Now that the dust has settled, how would you rate the series from best to worst?
Now that the dust has settled, how would you rate the series from best to worst?
BB > DeS > DaS > DaS 3 > DaS 2
Dark Souls 2 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3
Haven't played Demon's
I prefer DS2 because of the PvP. It's perfect. Bloodborne because it has the best PvE, atmosphere and lore in the series, Dark Souls because of the amazing gameplay and interconnected world, and Dark Souls 3, while still a good GAME, is extremely bland and boring for the most part and unlike DS2 it doesn't have the perfect PvP to save it from that.
2 > 1 > 3
Never played Demon/Bloodborne.
Anyone that puts Bloodborne first has shit taste.
Anyone that puts Dark Souls 2 last has shit taste.
Anyone that puts Demon's below DS2, BB or DS3 has shit taste as well.
Anyone that doesn't put Dark Souls 3 last has shit taste.
So, tell me, with these clues in mind, what list doesn't have shit taste?
DS > Demon's > DS2/BB > BB/DS2 > DS3
BB > DaS >>> DS3 > DS2
Don't have a PS3.
Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Demon's Souls
DaS3 > DaS2
And there we have it!
DS1>Bloodborne w/ DLC>DS3>DeS>BB w/o DLC>DS2
das2 pvp was and is trash
and finally this
DeS > BB > DaS >>>>>>>>>> a pile of dog shit >>>>>>>> DaS 2
Haven't played DaS 3.
DaS1 > BB = DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
DaS1 still feels like one of the most creative and interesting game in the series. While others may have beaten its world or its gameplay, none have combined them in the same way. DaS1 is one of the few games where, as another poster put it once, you can talk about fantastical, bullshit sounding game/world mechanics that are actually true. That feeling is so rare that I can't help but to love DaS1 despite its issues.
BB and DeS are both very high for me due to their atmosphere. Both have fantastic worlds and themes. Although their gameplay may not be as polished in some areas, their worlds are awesome. DaS3 has some great ideas, but feels like a sequel to DaS1 in that it just does more of the same. Not necessarily improving on it, and in some ways being less interesting because of that. It doesn't take any risks or do anything particularly amazingly. It's just good. Not bad or mediocre, just good.
DaS2 is just a mess. From the perspective of PvP it may be good, but I don't care about that at all. To me Souls has always been about exploring the world and fighting bosses, both of which were let downs in DaS2. The biggest flaw for me though was the world. What wasn't grey and unfinished, was uninspired. What wasn't a giant sign referencing DaS1, was basic fantasy ideas. In any other series, DaS2 would be heralded as a fucking brilliant game. But it's up against others who have done much more interesting things with gameplay, world designs, lore, and writing.
SotFS improved it vastly though. The DLC was trash filled with mindless concrete/brick corridors leading to mostly disappointing bosses. But some of the changes to the base game really helped. Still doesn't fix everything, but I appreciated the work.
Shit taste
Really don't understand all the new hate for DaS3, I loved it. Fantastic atmosphere, good story, great bosses, and the movement felt so fluid.
Ranking goes:
B-but the puzzle said
haven't played demon souls but
DS1 had the best pvp
Bloodborne had the best pve
DS1 and BB>DS3>DS2
BB > DS1 > DES > DS3 > DS2
1, BB, 3, Demons, 2
Bloodborne = NioH > DaS1 > Let It Die >>>>>>> DaS3 > DaS2
used to be all about demons souls=dark tied but honestly none of them reach the levels of fun that bloodborne is. demons still has the best levels in the series though
DaS1 > BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2
BB > DeS > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2
More like Fact...ually incorrect.
>Higher than anything
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Fun PvP covenants that were unique
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
Dark Souls 2:
>Hey you know, I feel like doing some PvP. I'll hit the arenas.
>Hey I beed a break from the arenas, I'll hit the fight club at Iron Keep bridge.
>Hey I'm bored of the fight clubs, I'll do some red invades.
>Well red invades aren't very fun, I keep invading noobs just trying to play through the PvE. I can see why people like it but it's not my thing.
>I'll go stand in Belfy Luna and invade and get invaded and earn Ore while I'm at it.
>Time to take a break from Luna, let's go to Sol.
>Ahhh, I'm tired of this too, let's blue invade all over the world.
>This is fun, I get to PvP all over the game, and I get to punish people for invading noobs.
>look at bonfire map, see several outline indicators displaying which areas have the most players in them atm
>Go stand in those areas with delicate string and dried finger active
>Periodically get invaded in between blue invades
>Fighting all over the game, wherever I want, punishing sinners, drawing sinners to my world, whenever I get bored of one style of PvP I go back to doing arenas, fight clubs, bell tower, etc.
