hey uhh what did they mean by this?
Hey uhh what did they mean by this?
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>hey uhh what did they mean by this?
what did he mean by this?
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>what did he mean by this?
what did this user mean by this?
It means the author of the article wants the last of us 2 to be super gay judging from what they have already seen.
>That last bit
I'll take "Shit that never happened" for 500, Alex.
>what did this user mean by this?
what did this hot girl mean by this?
I hope The Last of Us Part II is super gay, too. It'd be perfect for PS4 owners.
>internet makes cucking a huge thing
>Turns out women are just masturbating to gays or trying to become hags.
Fo real
Poor testerbro
I feel his pain
What is "Shit that never happened", Alex?
seriously, what did they mean by this
Google pulled up a meme site.
>But it's already looking kind of queer.
GAY series for gays tbhfam.
I'm down with female protags, I like Ellie. I just hope they become better written as time goes on.
Wait a fucking second. I could have sword there was a thread on Sup Forums with that exact same title earlier today.
Are they fucking testing their headlines here or what?
The first one was pretty gay, so I expect nothing less.
It means I want Ellie to have a cute relationship with another gir what's wrong with that?
>with another gir
What did he mean by this?
You know, like from invader zim
>another gir
it means I'm typing on my phone[spolier]
That part the tester sounds too hilarious to be real
>Anonymous 12/05/16(Mon)22:36:52 No.359778879▶
> (OP)
> seriously, what did they mean by this
So is she TRYING to make the human race go extinct by fucking around with black lesbians instead of having children with her father figure
>A lesbian identity—folksy, tough, working class—
So basically all lesbians have to possess masculine traits? I thought feminism was all against these stereotypes and the masculine presence?
I remember when vice used to be kind of interesting like 5 years ago
Yeah that's thing about feminism empowering women to them means becoming men not being better women
Yeah fuck off
Ironically all this getting triggered over masculinity has destroyed femininity instead as female sexuality has become sexist.
>looking kind of queer
How is a bloody girl singing while surrounded by bloody dead bodies queer?
>Implying Ellie never had a penis all along.
Except when they're in DoA.
When did it become okay to call people queer?
>All this spooks
Stop listening what feminists say. They don't even agree with each other.
It was her manly hands, the tattoo, and playing guitar. Those are queer traits when it comes to women.
Clickbait is big business
come on man, it's the "q" in "lgbtq"
, we NEED this don't you undersand? LGBTQ were vunerable enough without a literal Nazi in the white house.
You're complaining that a video game caters to us? We're going to need all the support to survive the next four years. Do you know how many trans folk have already commited suicide? PLS BE MORE SUPPORTIVE?!
coulda sworn that was a sandwich or some shit
Except that they don't want DICKS and the fact that lesbians are the most boring thing ever.
The last of us had a perfect gay character, it's dlc did not.
dude it totally happened
for real
Here it is.
Seems more like a cyclic thread to generate "buzz" full of shills and newfags taking the bait.
you're thinking of the BLT, one of the most god-tier inventions of all time
a movie about a pair of lesbians on the run from the milling zombie horde
we'll call it
blanc & neptune versus zombies
>He will trump the SJW
Thanks for proving you're a joke of a news company again Vice.
I thought the Q was for Questioning.
>picks up acoustic guitar
>doesn't poorly play wonderwall
fucking dropped
They cannot reproduce, so they do harm when the human race is close to extinction.
>gaymers are thismcucked they literally allow (((game developers))) to fuck them over
Keep it up, you fucking goyim!
Virtue signalling is the worst thing
Based testerbro, holy shit
It actually was originally for people into quicksand porn
And this is why tlou sucks as a game. These stupid writers that force their propaganda into everything. Is it too much to ask for a simple story? They're telling stories about the end of the word and they have to have faggots everywhere.
It means you shouldn't read articles by Austin Coon Walker and Patcuck Klepek
I'm done with Naughty Dog.
Uncharted 1-3 were great and the characters were fun.
Last of Us is when everything went to shit but it was still a somewhat enjoyable game.
>We're breaking down so many boundaries people, never before has there been a GAY. FEMALE. PROTAGONIST. EVER
>Of course gamers have a history of hating those ideas and will naturally be against it.
