-high wall
It's shit

>defending a dumpstat

Also soul memory

>dump stat

Honestly i loved the video gamey level design. kept my interest more than das3 did for sure.

it's not, but truth is - the best one is the first Souls game you've ever played.

The rest lose the surprise cuz you already know half of the ropes

>Weakest intro
>Floaty animations
>Soul Memory
>Durability is shot
>Weak NPCs
>Weak lore contributions, heavily leaning on the original game instead of being its own thing
>Predominantly linear level design
>Nonsensical world design
>Bland environments
>Enemies strewn about everywhere instead of thoughtful enemy placement
>Enemies next to bonfires and NPCs
>Enemies with ridiculous tracking
>Forgettable bosses
>Bosses with bullshit tactics (Sif!Rat, Duke's Dear Freja)
>Starts off with branching paths only to funnel you down one route during the latter half
If it's not the worst Souls game, it's only competition is Dark Souls 3 (which I haven't played, but I know someone's gonna bring it up).

>only like 2 good main game bosses at best everything else is generic knight with sameish moveset or big easy boss
>Level design is trash past the first few areas
>Reskin bosses

That being said i like the PVE most out of any Souls game besides Bloodborne in terms of its core gameplay. Its just a fucking shame how trash the enemy/boss designs are outside of the DLC

PVP wise i enjoy DaS3/Bloodborne the most but i can see why people would like DaS2 PVP i just usually roll strength and unless you're a poise machine with great lances its kinda ass.

Its a crappy game and a crappy souls game but it has good core gameplay. Its in the same vein of MGSV where its alot of wasted potential. I like the branches mechanic though personally i feel like the limited amount of them makes a playthrough unique until you know which points are useless.

In terms of gameplay, it's the best in the series in my opinion. It has the best selection of bosses, and the best DLC (again, my opinion.) The problem is that Soul Memory makes online play damn near impossible which means Co-op and PvP is damn near nonexistent unless you purposely go out of your way to avoid killing things or you waste a ring slot on an agape ring which you can't get until near the end of The Lost Bastille.

There's also Adaptability, but that's not really an issue. The few points you put into that aren't going to affect your damage enough to even be noticeable unless you're so autistic you min max the M&Ms your mom puts in your lunchbox for school.

If you didn't get it the first thousand times you're beyond help.

The stats.
The gameplay
The movement
The immersion breaking wall
The boss fights.
the meme references
A sequel to das1 existing in the first place.

On pretty much every level whatever you care about the game was a disappointment
Except PvP I think
But those are essentially mobafags and they don't count as actual people.

>Bosses with bullshit tactics
>Royal Rat Vanguard
I agree Freja is pretty bullshit especially when it's possible to break it's fucking heads off and make it invincible, but Royal Rat Vanguard is a fucking cake walk. Literally all you do is stand beneath him and smack him in the legs until he dies. It takes no more than five minutes, max.

>the meme references
Name one. Not trolling either, I legitimately have no fucking clue what you're talking about because I have never seen a single meme in DaSII and I've played it pretty thoroughly.

The big guy himself is easy, the problem is the little guys.

If you don't have an answer to wiping them out immediately, they'll fuck you over and that's it.

"Welcome to Dark Souls" Achievement
"You will die over and over again"
References to Happy Solaire
(I am guessing I have to explain this one.
Happy Solaire is a meme. Both his storylines end really depression with the more likely one being him being mad and attacking you
They are referencing the meme idea of Solaire you see online on youtube and whatever and not the reality of him in the previous game

The death counter
The covenant that make the game harder
Both immersion breaking and referencing the "lol dark souls is for hardcore people"
Both give you way too much control over the world too.

If all that doesn' seem like pandering and masturbatory to you that is fine.

