He is dying, Sup Forums.
He is dying, Sup Forums
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We're all dying, if you think about it, OP.
>tfw he is dying
Feels good man
Is he going to eat his phone?
really made me think
Ironic really. I mean 'death stranding'? Just think about it.
He's alright.
that fucking icon still surprises me, it looks godtier, whoever made that logo deserves a promotion
Stan please you got Gotlib Sunday let them catch a fucking break
>puts the marketing for his game before his own personal health while implying he is very not well
Kojima why
Hell be okay
Hell be alright
Every breath leaves me one less
to my last
It's down to Shinkawa, of course.
We're all dying
yeah but he's like the usain bolt of dying lmao
Japs man. Remember Iwata probably tweeted about E3 from his death bed.
Press F to pay respects.
Good. I finally gave up on trying to force my way through MGS5, and was about to sell my copy, but now I'm thinking about snapping the disc and mailing it to him with a note outlining my disappointment in his shit game and resulting contempt for his shit self. I hope he has cancer.
is dark souls 1 the usain bolt of the souls series?
>mfw when people give a fuck about this hack even after the abomination that was MGS4
MGSV was shit for its own reasons but lets not pretend Kojima hasnt been shit for a while now.
no dark souls 1 is the lance armstrong of the souls series because it disappoints you right at the end
it's not him , that's not his artstyle
popping a few Molly before breakfast is normal for Kojima after meeting Joosten
Lel speak for yourself mortal.
Those must be vitamins.
Eh, I have a fistful of pills I have to take twice a day and I'm fine. Better to treat an illness than have one you don't know about.
>Vitamin supplements = pills
Nice try you vegan fuck
Then he should be giving death a serious dicking
Fuck it's an actual tweet.
>Death Stranding
>It ends up being his final game and the title is literal for his new company
Yes it is.
We're all dying though...
>tfw it's just tic tacs and he's rusing
Post this if this made you happy about his death
Here we go again
It is, his sketches and concept work were at Comic-Con this year.
he will be alright
If Kojima is presenting some cool-ass designs, you know Shinkawa is involved.
Fuck. I wish I could draw that good.
Death Stranding confirmed to be the greatest game of all time. Kojima will die at his desk working on his magnum opus.
Post yfw Kojima gets diagnosed with cancer and hides it from the public
He's death stranding at this point
He's just transitioning guys.
Now introducing: Hideous Kojima!!!!
Don't know whether to be happy that with his passing it will be a nail in the coffin that is pretentious failed movie makers in video games, or disturbed at the Kojimabots who will canonize him.
I like the one with the flag.
>implying his suddenly bad health isn't the marketing
welcome to the ruse cruise
>thumbnail looks like semen splatter
Someday he will die and some retards will deny it for being just another ruse.
>Death Stranding is his magnum opus and his legacy to the world
>he will work until his dying breath to see his vision realized and change gaming forever
>he will pour every ounce of his energy into this game leaving him weak and frail
>he might not live to see his game change the world
I'm fucking scared bros
What if he doesn't finish it? What if he dies as soon as ita finished and doesn't get to see the joy it brings people?
>three days after his reported death he appears at E3 on stage holding a copy of MGSV: Kingdom of the Flies and says "I'm Alright."
i hope this hack chokes on it
>Kojima makes 3 good games prior to the bad new ones
>Sup Forums refuses to acknowledge and act like the only games he has made are mgs 4 and 5
>he is now a hack despite making some awesome games before
really makes ya think...
Just Japanese and can't handle his alcohol
RIP Kenji Eno.
Wait, he's been dead for nearly four years.
I thought Sup Forums loved Kojima, why am I seeing so many hateful comments?
is it the whole DS possibly being ps4 exclusive?
His newer games aren't even bad. It's just that MGS 1-3 are absolute perfection, so anything less than that is seen as shit.
I'd still rather play whatever Kojima Productions makes in the future than 95% of other future releases in the industry.
>kojima waking up to a plate of Xanax for breakfast
>Rolls a fucking fat one and burns through it in an instant
>Does 4 lines of coke
>Gets a couple hits of heroine
>"Alright time to make a game"
>Rushing to the set for mocap
>Eating a burger with some angel dust laced cheese on it
>He enters
>"Here's the script, let's get going"
>Konami employees look at him from a lot of conveniently placed holdup chairs
>"You're fired kojima"
>He leaves and pulls out his phone and his emergency Xanax in a tic tac case and pops a few
>He calls up guillermo del Toro
>"Yes Mr kojima?"
>"Remember when you said you'd do anything I say?"
>"Uh yes sir I do."
>"Okay so I'm starting a new company and making a new game and you're in it so go to the mocap room."
>"The script is already done and the trailer is out. It has a naked man that had a c-section holding a child."
>"I'll be over in 30 minutes"
I swear this is how it went.
FOXDIE is real. He tried to warn us
dying is like the best thing that could happen to him, then no one could actually say if he was a hack or not since his shit never came out
if i knew i was gonna die in 6 months id take out all the one year loans
He tweeted this yesterday.
A more accurate translation is "I'm getting shaky, once again my health is deteriorating. I'm going to the clinic.""
He also tweeted a week ago something to the effect of "I'm sick again, need to get better before Game Awards".
At what point in there did he kidnap Mads?
just like user said about the great bowie:
he'll be fine
That's viagra. He popped those right before fucking Joosten raw.
Danes have no self respect, so you don't need to coerce them into doing anything.
viagra is blue
those are horse pills
>Kojima being this alpha
Aside from that detail, this is also completely true.
Debt doesn't go away after you die.
They might be generic Viagra though
missed the part where he's getting blown by joosten.
Those are mentos.
>horse viagra
the absolute madman
>the only certainty in this world is death and taxes (in that order)
>puppets were used so we wouldn't see his condition
Kojima...is that you?
looks like vicodin and somas.
now I see why Koonami kicked him. he had a prescription pill habit.