What went wrong?

Can't wait for 30% discount in 2 weeks

Is it true you can't do tricks whenever you want?

Beta was fucking dope so I'm surprised the numbers are so low. Might be a decent user base on Uplay exclusively though

Well i loved the beta too, but there's some issues with the game that haven't been adressed at all, even though Ubisoft responded in the feedback forums about them, such as point challenges exploit (You can literally just crawl back up the hill and do tricks over and over again as long as you want)

That's just one example of what's wrong with the game. I also heard there's only 2 more zones than there were in the beta in the full version and i pretty much cleared that within 15 hours.

I'd 100% buy it for like 45€

What does that even mean? You can do tricks whenever you do a jump

1 environmejt, repetitive boring missions/challenges, dialogie and atmosphere is dumb but not dumb enough to be funny, controls scheme is ass including but not limited to weak trick system and having to select wingsuit everytime you want to use it.

Crashes/bails dont ragdoll enough to be fun.

Zero interaction with other players

This would all be fine, if it wasn't $60.

$20 budget title, or a $30 VR title? Then it'd be awesome.

Didn't someone die while making this game?

Cant wait for free2play in three months

This came out?

>$60~70 for a tech demo

That's what went wrong

full price for a game literally nobody asked for, what did they think was going to happen?

I dunno, i'd still lile crashing to be more fun

It's niche as fuck.

The fuck did you expect?


That must be such a high.

I'd get back to my hotel and cum buckets just thinking about it.

I'm pretty sure that guy died user...

True, i didn't ask for it either.
That being said after seeing the gameplay and playing the beta i thought to myself "I didn't even know how much i wanted this." cause i genuinely had a good time.

But unless player challenges get fixed i won't buy it. And 60$ is still pretty... steep. I don't know why i can't justify paying 60 bucks for it, since it was really fun to play desu, but i just can't.

Did he?

If he did, that's not a bad way to go out.

>The Crew on a mountain
It was doomed from day one

>Beta was fucking dope
where were you? all the threads here where luke warm at the absolute best.
>game is so bland
>very few tricks
>parasailing is boring
>gforce meter can suck multiple dicks
>have limited degrees of freedom in movement

I have a question. If PC is so unprofitable (or consoles destroy it in revenue), then why do publishers bother with the platform? When games only sell when it's 30% off or more on PC while it sells just fine on consoles at 60, why do they even bother supporting it at all?


Publishers want like double the return on games in the shortest amount of time possible. PC isn't unprofitable it's the wrong kind of profit publishers are looking for. Console games need advertisements out the ass or their playerbase will forget to even remember the game let alone buy it.

How about you neck yourself?

Or leave and never come back.

Console war faggotry is a fucking blight.

You're paying for a tech demo

0 marketing. They announced it and stopped talking about it. The only other time this game came to the spotlight was when the woman got killed in the accident.

not him but because the threads were lukewarm means he can't think the beta was dope?

I thought it was good fun, I'd buy it for maybe 30 bucks, maybe when I upgrade my gpu next spring.

ok, vague critique
>few tricks
yeah, could do with some more ways to tweak or another grab button or something
>parasailing is boring
kinda, it's a nice option, it's sort of a way of getting up cliffs if you don't want to just teleport.
>gforce meter
you're wrong. this is best part of the game. it's where all the fucking challenge comes from. It's what makes taking the craziest routes actually challenging, because you have to land smooth and manage those huge drops. You're super wrong.
>limited degrees of freedom
gonna need some clarification on that one

>very few tricks

You actually have access to every single air trick in the book with different grabs, rotational axis, double grabs etc., but there's no reason to ever do them.
Wish there was diminishing return on using the same air over and over again.

Great game for 5 hours, then you realize it's just going through circles over and over.
>Mfw you can't jump off a mountain with your snowboard then switch to wingsuit

This. I want to be able to launch off a cliff that would be complete suicide and then open my parachute. How hard would that have been to include?

There's a retarded setting you have to turn off in the options called "trick safety". If you leave it on, it prevents you from doing any trick the game thinks you won't be able to land. Turn it off and the game lets you go nuts

Considering a lot of games have broken PC versions, are built primarily for consoles, PC versions are delayed or nonexistent, I'm willing to bet that money talks.

