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Group up with friends
if you win now it will be complete opposite of my placement matches :^)
Doesn't matter, even if you did amazingly every match you'll still be placed 2 tiers lower than what you were last season
you play junkers?
What was your standing at the end of last season? I'm guessing you have to be in silver matchmaking or lower to get these kinds of results
Do one more and post what happens, for science
fuck off
>even if you did amazingly every match you'll still be placed 2 tiers lower
this is not what happens at all, are you retarded? top players have lost the majority of their matches and still ended up right where they were before
this is beyond even the most deluded of fuckheads. This is a new level of lying to yourself
solo queuing is a mistake
And unfortunately since all of my friends who've played ow with me before dropped the game, so did i
So, how much did your rank change from last season?
Get some m8s
>Diamond, 3100 points last season,
>Do placement matches
>Platinum, 2400
I don't even wanna play anymore
but 2400 is gold
Golds don't mean shit. If you lose, you lose.
You're still gonna be with the same type of people mostly. Gold is somewhat tolerable now
Most players have actually been placing higher on average.
Sorry to break your heart.
>soloq outside of QP and arcade
you have noone to blame but yourself
w/l/d 6/3/1 ended up in diamond almost near my rank last season, won 3 more games im not at 3400 get more points for winning than losing
whatever blizzard did is working for me
I wait 2 weeks after the season starts, then I do my placement matches.
There's usually only new players doing placements by then so I completely carry/crush games.
All the try-hards usually do their placements right away or asap.
Gold last season. Got silver just now after my placements
is there any way to check who are the top100 ranked players in each region, I'm wondering if they have the 50-60% win ratio meme.
No, they don't because "forced 50" is a fucking baby excuse
I played my placements alone and they were shit too
my games highly improved in quality once I placed on gold and managed to climb up to plat
now I play with my brother cause my friends are silver and I don't want to play with silvers in my team since I'm a garbage plat playing with dogshit silvers wouldn't help me
>competitive overwatch
i can't pretend to like this game anymore. also absolute worst fanbase of any video game. ever.
thanks, though seeing half of the top 10's winrates are kinda disappointing
not that user, but my friend also placed in the 2400s last season and was still somehow platinum.
If you reach a rank and then fall back down your icon stays as the highest rank you reached
You know the rules
Don't play when us responsible adults are at work (read: shitposting on Sup Forums) and everyone playing is a NEET or child
Either talk to your team about who's doing what or let your teammates pick first and fill the role your team needs
Stop "maining," if you're not in diamond and you're a "genji main" or "McCree main" you're garbage and need to diversify very very badly.
Stop trickling, you'll never win if every fight is 2v6, if your push failed wait and regroup
Obi-Wan wasn't full of shit, high ground is the tits, always try to hold or capture a higher position
Recognize that gold doesn't necessarily mean you're doing your job well. A junkrat can easily get gold damage by uselessly pelting a rein shield and charging the enemy Zarya/Supports.
The MMR system has been changed, and your quick play MMR apparently does have a vote alongside your previous season ranks in determining who you play your placements with.
Gold and Platinum were too dense so they made the grading harsher; I'm assuming you were a mid-gold in season 2, so you're pairing with some fairly poor players in matchmaking.
That you've lost every round means you're one of the people who should've been in bronze or silver to begin with.
Brutal op, what did you place? I had a similar experience with my placements lost 8 drew 1 won 1 and placed high play. I got a shit ton of golds so I guess that balances my losses? It's way smoother after placements just keep at it
I'm aware
Bad players are ranking lower than normal because their starting MMR despite being lowered is still too high (they've been carried)
Good players that aren't master-level are ranking higher than normal because they aren't being dragged down by misranked teammates
I've found that the timeframe you play in matters a lot. 5-8 AM has always had the best results for me, probably when reasonable human beings play before work. If you play in early afternoon you get a bunch of whiny NEETs who just woke up from their 13 hour night sleep, and late afternoon is full of children who just got home from school and have been drinking Monster all day
>go 8-2
>gold medals all over the place
>place in high gold
What the fuck? I was plat last season.
Are your gold's in objective time? If no, then learn that it's not team death match, and it's entirely your fault you lost.
>Placed 2886
>Placed 2879
Placed almost exactly where I was last season because that's where I'm supposed to be.