Dark Souls 3:
>Hey you know, I feel like doing some PvP
>wow they really limited the PvP this time around...
>I guess I'll fight club?
>well that got boring fast, I guess I'll blue invade and punish sinners?
>oh, that doesn't exist anymore, I guess I'll dried finger and wait to be invaded?
>oh, I can't because I've already cleared the game and you can't be invaded after you've cleared the area
>Well I guess I'll red invade... oh wow it's a 1v4 and each enemy rolls behind his three teammates and chugs the moment I land one blow on him episode...
Dark 1
Dark 3
Dark 2
I'm not really sure whether to have 3 and 2 be switched but they're the only ones I couldn't muster the will to finish because of how disgustingly bored I was of by them.
anyone who puts DeS first needs to take off their nostalgia goggles
They mailed in the last third of the game.
Dark Souls 3:
>Member Artorias? here's abysswatchers!
>Member Oolacile and blightown? Here they are in one area!
>Member Pinwheel? Here he is as a sage, twice!
>Member congregation? Here it is even worse!
>Member Bloodborne? Here's a entire village with copy-pasted bloodborne assets.
>Member the catacombs? Here's some more catacombs
>Member Izalith? Here it is with some of the exact same enemies
>Member Black Knights?
>Member Silver Knights?
>Member AnorLondo?
>Member Darkmoon invasions? Haha just kidding, theres no BEO
>Member Gwyndolin? here he is.
>Member Priscilla? Heres a QT 3.14 version of her.
>Member Yuria the witch? Here's a copy of her.
>Member Tower of Latria? Here's the same level
>Member Giant Lord and Storm King? Here a fight with both of them!
>Member the Hellfire Drake? Here's two drakes!
>Member Ornstein?
>Member the Astral Clocktower from TOH?
>Member Kiln of the First FLame?
>Member all this shit from the last two games with hardly any new items or equipment added to the game?
I consider BB and DaS above it but honestly it was a really solid game. A bit esoteric and obtuse perhaps but on my very recent replaying of the whole series DeS held up very well for being the first game in the series.
Start game
>Remember Oscar, who gave you your first Sippy? Look at this corpse who gives you your blue Sippy! :D
>Remember DaS2 Shrinemaiden?
>Remember Andre?
>Remember Siegmeyer?
>Remember Oscar, haha jk that's just Anri :D
>Remember Big Hat Logan?
>Remember Kirk?
>Remember Patches?
>Remember Sif?
>Remember Stray Demon?
>Remember the four Great Lords?
>Remember Artorias?
>Remember Ash lake?
>Remember Throne of Want?
>Remember Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins?
>Remember Quelaag
>Remember Quelaana/Fair Lady?
>Remember Creighton?
>Remember Smough?
>Remember the Llwewyn Knights?
>Remember Silver Knights shooting arrows at you?
>Remember Anor Londo?
>Remember Gywndolin?
>Remember Things Betwixt?
>Remember Storm Ruler?
>Remember Seathe?
>Remember Ciaran?
>Remember the Duke's Archives?
>Remember Sens?
>Remember Drakebloods?
>Remember Ornstein?
>Remember Havel?
>Remember Gwyn?
End game
wew lad
>all this hot copy pasta
I wasn't a huge fan of DaS3 either but jesus fuck at least make an attempt at oc you faggots.
As opposed to DaS that recycles the same boss fight 20 times with slightly different terrain?
BB > Das > DeS = DaS3 > 2
>Remember Patches
alright user it's time to stop
DeS/DaS > DaS 2 > BB > DaS 3
fuck you tbqh
Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls II > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls
>Expert on topic
>puts the worst game as best
Literally name 5 fucker. DaS had good variation if they were not a bit easy.
Swap DS1 and DS3 and you're right
Kill yourself faggot.
All of the demons except centipede.
>They mailed in the last third of the game.
Didn't stop anyone from claiming DS1 as their favorite 2bh
why are there so many underage on Sup Forums who think BB was the best? it wasn't
>i like old shit with fucked up and slow combat because it was the first i've played xd
Fuck off, retarded nostalgia cock suckers.
>slow is bad
t.adhd gotta go fast retard
>Slow Combat
Faster than DS3 and DS2 tho
>Fucked Combat
Say that to II's Hitboxes and III's entire magic system
>I'm angry the only game I have for PS4 is Bloodborne, so I need to shill it constantly
at least someone got it right
That's only 3 of the same archetype though. Asylum/Stray/Fire. Taurus and Capra had shitty placement in ruins but they weren't rehashes just the standard trope of early bosses becoming regular enemies to make the player's progression in the game stand out more.
