Don't mind me. Just being the best horror game in years.
Don't mind me. Just being the best horror game in years
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I mean, when you copy PT you're bound to be good. Kojima is so masterful that even untalented people copying him turn out looking great.
I'm just glad it's going back to the survival horror roots with puzzles and what not to solve, rather than an arcade style shooter that the series turned into.
Resident Evil 2 was GOAT. If this is just a first-person version of that, then I'm happy. Looks more survival/realistic then a game with a big inventory, but I'm fine with that.
>Kojima makes a small, 30 minute playable demo for new silent hills project
>Every horror game coming out looks like PT
Really makes you think.
Yeah, I'm sure P.T. looked like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Did you even play the demo user? Shit is obviously derivative of PT, it even uses the same camcorder distortion effects and the main producer of the game admitted he was copying PT. Get on my level.
Reminder that without the influence of Kojima this game never would have happened.
No, Kojima made PT look like another indie survival horror with no gameplay intentionally so that no one would find out it was him until they finished it.
You guys I swear
>not looking photo-realistic
Pick one.
Demo was surprisingly good, wouldn't mind experiencing it in VR, but I know Sony is going to pull some PSVR Pro shit in 1-2 years.
I'm just glad it's with new characters. I like the old cast but at this point they're all OP zombiekillers so it'll be refreshing to have new survivors
so what did the latest update add to the demo anyway?
...ok? What the fuck does that have to do with my post?
I was on board with this game for a while. thought the random hate was retarded., thought the best step for RE was to make to change the camera angle.
The feed back was amazing, the sound design, the details everything.
but holy fuck what they say about japs and FPS is so fucking true. That first encounter with the monster was a fucking mess, controls really shat the bed when you were trying to reposition yourself to not get hit by the thing.
took me like 5 tries to figure out how the cheese the monster without getting hit.
but I will say this, it feels exactly like Resident evil 1 if it were in first person. Which is amazing that they pulled it off, but they should have gave a little more freedom of control.
also I can't wait to lob the axe into a zombies head, I LOVE the feel of weapons in this game. capcom always nail that heft and recoil in every major game they make.
Gun felt a little underwhelming though.
t. armchair review
monster, combat, and a gun
and like one major puzzle that actually involves THAT item.
If PT didn't have combat eventually, it would literally just be a more pretty Outlast. It also has really forced jump scares. RE7 can atleast have tense moments where your not sure if your axe/gun can handle the situation
That said, the Baker's being sponges is disappointing and if there is only one enemy type aka the one in demo its going to get awfully boring.
Too early to say. It'll be the first game I play fully in VR, though, so it better fucking be decent.
Can't stand the Texas Chainsaw shit though. That part is lame. The house better be no more than a third of it.
cool, might play it again
atleast this ones coming out atleast
but its an unoriginal pile
>soft reboot because the last good RE game was 4 lmao
make sure you figure out how to use THAT item, it's a pretty cool puzzle that takes you around the house.
also theres actually a really simple way of getting out of the room that makes you feel stupid in hindsight
I chalk that one up to the low FOV coupled with analog controls for aiming.
>Walking simulator
>Just loops constantly
>Not enough in the demo for Kojima to completely ruin with his westaboo bullshit
No thanks, I'll trust the idiotic Resident Evil team before I trust Kojima fag
So where's a video about actual gameplay with guns and shit?
Haven't looked into this since this shitty first demo
IGN I guess, try not to find a commentator video they're all insufferable.
Sadly they don't go into much detail besides "ayy you get a gun!"
>I'll trust the idiotic Resident Evil team before I trust Kojima
After 5 and 6 you really must love eating shit
Capcom is slowly getting better.
Kojima has only shown a decline.
PT was a demo/proof on concept and it blew everybody away with the reception it got.
That's what happens when you have good/unique/original ideas, people steal/copy/imitate them.
Happens in college and academia all the time.
After last week's media blowout, this game basically seems to be a mix of Resident Evil 3 and Clock Tower. I'm hype as FUCK.
I never got this whole "they stole the idea from PT"
I don't think they could have started and finished development of a game like this that quickly.
it's more likely they just copied any other walking horror game or took the same thought process they had with RE4 and applied it to this game (a simple change in view).
saying that pt invented and popularized the walking simulator horror genre is retarded.
Wasn't Resident Evil 1 supposed to be first person anyway?
maybe, glad it wasn't
pre-rendered shit needs to come back.