>Both his storylines end really depression with the more likely one being him being mad and attacking you
If you prevent him from going mad he joins you in the fight against Gwynn, presumably kindling the flame in his world

Adaptability is shit design. Soul memory is also bad.
Bad enemy placement. Shit like the lost bastillae bonfire where you've got three archers right next to it who aggro as soon as you leave it, or any room where they decide to make things a 'challenge' by putting 5+ enemies in the room.
Mostly shit bosses. Pretty much the entire 'Iron King Route' is bad. Overall, Too many bosses are either swarm encounters or 'big strong thing that hits hard but isn't that hard to dodge if you know what it's doing'.
Power stance was a nice concept, but I think that's part of what caused them to throw out level ups like candy on Halloween.

The game also shouldn't need a special expansionDLCpack to try and fix most of it's shittery.

DS2 isn't 0/10 worst game ever, but I'd rate it as the 'worst souls game' because DS3 at least has overall solid bosses. Even shit like the Pope and his Clergy work better than 'Prowling Magus', the most memorable of all souls bosses.

Dark Souls 2 has a lot of areas, but each area is boring an simple.
Dark Souls 3 doesn't have many areas, but they are huge and complex

Just compare any two areas from those games and look at the maps on the wiki

It's fun

>If you prevent him from going mad he joins you in the fight against Gwynn, presumably kindling the flame in his world
Yeah I know.
That one is also really depressing. He is not attacking you but he is still fairly depressed in Lost Izalith.

I have the most hours on it by far so it must be the best?

They have next to no health. Just fucking breath on them and go about your business.

I wish they would try the world design of das1 again.

I get that it costs a lot of budget and that the early level design of das1 is likely to blame for the later half being not finished but it was so good.

Maybe if they all stuck together, but they can do that or spread out, and they tend to spread out. They die in one hit, yeah, but any one of them so much as nicking you is enough to inflict toxic, and you've got a five second window to deal with all of them before the big guy joins in. It's RNG whether or not they cooperate and stick in easy-to-dispatch clusters, unless they patched that shit out (which would honestly be for the best).

How does one explain Dark Souls 1?
Was it an accident, a fluke?
Was it technology left behind by aliens?

How did they manage to create such perfect level design?
Why can't they do it again?

It has the worst balance and mechanics in the series. Its world also has the least amount of coherency, with many areas being "hurr durr" in their location.

I also don't buy into the "dark souls 3 is worse" meme thats constantly spouted here. DS3 wasn't great, and certainly relied too heavily on fanservice, but its nowhere near as poorly thought out and designed as DS2

>I also don't buy into the "dark souls 3 is worse" meme thats constantly spouted here.
Its the most recent game

The idea that Sup Forums has good taste is a meme.
Sup Forums was just accidentally right with hating das2 while the rest of the internet loved it.
Sup Forums hated BB because it was the most recent game
Sup Forums hates DaS3 now.

You got fooled into thinking this place isn't retarded after DaS2 came out

>such perfect level design
Only on paper, in the actual game it makes the world feel tiny.

In alot of ways. But the fact its only worthwhile bosses are DLC besides maybe Ves make it worse to me. DaS3 main game atleast has Nameless , Princes , Champion G and Pontiff which i enjoy more then anything in DaS2s shit fest besides Fume Knight

DaS2 is let down so badly by the fact most of its boss fights have like 2-3 moves and are stupid as fuck.

Demon's Souls had better level design.

Honestly I don't really like either of them that much but if I had to choose between the two I would pick DS2.
DeS and DS1 are still my go-to, I just wish people still played them since multiplayer is totally dead especially for the former.

>How did they manage to create such perfect level design?
Half the fucking areas are just long ass corridors.

>Perfect level design
>Dukes/Crystal Cave are trash
>Tomb of the Giants is alright at best
>Hell is fucking trash as fuck and has the worst array of bosses ending with Bed of RNG

Played DaS1 and its DLC for the first time recently and holy fuck people weren't joking. Anor Londo/Sens are great but fuck the game goes straight into the trash besides New Londo Ruins in the second half.

Besides Gwyn and the DLC second half bosses are also kinda trash.

Bloodborne will still be my favorite besides of Ludwig/Orphan and the DLC level design. The main game is good too despite the second half being easy as fuck level design didn't fall through the floor like other games.

