9 years in development
No one is hyped that's finally here?
9 years in development
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No now fuck off, I'll get it once it goes on sale.
Too little, too late. Aged like a hot shit.
i'd love to play it but i don't ps4 yet
When they don't market it, you know it's bad.
I will play it, but seeing that everyone that reviewed it is saying it's average I don't have high hopes that it will be anywhere near a classic but I'll probably still enjoy it.
nah, it's a shitty interactive experience instead of a real game like SotC was
I heard it was meh at best. I guess it's a good thin they didn't duke nukes it after so long but still, they hype was too much and I don't think it even lived up to half of what was expected.
Also this. I'm only recently hearing about this shit, I can only assume most people don't know shit about it esp. Right after they had the big last of us and uncharted reveals. Who the fuck would be talking about this game now?
i'm hyped, bitch
Ai don't have a PS4 yet, so why hype at all?
>60 dollars for an 8 hour game with no replayability
no thanks, I waited 10 years I can wait for a sale
Shit hasn't been in development for that long, has it?
How fucking useless.
If you don't have a PS4, then why even reply?
Haven't even bought a bloodborne machine yet.
I'm getting close to buying one. but the fact that I have to pay a monthly fee to use it is a massive turn off. Like I can't just buy it and let it rot on my shelf and then 5 month's after i've played it's 3 games if I decide I wanna mess around with bloodborne for a bit I have to commit to it fully by subscribing for a month.
What time is it realeasing in the PSN store? I might do some dumb shit and spend $80 that I dont have.
to show excitement does exist for the game. i will soon buy a ps4 for this game and upcoming hot hits like death of us 2 and stranding
It's a game with virtually nothing interesting barring a setting they've teased for almost an actual decade and is currently getting only mildly positive reception.
Pretty much this.
Because indiefags on Steam beat them to the punch
Do it. Impulsivity always wins.
that's Last Stranding, you fuck
Usually it's as soon as the PSN store updates, right?
>9 years in development
Well if we have learned anything over the years, a really stupidly long development period definitely makes for a great and successful game.
Trico's dumb as shit.
I have a PS4 and I really don't give a shit. This thing is like 8 years late.
>Guys TLG!
>Actually not
>Guys TLG!!
>Actually not
>(repeat this like 5 times)
>Guys TLG!!
>How come you aren't hyped
Retardation has a limit.
Plus if we have learned anything about development hell is that it ends up in SHIT, plus nowadays the kind of niche games like this would fill are more than filled by the indie market.
I always thought this game looked like it was gonna be bad ever since they first showed it off. Now that It's come out to mostly alright to meh reviews I feel somewhat vilified.
If there's a silver lining in this at all, it's probably gonna sell well regardless and now Team Ico can finally move the fuck on and maybe actually make another masterpiece this time around.
Well, mainly because I do what I want, faget.
I was hyped, years ago. But honestly? The finished product looks like shit.
watched some streams and its a very atmospheric game, but has a tendency for getting stuck in stuff.. lots of potential for bugs
The reviews make it sound exactly like Ico and Colossus. Neither of those games were amazing or perfect - they were interesting games with unique art styles and some very questionable and shoddy game mechanics. Overall they were still worth playing though.
Dawww is this the first meme you fell for OP :3
You need to be 18 to post here.
>You will never be swallowed by Trico
>The reviews make it sound exactly like Ico and Colossus.
Except Colossus played extremely well and didn't force you to deal with shitty AI. It ran like shit but it was also released back in times when people didn't care half as much about FPS.
Yeah but those good points outshined all the clunky parts about those games and made people love them. It just doesn't seem to be the case with this one, especially when large portions of the game are built on relying on shoddy AI.
Maybe I'll pirate it if it ever comes to PC, seems like a pretty boring game
>Sup Forums suddenly doesn't like team ico
reminder that SotC is one of the best games ever made
the horse though
I love ICO and SotC, this game not being great doesn't change that, they just made a not-great game this time around that consumed their lives for like 10 years and probably should have been canceled because it was built on a frustrating-sounding concept gameplay-wise but they stuck with it now we finally have it in all its mehness.
It's not about not liking team ico, it's about everything pointing this to be bad.
When a game has been in development for such a long time and it has the expectations this has and still gets lukewarm reviews, you know it's going to be shit.
When a game gets cancelled half a dozen times and goes on and off in development hell, you know it's going to be shit.
When the entirety of the hype for the game is based on "oh look at this cool monster" you know the game is going to be shit.
When after TEN FUCKING YEARS all you have is STILL the cool monster, you know the game is going to be shit.
>roomate has ps4
>couldn't wait to play this game
>shit ass framerate
been waiting so long now I think I'm gonna wait for PC release (never ever means I won't buy it then dumb-dumbs)
>brand loyalty
This is the cancer killing video games
The horse was merely the tool for getting from one point to another 90% of the time. Id did act pretty wonky in the narrow places but it wasn't really a core part of the gameplay.
Meanwhile the Dog is the main feature of TLG both story and gameplay-wise and it's also the biggest failure of the game.
Biggest blunder this year, which is honestly fucking amazing considering we had both NMS and FF XV.
>butthurt sonypony trying to slide the thread with false-flagging
Oh yeah, I'm not saying the horse was a detriment to the game - mercifully, the only times it was integrated into proper fights, the arenas were wide open. My point, moreso, is that it's not exactly surprising that the companion AI turned out quite so atrociously. I feel like their desire to mimic animalistic behaviors may have been their downfall.
What the fuck does sliding the thread even mean
I genuinely cannot fathom people saying this. SotC looks fantastic and has a great soundtrack, I will definitely concede that. The gameplay gimmick was pretty novel and the story was pretty good. The big problem is how fucking samey and repetitive the game actually is. You end up doing the same shit over and over and over until the end of the game. The game is a the literal definition of an empty overworld, with nothing to do but go from one Colossi to the next. And the controls are fucking atrocious, which is great because the gameplay mechanic hinges on responsive and non-shit controls. My assumption is that people parroting this opinion's first console was the PS2, so they have these rose tinted goggles of the game being fantastic. SotC is not a bad game, but people hail it as the second coming of Jesus and I wonder if they've replayed it since they were a child.
I only looked up the ending just to make sure it didn't die.
>My assumption is that people parroting this opinion's first console was the PS2, so they have these rose tinted goggles of the game being fantastic. SotC is not a bad game, but people hail it as the second coming of Jesus and I wonder if they've replayed it since they were a child.
My first console was a NES and I still think SotC is an amazing game, hell I played it well-after the PS2 generation ended even.
It means creating a superfluous shit-thread in order to "slide" another thread off the catalog and into archive.
the user as used the word incorrectly.
The person in question was trying to slide a civil discussion that inevitably went into the rout of people agreeing that TLG is incredibly mediocre by pretending to be a mustard that is completely oblivious to how the exclusivity works.
As such it perfectly fits your definition except within a single thread as opposed to whole board.
It doesn't look like anything new.
they fucked up this time by making trico annoying. you can't even progress in the game at times because he will not listen to you.
I just posted what I thought about the game. I don't care if it's never coming to PC because Sony owns it or whatever the fuck. It looks like a boring game and if it ever came to PC I wouldn't even buy it, just pirate to try it out
What's wrong with posting what I think about the game?
I'm hyped as fuck. Just got back from FUCKING GAMESTOP with it and it's updating now. Should be ready in a few minutes.