It'll probably be too focused on murderdeathkilling the group that kills Joel in the prologue to have ND shoehorn any fuckery in. I'm still leaving the idea open Druckmann will surprise us though.
I am not a girl, I've never been in love with a black girl, I'm not gay, and it's been a long time since I've been 12 years old. But this is one of the best experiences of LGBT relationships I know of in gaming. But it's not enough to sit back and play through it and not think on it further. The reason this is as rewarding as it is is because this helps inform us of who Ellie is as a person. This relationship she had was central to her life before Joel and Tess, and by the end of the game, it's this relationship that she mentions to try and express her deeper self to him when she asks for the truth. The heart of her arc is how she hates to be alone. And The Last of Us was a complete game before this DLC got released...but to fully appreciate who Ellie is, you have to imagine how it must have been to be her, to be in love with another girl, to lose her, and how that weighs on her for the entire game.
It just means if theres going to be any rape, it should be man on man rape
the last of us
boring gameplay
boring story
why is it liked
woowee, forgot about that game. How is fear effect 2 compared to 1?
things Sup Forums thinks
appeals to the masses
The story isn't boring just generic and clinched
>I hope the last of us 2 is super gay
>its already looking pretty fucking queer
imagine if it was 2004
Seriously, everything about it is just so dull. I mean, it's put together and presented well, and that's about it.
I think it's a decent game, but it wasn't a very memorable experience.
If you don't buy the "games art art" drivel, you only see the game, and all of the ND games of the past 10 years are 6/10 at best. Skip all the scenes, only play the game and try to dispute this.
>le stealth sektions mit the fungimen
Not much better than Shadow of Rome.
I guarantee they still wont give you any female enemies to kill though
Feminists are only against stereotypes that they don't agree with. And, as we all know, anything they don't agree with is the work of the jews.
Hot lesbian action
so who gives a shit
I don't understand you guys. How can you be posters on this web site and claim that what he's describing in that comment could never have happened when you're surrounded by people who make literally exactly that comment in different words about all kinds of games all the time? You don't even have to look further than the exact comment you're replying to, there are other anons right alongside you calling the tester "based."
It's like you sit around shouting something forever and then one of you tests a game and the dev comments on what he was shouting, you all abruptly stop shouting it and go "lol no one would ever say that." Fucking nuts.
What does he mean by this?
>Chastise loliconfags and Japan stonewalling any attempts to ban it for years on end
>literally exactly that comment in different words
>Does that affect or change anything? No? Cool, that's different. Yeah, let's do it.
This is so fucking backward. You make a character female or male because it fits the character, because it fucking changes something and adds to the character.
All these fucking idiots whine about how they need their identity preserved, that someone's gender identity or whatever is an important part of who they are and then spout shit like this that flies right in the face of that idea.
Because there's a huge fucking difference between something that pisses someone off enough to post something anonymously online and something that pisses someone off to the point they overcome their crippling social anxiety and actually say something to another human individual.
I do
remember, its feminism only when it's convenient! strok powerful womyn! but only when we railroad the player character into being them, killing them is sexist too
it pissed me off in the first game too actually that
1: there were no female scavengers
2: there were no child mushrooms
3: you mean to tell me you can find guns and ammo laying around but can't find a fucking knife anywhere?
it's not a believable world
I hope Ellie fucks Joel.
As a white male, I personally don't really care much for playing as white males, specifically because I feel a disconnect that takes me out of it. Sure I'm a white male, and so is the character, but when said character doesn't react to things the same way I would, it takes me out of it.
I just recently realized that when given a character creator, I always make a black male or a woman.
No no no, my dear user. I'm afraid YOU have it backwards. You see, when a character isn't changed by being a lesbian black transgender muslim, you go for it and make that change for the sake of diversity and progress. Because that's what 2016 is all about. Shoehorning in minorities to fill a fucking quota.
This may prove too much for you to handle but the truth is that there are actually a lot of human beings in the world who don't have crippling social anxiety.
>WAYPOINT.VICE.COM : "I hope TLOU2 is super gay"
>VICE: "Same."
Is this samefagging?
Also what about TLOU looks queer? I don't get it
hey uhh what did (You) mean by this?
>hire focus tester
>he dislikes it
>"Wow, how sexist. I'm glad he's gone."
SJW shit is only a problem with nongames