I like DS1 combat more but if you think that it's faster than DS3 you're fucking retarded.
I have only a PC and never played DeS or BB.
Absolutely wrong
Bloodborne > Demon Souls > Dark souls > Dark souls 3 > Dark souls 2
Both taurus and capra are literally the same as some non-boss enemies.
So those bosses are rehashed in the game, just not rehashed with boss health bars or fog walls.
>Dark Souls 3 Combat
Waddle around the bosses while they slowly circle around you and sometimes make a lunge attack
Spam-Roll until one of you runs out of stamina and mash R1, occasionally cast a spell or use your special attack. (All special attacks are worthless buffs that take 10 seconds")
real fast shit here huh
u have shit taste
This is objectively correct tho why is the thread still going???
Haven't played Memeborne
First half of Dark Souls = Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Demon Souls > Second Half of Dark Souls >>>>>>>>>>Dark Souls 2
Have you never played an rpg that has early bosses become enemies? Rehashing is 100% what happened with Asylum/Stray/Fire. It's the same boss but with an aoe. Using Capra and Taurus as enemies isn't rehashing bosses; it might be rehashing assests but it isn't that obscure of a design choice to turn early game 'bosses' into regular enemies to display how much the player has grown in ability/stats.
DeS > DaS > DaS 2 > BB > DaS 3
Objectively correct.
It's rehashing bosses - they're exactly the same except put in different places without boss heal bars or dedicated boss areas.
In fact, they're even *more* rehashed than asylum/stray/fire because, instead of just incredibly minor differences in move sets, their move sets are *IDENTICAL*.
You've been named five.
I like DaS alot. But you should've said "name 6" instead.
DeS best atmosphere
DaS best world design
DaS2 best replay value best pvp
DaS3 best nostalgia bait
BB best sound track
This is correct. Only pcucks say otherwise
I guess in the terms I stated you did name five rehashed enemies, fair enough. I never really considered Taurus and Capra as egregious in rehashing like Asylum/e.t.c.. Fair enough man. Name 7 (seven). For real though I don't feel like DaS was nearly as aggressive as the rest of series following it so the complaint about rehashed bosses just seems to fall flat for it.
Aslyum Demon
Stray Demon
are the only recycled bosses
bosses becoming mobs doesn't equate to it being additional boss fights
else we conclude that ruin sentinels is copy pasted 8 times in DaS2 because 3 in the boss room and 5 in drangelic
Fucking this.
It wasn't as aggressive, aye.
Ruin sentinels *are* literally rehashed throughout DS2.
They may not be rehashed *as bosses*, but they are *rehashed bosses* in that the *bosses themselves are rehashed* within the game.
All of them are good to great games bar DaS2. SOTFS made the game even shittier, somehow.
DeS, DaS, BB
Not Worthwhile:
DaS2 (apparently the dlc makes it worthwhile but fuck paying them more just to not get a shit game.)
Dark Souls>Bloodborne=Demon's Souls>Dark Souls 3>Dark Souls 2
Anyone who has actually played the entire series will have the exact same ranking.
He's not really saying they were rehashed specifically as bosses, just that they were a boss and were reused as an asset. So while they don't bloat the pool of boss fights they're still rehashed in the game itself.
You do the same thing in DS1. Except in DS3 you can get even more attacks off because of how short the recovery time is.
Yes. What you just described is fast. I never argued that DS3 PvP is good, because it's not, but it sure as fuck is faster than DS1 PvP.
>actually played the game
>ranks des below bb
>ranks das2 last
You should probably play the games yourself before memeing buddy.
>Bloodborne and Demon's are in the same series as Dark
Fuck off with this meme.
Demon's Souls is the second most overrated game in the franchise, with Dark Souls taking first place. Bloodborne is by far the actual best game in the series.
>calls des/das overrated
>calls the most overrated game the best game in the series
I want to like Bloodborne more than I do but I can't help feeling like the base game (haven't played the DLC) is a bit too easy without either doing a meme build or purposefully hampering myself.
Once you figure out the beastblood>weapon buff>L1/R2 to build meter>r1 spam combo almost everything goes down pretty fast, or outright turns into a joke if it staggers easily. And the bosses have so much health that it feels like a chore to fight without it.
You played the chalice dungeons senpai?
Try those.
I haven't played a lot of them, but the majority of deaths I had in that game were to chalice bosses that I was probably fighting while underleveled, and that one fucker that rekt Eileen.
Play the DLC and pull that shit on Ludwig, I dare you.