How do I start a new game without deleting my current one for the Xbone ._.
How do I start a new game without deleting my current one for the Xbone ._
smurf account
copy your save on a stick and start a new one
Gameplay was great but the objectives felt too repetitive.
Where does Ground Zeroes fit into this?
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker:Ground Zeroes.
Why wasn't there an option for a new game+?
You can replay the missions in any order so the new game+ is a pointless feature.
I haven't played any other titles besides MGR. I own Sons of Liberty but never touched it.
What should I do?
You can survive a shot to the head, but a broken heart always kills.
Get some dinner, not something too heavy so your stomach doesn't hurt later.
Big Boss approved.
Would it suffice to watch cutscenes/read a guide before getting into 5 or should I go back and play all of them?
5 is practically worthless in the story department. It's held up by good gameplay, and is nothing like the earlier games in the series. Just play it.
>still calling it mgs5
Venom didn't care about Quiet.
I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.
No you idiot
V for Victory
V for Peace
V for 2
You need two fingers to make a peace sign.
MGS V: The Phantom Pain is MGS: Peace Walker 2 not MGS 5, even Kojima said it's V ans in Vee not 5.
reminder that the connection between venom and quiet was the only part of their existence's uniquely 'theirs' and not just part of the role they were made to fill
She really meant nothing.
He's saying Venom couldn't give a shit about Quiet or her feelings.
This. Not to mention she was of no importance whatsoever. Put a bullet in her head when after she tried to assassinate me twice.
That's WHY she's optional, it's WHY he shoots her in the heart and not the head, it's symbolic.
well the left one sure is unplayable now isn't it
Who called it 5?
Almost everyone
I called it 5 because I am unfamiliar with the series. But I'll start using V and saying "Vee" when referencing it with speech from now on.
Stef is CUTE
Daily reminder that people only dislike this game as a meme.
MFW silent hill/s and metal gear could perefectly be set in the same universe since konami own them
Mgs2 >>> Mgs3 >>>> Mgs > Pw >> Mgs4 > Tpp
Started playing it yesterday. This fucking game i swear.