People placing way lower are people who were way above their tier then they should have been.
>finish low master last season
>Go 7-3
>only play 76
>4 golds 30+elim maximum 2 death per game
>plat 2714
I'm going to drop the game, it's not hard to go up, but having to play with retards that don't understand the game is way too much for my brain
>Gold is somewhat tolerable now
Yeah this, Gold is pretty much average now where as last season it was absolute shit tier.
Most of them don't solo queue so that has a lot to do with it.
Wrong as fuck on the last one. It's based on individual performance. I lost 9 out of 10 as well and still ended up in master rank like S2.
Your in my range its been better this season in high plat most of the people who should have been low gold got placed there where they actually should be.
Its been noticeably better with the players I have been getting this season.
Shitter. The only reason I placed 10 SR lower was because my friend was convinced he only placed low last season because of his teammates and wanted to do placements with me.
It wasn't. He's fucking trash, doesn't even have team chat turned on, and constantly tries to take on the whole other team solo.
I had a game where 3 guy of my team flamed me because I picked Ana over Mercy
then they started sucking my dick when we did 4 team wipe with 76 which made us win when these 3 fucker were useless
It's no better than the last season, people in plat are still with their 2-2-2 garbage
I got useless genji/hanzo on both team every fucking game
I got to 2950 since my placement match but it's really painful to play at this level
I guess it's like last season where it get better after 3200
I have around 900 mmr and I always get at least 3 golds unless I play mercy or rein.
I don't really care about placement that much, but I care about fun. It seems that shit games are a lot more common now, with people living, or when one team is just massively superior to the other and it ends extremely quickly.
Fuck this game. Also Sombra sucks and is ugly with a retarded haircut.
Jesus Christ I have a hard time believing it's even possible to get that low unless you purposely throw games.
>Lose 6 matches, accidentally restarted my comp on 1 for 7 losses
>All of which I was top frag and highest damage as a character I dont play
>1 draw
>2 wins
>Place 2770
I was mad as shit during but then got diamond that same night so w/e
>tfw no one knows the rules any more
You're the common denominator =^)
What is this solo queue meme? I placed 3283 solo this season and climbed from gold to 3485 last season solo as well. Just learn to aim and know the charge rates of enemy ults and ranking up is easy.
you are playing probably the worst characters for carrying a team possible. Both of them focus on supporting your teammates and allowing them to do things while you take a more passive role. At that skill tier you're just wasting your time supporting useless lumps of mud. You need to play something that has a direct effect on the match and is self sufficient
>he thinks getting gold medals is black and white indicator as to how good he is and how shit his team is
This is why you're garbage at the game. Focus on map control with good offense/defense and setting up or contributing to big plays that can tip the game in your favor or win it outright.
Rushing the opponent and doing lots of damage and getting kills then dying when it does nothing objective-wise is what retards do. You idiots like to forget that Overwatch is a team game, don't be surprised if you lose when you don't play as a team.
Sup Forums, i'm curious if it's just me or if they really changed the system. Do any of you gain way more than what you lose? For example, when I win, I gain anywhere between 40-50 and when I lose, it's max 20-25. All of this is around 3600-3700 SR.
Considering last season was pretty much equal points for losing or winning, depending on winstreaks/underdog, it actually got me wondering if that's why there's so many more people that are high ranked so early.
user we're talking about 900 MMR bronze league. You could play those heroes as DPS heroes and still win at that level.
>Woah, I think I'll play a fast game of ranked Overwatchâ„¢ before I leave for work like a responsible adult!
Only NEET's who have stayed up all night play in the morning.
say no more senpai
The problem is that I play on a laptop with no discrete GPU. So I can only play characters that do well on 12-15 fps. Rein and Lucy are good because I can just sit there and shield/heal. I also like Torbi because the turrent does all the aiming for me.
I also suspect that maybe the game is punishing me because I tend to talk about Trump during the games, so maybe people have reported me a lot.
You gave it away too easily.
>get diamond rank
>never play for the whole season
who else?
12-15 FPS
You deserve 900 MMR.
fuck this place.
Play a class that when played well can carry a team
I was placed at 2454
Lost 2421
Won 2458
Won 2504
Yeah seems good
I bet youre some faggy pro-gengo/hanzo/widow
Stop playing like you can run this game yourself and play like a team idiot.