I also like it the most because its fast and feels almost like a limited action game. The only way other Souls games feel anything close is when using a dex build and that is just because you can hit bosses more then once without worrying about being in recovery.

its not, its just some ppl overreacted to changes at the release.

It plays like shit. It has no level design. All the bosses are creatively bankrupt and feature half-assed movesets. Enemies are mediocre. All sound effects are high pitched shit that gets on your nerve within seconds.

I would've mentioned Bloodborne but people tend to get triggered when you bring it up in a Souls thread.
BB has some of my favorite bosses in the entire series and by far my favorite environment design. I also like the faster paced combat, reminds of me games like Devil May Cry.

Bed of Chaos was the first time in a long fucking time I had to go online and figure out how to beat it. Not what to do to kill it, that shit was obvious, but how to get past all it's fucking nonsense. Half the time I went in it was already shitting fire on me before I was even half way down the slide or swiping me into a hole before I could even recover from the drop.

>It plays like shit

Disagree here. In terms of combat its better then DaS2. Its just got nothing to test it on worth while. Everything else you said is true which makes the control/combat improvements pointless.

I actually enjoy lifegems/estus not instantly healing it forced people to play really really well on the few bosses like Allone/Fume/Sihn worthwhile to get a heal.

I did kinda hate how its obvious AI knows to sprint in full speed during healing making the timings to find it feel gay as fuck and forcing you to take a heal rather then punish.

First post best post. When you have a stat that's dedicated to nothing but "dump here to unfuck your roll" then there's a problem. And even if it didn't fundamentally break a game mechanic, they were too goddamned lazy to actually animate a slower roll so you're instead hit by an attack that your character model had clearly escaped from.

Soul memory, ADP, durability, bland level design, downgraded lighting, lazy repeating textures, pushover bosses for the most part, forgettable music except for majula, sir alonne, and ruin sentinels, the plot feels shoehorned, the last bosses were awful,

That said its my favorite souls game because the combat mechanics are better than any of the other souls games, viable build variety is unmatched, bonfire ascetics, all the DLCs are great, PvP is in fact the most balanced, the covenants were more interesting, smoother movement, the harder bosses are actually challenging, and tons of unique weapons.

The inconsistency of the areas in the world is a shit argument. Every game does this to an extent including Dark Souls 1 which you faggots jerk off about the most. Did people really just get on the elevator to Iron Keep and have an autistic fit when their immersion was broken?

Bed of Chaos killed me 7 times trying to make jumps before i got it. I died once to Manus/three to Stray Demon and three times to Gwyndolin.

I one shot every other boss including Art/OnS first playthrough. Because honestly shields and poise are just too good in DaS1. Oh i died to Seathe once. But holy fuck the Bed of Chaos made me really upset.

That two minute walk back to try again i honestly will never do that shit without the firebomb trick again.

Ludwig is one of the funnest fights in the game.

>Make the jump
>It can still shit out fire pillars on you while you're trying to get to break the branches and get to the bug

>The inconsistency of the areas in the world is a shit argument. Every game does this to an extent including Dark Souls 1 which you faggots jerk off about the most. Did people really just get on the elevator to Iron Keep and have an autistic fit when their immersion was broken?
So you figured the worst example and even mentioned it and you realized how stupid it was but if people draw the line there they are just "autistic"
You are a meme user.

>not abusing iframes


>No Man's Wharf
Holy shit, did they predict No Man's Sky?

The only thing that makes DaS better than DeS is ladder speed.

Attunement also gives Agility. Lets say you go 50 Attunement, you have to put like 5~7 points into Adaptability to have 100 Agility.

Also no carry weight limit and farmable regen items.

you can get two UGS swings before you have to roll and have a half second recovery before you can act again with 33 stam

There are farmable health items though?

BB > DaS1 > DaS3 > DeS >>> DaS2

You have good taste user.

It's not. BB is. Bought it during black Friday and I'm fucking mad I got memed on.

>farmable regen items.

