Have you ever gotten hate messages in a online video game before?

Have you ever gotten hate messages in a online video game before?

I started running lightning claymore and black leather armor in blight town and got ten in one night. I wish i saved the messages

I got hundreds from the Souls series.
It was fun.


hate mail thread?

>never used a mic when playing multiplayer
>never got these messages
Shame, really.

well, it is your right after all



Freaking hive mind

>known throughout the Blazblue community
Literally who

god damnit

Online warriors for anime fighters have their own cliquey echo chamber.

I've always been a PC player, a toaster one at that.

So Battlefield 3 comes out, I did play them all until 2 then stopped because toaster, but my brother got a ps3 and I played that version hoping for that taste of fun I had in 2.

Opinions aside, I couldn't really play that seriously, retards everywhere like the mythical mountain recon and using a controller instead of my trusty mouse made it difficult for me to go infantry, but I still managed to do retard shit, to this day the knife is still my weapon with most kills. Awareness was really low.

Thing is, I really liked taking jets that was something the controller just was fucking good for, and I had a lot of fun, so much in fact that I got a lot of retard kid hate mail, kicked from servers twice (both times the admin was in an enemy plane, you could see him driving it and when disabled the jet would go in circles since he wasn't manning it while kicking me) and lastly there was match once that ended in a pubs vs clan fight. They dominated everything, but I got there, took a jet and at least got back the sky for the team against 2 enemy jets and a heli. So I got constantly switched from my team while I tried to go back until they got bored and kicked me. More angry mail soon followed.

I got kinda angry after all that shit, but now that I think about it, it makes me smile a bit. Good times...

>Known throughout the Blazblue community
Never heard of him.

>and a few am radio stations

every fucking time


>and a few am radio stations
There's just something so great about hatemail, something that can't be replicated.

The only thing worse then bow fags are the edgelords who say 'i'm invading, i'll do whatever it takes to win. If I wanted an honorable fight, I would place my sign"

Here's a classic.

This, my sides


DESU in an invasion anything goes

If you're invading you're looking to fuck someone's day up, it's most likely they don't want to get invaded anyway.

>Win against opponent, opponent gets mad
>Oponent sends message
>"wow ur so bad"
Every time, i don't get this insult, can someone explain it to me?

Waddup Brian

Damage Control.

happened to me. It means you unknowingly made him your bitch and he boiled in his own salt.

its like when people use the word "salty". its just a last resort 'insult'

>Lose against opponent
>"gg :)"
>Win against opponent

salty implies you're crying.

Person feels like they're well-prepared for PvP, person feels they're good at the game.

Person loses, "Oh fuck he thinks I'm bad at the game"

Person makes excuses to other player to validate themselves to others.

That or they're just easily tilted and cussing someone out makes them feel better.

But they're right. In a duel (not an invasion) there are unwritten rules made by the community, i.e. bowing before the fight as an indication you're ready.

it means you're upset



A classic


OC. Received this one many years ago

Demolition D has a great youtube channel

Fucking Sac faggots

>Subject: wheelchair balls
do psn messages need a subject to send? if not, the fact that he wrote one means he actually thought up this argument and then wrote it. i find it hilarious this guy actually thought up this argument in his head and typed it all in rather than typing it in it a fit of rage without thinking.

That's not very romantic

Some dude got pissed at me for kicking his ass in Halo Reach and I replied with a compliment on something he did during the match to mock him and he apologized and sent a friend request.

>god of war wallpaper

>playing Dark Souls on PC when it first came out
>clearing out Painted World
>guy invades me
>spend an hour playing hide and seek with him
>sends me a windows live message begging me to come out and fight because he can't figure out how to go back to his own world
>watch him run around the courtyard for another twenty minutes, spamming messages begging me to come fight
>finally tells me he will just have to exit the game
>run out behind him and backstab to death
>sends me a message saying "thanks"

>why mommy why
Lost my shit

Holy quacking duckballs that's the dude from The Office!


>"is that why I'm known throughout the BB community"

le black man with questionmarks.jpg

The only message I have ever recieved was from a Street Fighter 4 game where I played Dan, the guy sent me a message telling me to taunt more, lel.

its called being generous you fucking good person, please die in your sleep warm and loved.

>I am great
>you are shit
Why do people do this? Doesn't it just make the fact that they lost to a person beneath them that much more insulting to themselves?

I don't have screenshots anymore unfortunately.

But me and my m8s used to go booster hunting on MW2 after seeing Sandy Ravage's booster justice videos - the amount of salt messages we got was crazy - usually voice ones from 12 year olds too.

>find boosters in public lobbies
>add them and ask to boost
>wait till they are one kill off a nuke
>kill them

Nothing feels better.

>Playing Vesperia
>Recieve message

>you only won because you were using the noob weapon

>playing ds3
>dueling in pontiff area
>summon this fag for a fight
>he's using a zweihander and I'm using the black knight glaive
>we trade hits once and then I get him with a few more swings
>he runs off and heals
>like he books it past the giant area
>whatever, I summon more dudes and fight till I get killed
>sends me pic related
>summon his bitch ass back
>runs off again
>says I'm too far beneath him
>challenge him to a fight to see who's better
>goes offline

That was my first hate mail of ds3 and it was glorious

I invaded this guy and killed him in like 3 hits

I had hundreds on my PS3.