>shitty controls
>very few tricks
>all you can do is flips
>empty mountains
>no grinds

It's such a cumbersome way to do tricks, there is no ui displaying what trick you did, you can't tweak any of the grabs and NO GRINDS... I also forgot any time you touch a rock you immediately fall off your board or lose a huge chunk of the gforce meter.

Are you that guy who keeps defending the new valkyria chronicles game even though everyone keeps telling you that it's shit?

I never defended it, I'm just pointing out that Sega, like many publishers, only see PC as a way to scrape some pennies, and not as a viable platform. Otherwise they wouldn't have done that Yakuza Zero stunt where it was once marketed as *also on PC and then come out and say "there are no plans for a PC version".

So you are him after all.

>you can't tweak grabs
user you can.
I won't deny the trick system is pretty simple and underwhelming though. No grinding is fucking bullshit. I think this game needed another year in development.

One thing I will say in its defense is that I think they really nailed that sense of breakneck speed and danger. I love the way the g-force meter forces you to think ahead when you're booking it down a cliff, you can't just throw yourself down willy nilly, you have to plan your route and actually experiment with paths that are possible/ safe. That's what made this game fun for me. Then I didn't mind the simple trick system as much, because I was spending my time simply trying to stay on my board after huge airs. Doing a trick at the same time just felt like icing on the cake.

The game is awesome, my friends and I have been having a lot of fun with it. That said, the amount of content is a lot lower than it first seems. Level cap is 25 and it only takes about 12-15 hours to more or less do everything. Making your own custom challenges and runs is cool and does help, and trying to beat each other's scores also adds repeatability, but a LOT of the built in challenges are either piss easy or infuriatingly hard, unfun bullshit with little in the way of perfect middle ground. They're adding in a whole new Alaska map as free DLC soon though, that should add longevity and variety.

Sup Forums's a small place, isn't it?

Your shitposting is really unique,

noone fucking grinds in mountain extreme snowsport you fucking retard

Guy had a parachute. They're ski base jumpers.

I wouldn't have responded but it was so easy to find

Of course I'd take up shitposting, since that's really the only thing PC is good for.

What should I name you?

>dying because of this shitty game no one wanted

I wanted it.

Nice Trips.

Nice trips kun it is then,

There's a fucking olympic category in snowboarding called freestyle you dense nigger.

NTK, I like it. Hopefully I join the ranks of TheDude, ACFag, or XVKun.

>Dying because of a game

You're a fucking mouthbreather
She lived for extreme snow sport, avalanches happen all the fucking time. She could have died anywhere on any day on the mountain. If you think that's Ubisofts fault, just because she was at the location for filming you're retarded. But you are in fact fucking retarded anyways.

i bet she was pushed well beyond her level of skill.

Not that guy but I don't think it looks that bad and even the developers have said it's a different universe.

Doesn't change the fact that the game was funded with the PC port's money, and was made because the PC port brought interest back to the IP. And of course, Sega makes the game for the fucking Vita before PC, that should tell you how #based Sega is when it comes to PC.

Is it worth, gold edition for 30$

I would have probably been ok with it if it didn't have the VC name attached to it.
I'm going to kill you someday, NTK.

It's an Ubishit game which means by default it's shit.

As for me personally, I'm just not that interested in Skiing Simulator 2016. Seems like it would be sort of boring after an hour or so, what with only one possible type of terrain (snowy mountain) and the sole objective is GOTTA GO FAST!!! down a strictly linear path.

>can't counter any of my facts
>threatens to use violence

I bet you'll call me a dumb frogposter next.

dumb frogposter.

How predictable. So tell me, user-kun, why did Sega give Yakuza Zero a box label that more or less translates to "PS4 and PC only", and then came out and said that "there are no plans for a PC version"? Why did Sega make a new VC game with the PC port's money and success, but they aren't releasing it on PC? Please tell me, if I'm just a dumb shitposting frogposter, then surely you'd have the answer.

Sega is pretty stupid desu

The price.

It's a good game. It has great casual appeal and it's fairly polished. The betas were very fun.

But $60? They're out of their fucking minds. It should be a $30 game.

>Pussy whipped SJW cuck
You can't make this shit up.

Are you retarded?