The producer admitted it.
How dense can you get that you're denying it happened when they fucking admitted it?
But Capcom is an organization. An organization needs money. There's a rotation of visions being made over the years.
Kojima is just one guy with his vision.
Trust what you want but you should think twice considering this.
RE drones are a thing now
Pretty sure the gun is weak on purpose. Just like in REmake.
well I guess I didn't know that, might be a mistranslation though that they just borrowed the Idea for the demo.
no, actually if you copy PT you come out with a totally shit game. look at the indie horror scene, look at all the PT knock offs that don't realize PT was a knock off of the indie horror scene. they're fucking awful.
as for RE7, i have no idea, it doesn't look like PT at all though
that just makes kojimas fuck ups look worse.
>[Editor's note: During a later interview with GameSpot and Gamescom 2016, Kawata confirmed that Amaro is indeed working on Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, and reaffirmed that the team at Capcom was already working on RE7 before PT was released.]
huh look at that.
how so? Do you know a developer with 0 fuck up?
Capcom and Konami has the biggest letdowns of the industry to be blamed for all because of money and talentless directors.
Kojima is talented and does not make money his first priority.
Get scammed all you want by your precious capcom, I don't care.
Further proof kojima is a master.
>Back peddling.
Huh, I wonder why they would do that?
Anyways, I'm sure it was at some stage of development but after they saw how well P.T. did they were like:
"New direction, that shit right thurr."
And scrapped whatever they did and started from scratch.
>Get scammed all you want by your precious capcom, I don't care.
You are blindly following kojima who has had what 2 major failures now? Sure you could blame konami for them both but you yourself seem to be blindly following the guy over capcom.
Personally I like what capcom has been releasing.
>thinks P.T pioneered first person horror
Oh my sweet summer child
>Back peddling.
>Anyways, I'm sure it was at some stage of development but after they saw how well P.T. did they were like:
>"New direction, that shit right thurr."
>And scrapped whatever they did and started from scratch.
why is it so hard to believe that they just took the idea from other indie horror games?
They don't even feel simular in control, honestly you sound like you're backpedaling
PT clone with combat thrown on.
It'll be an okay game.
It'd be better if they weren't trying to be PT so hard.
>other people copy PT
>capcom copies PT
Sup Forums is so fucking stupid.
Is everyone saying RE7 is a PT clone just because it's first person? I don't see the similarities beyond that.
Well this demo certainly is similar to pt in that you have to do some slightly odd stuff in order to progress through the demo. And i mean cmon the laughing signaling the completion of a certain task is definietly pt like
Kojima invented both the first person perspective and non-action horror games in 2014. He's a revolutionary.
Ok. So? People are passing judgment on the entire game in this thread, not the demo.
I believe they may be memeing.
>cmon the laughing signaling the completion of a certain task is definietly pt like
I really hope you don't mean puzzles bacause re1 had puzzles too.
>It's a good game becauase it's going back to the series roots by copying a HD remake.
The demo was fucking vague as shit though
>hurr find the finger thats been in the game for 3 months and attach it to the hand we just added then use the inspect feature which isn't stated to be used in the game and point at objects in a completely bullshit way to activate vague puzzle pieces
Total bullshit and everyone knows it.
PT made it clear that it's what the people want right now. that a high budget blockbuster slow horror game could be the next big thing.
What personality type can stand playing games like this with headphones on and alone?
The demo was drastically improved with headphones.
jesus christ so many people are going to be missing out.
>hear something fall over on the floor above you
>a little delay before a thump and then you see dust fall
>footsteps walk around upstairs and you can actually hear where they are above you
>go up stairs and you can see the shit that fell over
It's just so perfect.
The PC version will be spectacular.
I don't even know why I have this game preordered. I'm barely going to be able to play it just on the tv, let alone with VR or headphones.
>let alone with VR or headphones
you are a brave man
Take the risk.
make sure to record it when people sneak up behind you.
You're just lucky Konami aborted SH.
speaking of FP horror games how is outlast?
wasnt there trailers where people would have a small bracelet either green or red to indicate whether or not they were infected? Was that cancelled?
Has the new game anything to do with zombies or zombie virus outspread?
The bracelet still in. The demo doesn't have it because the guy in demo isn't the main character that will be in the main game.
>Has the new game anything to do with zombies or zombie virus outspread?
Something to do with mold.
There are zombies in the game.
molded =/= zombies
combats a slapped together afterthought so no