Opps meant that all at 3k
Went from 3454 to 3504 with one more win then loss
Because shit people playing fucking HANZO every time.
You're right, it's everyone else's fault but yours. you are good, and special. You can do anything you want, user.
T. mediocre Hanzo player that doesn't stick to the team comp and says he is being bad on "purpose"
Just fuck off.
>tfw went up 1000sr this weekend
>chilling at 3500 now
Blows because diamond players seem more tolerable and better than master, so I'll probably be here forever
I went 3-5-2 and got placed gold. After placements were over, I went 6 - 0 and got bumped back up to platinum. Placements are bullshit, and if you're any good at all, you can just earn your rank again. Did it all solo as well, so >inb4 blaming your team
Where'd it go so wrong?
Your salty tears have brought me pleasure this day. I'm sure you'll make Grandmaster one day, just as you deserve to user. You are a diamond in the rough.
>Playing competitively
>in a game where your team is chosen by RNG.
What rank did you get?
>playing competitive in a casual game that has a press q to win button
I will never understand why people take this game so seriously. I mean it's fun to play and I like it, but comp, really?
>Diamond 3380 last season
>3300 after placements
sounds bout right
>Recognize that gold doesn't necessarily mean you're doing your job well.
This so much. If there is one thing I want people to take away from reading your post, it's this. Useless players constantly use the "well I got gold so it's not my fault" argument despite it meaning very little.
>playing '''''''''''competitive'''''''' in a non-competitive casual game
It's just so bizarre and silly, I don't get it. I'm not even saying it as an insult, I just don't understand.
That feel when I just want to play Sombra in comp all day because shes fun as shit, but you just either get trolled till you switch or you lose the game and the entire team blames you even though the Mcree has no medals.
No es gusta :(.
Not to defend Hanzo players but I've seen cases where Hanzo kills 4 people by himself, but his team gets killed by a single Tracer so nobody really pushes and nothing happens. The Hanzo gets the blame of course.
Because Q can be blocked or outplayed?
You shitters wouldn't break past gold if you actually played
game's more fun when I can objectively tell people they are shittier than me
I've never been one to give a shit about rank, or "being the most hardcore", but playing competitive mode generally means you'll be playing alongside, and against people who are actually playing to win. Playing quickplay will often get you teams full of people who run up to the enemy and do emotes, and then bitch that "you just don't like to have fun" when you kill them. It also means you usually won't get stuck on a team with people playing classes they have no right to play as, costing the team because of it.
Exactly. People love to look at their medals and go "look how many medals I have!" What do you want? A congratulation? Because we still fucking lost you twats.
It's not even that, the game has barkey any skill ceiling. All it is is just pic the right hero for the right situation, and don't be too shit. There's no core mobility, the movement is slow and even if you can't aim there's hero's for you to excel at.
It's hard to justify playing the same maps in a shallow FPS over and over because you would quickly die of depression.That's where the robotic competitive stuff comes in, all of the intensity is shifted over to "muh rank" and the illusion of the game is mostly ignored.
What if you haven't done comp since season 1?
Okay I can see that.
>place 2800
>oh ok just need to win like 4 games for diamond
>3 days later
>18W 30L
I'm at the point where if I see someone chose one of those iffy classes, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, and won't discourage them from playing that class at first. There is no class that I haven't seen do some serious work in comp so far, so they could be one of those players. I also try to be polite when asking them to change, and often I'll just recommend that "we need to change the team setup" and half the time they, along with others on the team who feel like they are useless will switch up.
Honey vs vinegar and all that.
but vinegar actually attracts flies
Least you never got placed Bronze. I've had to work my way up to Gold.
In one year, they'll be still be frothing at the mouth and probably hate the game like every other MOBA community.
If you had a good rank last season placement match doesn't really matter.
My placement match were pretty rough this season for me too but I ended with 2980 SR. Last season I ended with 3020 SR my highest was 33xx.
I managed to climb all the way to master with just 13 match. I haven't lost a single game since placement match. I have only gotten one draw out of these 13 match.
>supports can't carry you to a high rank!
Im proving all you scrubs wrong.
I've heard that supports got shafted hard during placements.
True, but I did manage to climb up to master and at that point people who pick Hanzo tends to actually play him well.