Reminder that, in order to enter the castle, you have to slay the 4 most powerful monsters in the land or amass a huge amount of souls because a small pile of rubble blocks the only other path.

What? No.

They didn't. It's not worth engaging any of the big bosses because the levels around them blow. You have Nito, where you run in a straight line through pitch black. You have Seath, where you run in a straight line over invisible platforms. You have 4kids, who flips the script by having a fairly good area surrounding his shitty gimmick arena. And then you have the bed of chaos, which I feel speaks for itself.

There's a reason that "quit after Anor Londo" caught on.

Humanities dude

Oh, right. Not comparable to grass anyway and no one used it for healing before getting into PvP bullshit.

Yeah, but I'm not a semen slurping sorcerer tho. Pure melee or bust.

Oh and how much more refined and well rounded the game feels you mean? Clear, masterfully done animations, the evolution in leveldesign. The bossfights. They never captured it again after DaS1. They could only reproduce and enhance it once.

I did

>World inter-connectivity chart
>Only interconnect is from Cardinal Tower to Lost Bastille

>Oh, right. Not comparable to grass anyway
Yeah it is a lot worse.
It gives you full life.

Its tied as shitty game with shitty controls with all the other release.

I remember rat drop rates being pretty bad even with 10 humanity.

I don't get DS3 at all. DS2 was obviously casualized for a mainstream audience and it makes sense that they'd continue that trend with DS3 but then you have Bloodborne which is about on par with DS1 in terms of world inter-connectivity.

>and no one used it for healing
And I didn't farm grass to get through DeS.
I could've though

The argument that people don't use it because estus is more convenient doesn't change the fact that Humanity was just as bad as grass.

Compared to New Moon grass?

>no one used it for healing


But even if this were the case, then it means removing grass was an irrelevant change.

The only time a player in Dark Souls would not need to heal using humanity is if they took little damage. And if they were good at avoiding damage, they wouldn't need to abuse infinite grass.

Soul memory

Is so close to a good idea.
Just make it spend souls only. Exclude consumables

its perfect.

>not finished
Enough of this meme. What do you mean not finished? It was finished just not as good as the first half. The worst was the copy and paste taurus demons.

Lost Izalith seems finished to you?

-Total soul cost of everything in your inventory.
-Store irrelevant stuff in the bottomless chest.
-Everything has a soul cost, even if it cannot be bought.
-Consumables assume you're holding the maximum amount which depends on the type of consumable like Dark Souls 3 (otherwise you'd have to tediously micromanage how many you're carrying).
-Allow players to lower their soul level instead of respeccing entirely.

>"dump here to unfuck your roll"

and then you can make your roll even better, in case you wanted to play retard mode
>boohoo this makes the game haaaard!!

Saying they're unfinished is giving them the benefit of the doubt. If we assume that Lost Izalith, Dukes Archives, Crystal Caves, etc. are actually what they intended the final product to look like then we would be forced to admit they are hacks.

The level design is only good up till anor londo. World design is top notch though and they havent been able to recreate that.
Both DaS3 and BB have great level design with shortcuts and connectivity within itself but the world is not as connected as DaS1. Much more linear and shit.

What's unfinished about it? It's a large area what did they not have time to add? It's just shit. Maybe unfinished in that they didnt spend time to make it good I guess

That makes sense

It's fine to think that, but I have this sneaking suspicion that if you were to list the points that make those areas seem
or so bad that the developer's are confirmed 'hacks' if it is their final product, will be completely laughable because I'm on Sup Forums

There are literal textures missing before the boss fight.
Not something you have to look for.

The level design is horrible.
The enemy placement is random.
The enemy design is a joke
The boss is the worst in the series.

The fuck are you saying it is not unfinished.?

What else do you think happened? They all went to a vacation and let the office retard do every part of the Lost Izalith design?

The areas aren't unfinished, they're just kind of designed to be shit most of the time.
Ascetically pleasing at times, though. Mostly their use of backdrops.

In reality, Kaathe would have been the one to take you back.