Now that the free trial ended, what's your honest opinion on TitanFall ?

Now that the free trial ended, what's your honest opinion on TitanFall ?

It was kinda fun, wasn't that beautiful but not ugly neither.

Titans are kinda fun, need some skills to be effective, for sure.

TTK is too low, it's mostly the first who spot the ennemy who wins.

Almost bought the game, but then I realised I mostly enjoyed the 24/7 Angel City mode, and that not enough for me to spend my money.


A solid FPS multiplayer experience. I didn't play tf1 (although I've seen it and my roommate was obsessed with it) or play single player (I hear that is great) but this one was a decent experience that keeps you wanting to play through the skinner box merit system but by no means is a fantastic new experience.


I really enjoyed it

Maybe that's because I didn't play COD for 5 years


Are you literally retarded?

i mean ea
same shit anyway

You must be the most retarded person in your area.

I felt bad killing free weekenders

>implying this game is hard to masterise.

Free weekenders are mostly HUEHUE and cyka blyats, that's why they were so bad.

this so much, I'm not exceptionally good at FPS or anything but I've never dumpster'd players so hard.

They dont even get to play the tutorial.

I feel bad people paid money for TF2

this so much

It's pretty meh, the player base is pretty dead and I wish it had more vertical gameplay like TF1.


5k players on a free weekend, that's why

It was alright, i probably wont buy it though.
The combat and traversal is a straight upgrade from titanfall 1, that stuffs great. But the titan hud is pretty shitty and the map design is leagues behind titanfall 1
7/10 shooter

You mean 15k?

and that's supposed to be big ?

Then why are you losing?

Not half as good as Sup Forums makes it to be.

60 hours in and I'm having ton of fun.
It was really worth it, the best FPS with Siege to me.

probably bigger than whatever subreddit you come from

It's a pretty close game, I think they're teams pretty evenly matched.

He is not focused.

All they did was publish it. Respawn was the one that created it with no other strings attached to EA than publishing.

If anything, the only shit thing that EA did was publish Titanfall 2 after Battlefield 1.

5/10, i didn't download a multiplayer to play shoot bots.