Because the other option is not getting money from PC at all.

PC may not be as profitable as consoles but it's still money. LOTS of money.

You're right, actually. The reason they exited the hardware business was because of their constant bad decisions.

It also seems fitting that the guy responsible for the Yakuza games looks like the never EVER guy.

>Still replying
You can go back to the cuckshed now Lawrence.

45 still seems a bit too much.

I would have considered it for 20-25 euro. 30 if I see more value in it


This is a game I would have been perfectly happy paying $20 for, it doesn't have any more worth than that to me.

what in the rooster doodling fuck are you talking about

Are you for real dude?

>60 bucks for a snowboard game
Better have a 20 hour campaign mode with a character creator and stat progression affecting moves/speed/gear and shit.

After you've spent 20 million making a game and 280 million marketing it, you might as well shit out a PC release for some pocket change.

SEGA is run by inept people whose fetish is losing money. In the rare occasion they fuck up and actually make a profit, they feel the compulsion to immediately PISS IT AWAY and make sure to fix that mistake.

>sega genesis? more like the sega sonic the hedgehog box, because we want the blue furfaggot audience. nothing but sonic the hedgehog oops and now Nintendo and Sony have driven us out of the console business it couldn't be helped
>games gaijin market wants? fuck that!
>better hold a marketing playtest event where we gather a group of 16 year old japanese highschool girls and 60 year old japanese men--neither group have ever even touched a vidya--to give us VALUABLE FEEDBACK on how to develop our game properties because clearly people who don't buy games at all are the best people to give feedback on them (it's totally not for enjoy kosai reasons :))

Don't triple AAA pubs depend on consoles to rake in millions? If PC doesn't get anywhere near console numbers, then why bother? Especially when they have the suicidal mindset of 'if we can't have it all, we don't want it'.

And someone died for this shit.

>mfw literal boot licking cucks are so cucked that they can't comprehend me calling out another shit eating beta crying over some bitch who died for a cancerous game as part of her fuck awful hobby to prove that strong ladiezz exist too!!!

I haven't heard a peep about this game since E3. I didn't even know it was released.

I don't read reviews, but I usually stumble across them anyways. It seems like no one has even taken the time to review this.

This. What I can say about the game that's positive is the engine seems fantastic. It's amazing how it renders the scale of the mountains and gives you the sense of speed and distance when you are plummeting down it. But there's not enough scripted content to engage in on those mountains.

My other favorite thing is, and you might think it's weird: the g-force meter. I love how that forces you to play the game like a real human with limits and thats the one thing that makes me draw comparisons with EA's skate games. It brings the challenge down to ground level, making it about landing and staying on your board rather than getting the most insanely superhuman never-ending combos.

Is Sega Japan STILL sore about their US division showing them up at their own business?

Nah i think it would be well worth 40 bucks
Takes about 40 hours to complete all ingame challenges, second map of the same size soon, and an INSANE amount of work went into animations. They're seriously top notch.


>tumblr cuck still replying

it was yet another ubisoft open world shit show except this time you snowboarded

I like this game very much

If the quality of ports are any indication: It's because they can give the work to some half retarded intern and then ship it for $$free$$money

Some of them are apparently good ports, like WD2. Some formerly broken ports were either fixed up (Arkham Knight) or completely re-ported (Mortal Kombat X). GTAV, unlike prior Rockstar PC games, is a good port for once. They probably realize that if a game can run on anything well enough, it will sell better.

What are you talking about?

Micro-transactions are more important than actual game sales.

Re-read the posts you fucking retarded shitheap.

What did he mean by this.

She died because her job is extremely dangerous. She was an extreme sports athlete. She got paid money to do stunts. Unfortunately she got caught in an avalanche and it killed her. Thats part of the risk of her career and sport. She knew that everytime she took a contract.

Its sad but noones at fault

lol keep responding THAMBSU APPU


>We will pay you money to participate in a promotion that we will use the footage for in adverts for our garbage software.

Matilda Rapaport
>Ok, I will accept your contract and participate in this event that you are paying me for.
Oh whoops, now I'm dead, thanks to Ubisoft wanting to sell their fucking garbage.

>Autists will attempt to refute this


Don't you have any other hobbies besides shitposting?