This is fucking great


I really don't get the whole "lol just spammin r1" thing souls people whine about
like what else are you going to do, it's the only attack in the game other than slow ass heavy attacks


>Used to go by Groosenator
>Would always PK people and send "THE GROOSE IS LOOSE" after every kill
>Would get on Mic and blast Groose's theme while carrying the heaviest weapon possible
>The amount of hatemail I got back was always staggering
>Suddenly I get a message
>Its from Ghirahim
>"1vs1 me u fat faggot o and u have bad hair"
>Face him, and cream him 3 times in a row
>"Yah well i still have better hair lol"

If steam had a real non-friend messaging system I'd probably have a lot more. Not everyone checks if they can comment on your profile.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your phone used "your" instead of "you're."

You can't be superior if you also fire back linguistic vomit.


The moment I started playing JoJo ASB online(which also was my first fighting game),I got a guy who hated on me for being bad and noobie and after blocking him I never played online fighting games again

I got ragemail once on the Dark Souls 3 DLC for killing a host while he and his phantom fought one of the viking dudes.

Seriously, why is Obscuring Ring so fucking good for dicking with hosts in this DLC?

Yeah I was on my phone, I wasn't about to open the ps4 message window and risk getting killed by him while I was typing

>Try to play UMVC3
>Team is Ammy, Nick and Dante
>consistently spam rosary beads because it works
>Recieved a message
>"But I like Okami."
>Decide to stick with nick this time
>"But I like Ace Attorney"
>Use Dante
>Player leaves

Phoenix Wright isn't DLC


>do good in battlefield hardline
>new message
>"get a life, tryhard"
>"lol i'm just kidding"

This is Aliktea, infamous Russian E Honda ''player'' from Street Fighter IV on GFWL days. He basically forces the framerate to unbearable levels and it lags the fuck out of the game in ranked matches, so he plays very safe and abuses Honda's moveset in the underwater conditions. This is what happens when you bait him outside of the game.

Online gaming is so much less fun now that being reported actually has consequences. No wonder nobody uses the mics anymore.

>Ukranian Steam buddy asks me for a match
>beat him 15-0
>he leaves
>unfriends me
>calls me a "fucking scrub" in my comments

Not hate message per say but a really strange incident nonetheless.

So a few months ago, I was bored and decided to reinstall Battlefront(EA). I hop in a game and everything is going fine. I kill someone named "JesusSaves" or something else similarly religious. He notices my name(AdolfSatan, from when I was 15 or so and thought it was funny) and says something along the lines of "satan worshippers are pedophiles that'll burn in hell." I decide to be smug and respond with "i'm not denying it." He says he screenshotted the messages and found my facebook and will be sending it to all my relatives and friends. I shitpost a bit more, not taking him seriously at all and he leaves and the game ends. A little while later, I get a steam friend request from this guy. I decline it and pay no mind...

But then I check my facebook messages, and this motherfucker found my facebook and sent me a long, preachy message where he also mentioned my father's name(whom I don't even have listed as a relative on my facebook). It was the strangest thing ever. So of course I naturally responded with more satanic shitposting and eventually blocked him. Still weird as shit.


>gta IV
>playing free roam
>someone sends me and a bunch of other people pms
>"if you want to kill people go play death match"
>i organize everyone in the server to gang up on him and repeatedly kill him
>this goes on fro like 15 mins before someone else helps him
Another time I forget the game but me and some other people were just doing some playful minor trolling then I get a pm that says "just thought I'd let you know I reported you to xboxlive"

Holy shit didnt that creepyed you out?

i play eve online, if you dont get hate messages you're playing it wrong


Heh, Banned.

So eat shit of your fucking mommy and die, Bitch.

>guy randomly kills me in GTA IV
>find him, kill him, and move on (probably took 5 minutes max)
>about 45 minutes later receive multiple paragraphs (probably the OP's image times 20) in my inbox about how useless and bad my life must be for me to track him down and kill him


>playing GTA V back when it was only on dedgen
>someone starts talking shit
>everyone in the server goes after him
>he leaves
>later get a message from him
>"you want a war, i can bring my gang"
>take him up on it
>nothing happens
>never see him again

Yeah but cmon user, I couldn't lose internet points by losing my cool, I had to be smug. :^)

He either had his steam linked to his facebook or he did what every 15yo does and was too lenient on keeping his personal info safe and had it in some way or fashion in his profile.

>per say

Usually it's because they've convinced themselves you used cheap tactics/weapons, ergo they are better than you because you are relying on a crutch they don't need

It's usually bs but sometimes true

Wrong on both of your assumptions. I don't even know how you'd link steam with facebook. The only things that were personal on steam was that I had my first name on there and the old city that I used to live in. I suppose that could be enough to find someone if you're REALLY that dedicated. Otherwise I'm assuming he managed to pull up my IP and find me that way.

>user meets our lord and savior jesus christ

I made a level 42 character in Dark Souls. Fucking huge health bar, maxed chaos hand axe, maxed pyromancy flame, grass crest shield, full Havel's armor except the head, havel's ring and fap ring.

I invaded relentlessly in upper Blighttown.

So, yes. Yes, I did.


>someone creates a level 1 character just to whisper you

>rival becomes bro in the party

I got one after a guy in dark souls II invaded me when I was near the last giant. I used a giants seed and never hit him directly, he ended up dying by falling into the pit with the lava lizards.

A bunch of times.

My most recent one was when I was playing Depth doing that megalodon mode thing and kept inadvertently killing this one player. He IMed post game and just resorted to typical name calling and I told him to stay mad and blocked him.

Relax user, this isn't a latin spelling bee.