Post one picture to sum up FFXV
Post one picture to sum up FFXV
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I've come up with a new position
wow Sup Forums would have a field day with this fujobait shit
>it's okay when japan does it
Can't wait for the DLC.
That Cup Noodle quest physically brought me pain.
Fuck off with your nigger meme
>Implying FF hasn't been fujobait shit since FFIV
Assblasted PC fps fan detected
This sums the entire game experience up perfectly
Where do you buy the memories of ff9 CD?
Not him but im pretty sure its somewhere in the duscae area
Coernix Station Cauthess
>low on money
>Hugo from Lost wants to give me 10K to take a fucking photograph
I love this man. Now I can afford food and restoratives
Does the game automatically watermark screenshots?
Yes, all SE games do now.
Yes if you upload them from Prompto's camera.
How did this game come out?
How did it get good reviews?
Almost all screenshots taken on PS4 come with watermarks.
I've noticed this mostly with Square and Bamco games.
lemme just add to this pile
This game is amazing be quiet
While that IS pretty rockin', what the fuck is happening in the background?
some of these ones are pretty hilarious desu
The graphics really are couldn'tdecideonanactualartstyle/10
This just pisses me off.
Maybe I can test it for you
It looks like the swamp area.
The pictures in the game are just random screen shots for the most part with occasional filter added. So sometimes they look fucking amazing but a lot of times they look odd or downright awful.
Last time I was at camp all 10 of Promptos pics were just of zoomed in rock formations, leaves, or random monster parts. Time before that though every picture looked almost like it was posed and I saved most of them.
>Stop Resisting Arrest.jpg
I just died in the car, came down too fast thinking it would land nicely for me, car blew up.
Is this a real commercial? It's done too well not to be.
When that enemy type loses it's weapon it doesn't hurt you.
It happened to a lot of them for me Made it so I couldn't holy counter spam them.
>tfw said fuck it and only played the main quests on easy mode
Best way to experience the game is doing that with a weekend Red Box rental.
>that leviathan in the noodles
Lost my shit
I didn't know the pro came in red
>Siamese gay car-centaur fetish
don't fetish-secute people ok
Are all these images with bugs and glitches conceived on purpose?
I'm 30 hours in and I haven't seen anything funny like that happen yet. Kinda disappointed, senpai.
I'm at 73 hours and the only things I encountered are the chocobo glitch, textures not loading fast enough and clipping
>Eating Cup Noodles with a fork
You people sicken me
>"I must go, my planet needs me"
I wanna punt a football through his fucking gap
Is this le Jojo reference?
Everything is a Jojo reference on Sup Forums. This comment is a Jojo reference on Sup Forums
t. pckek
>the chocobo glitch
Not that one
is this a legit bonus feature in the game or something?
the tea pot in the city is a pretty cool reference to flcl
I know which one you meant. I just wanted to post that one.
Only ones I had happen were the warp strike not working anymore, quest item not allowing me to pick it up, and O attack not working. They just required save/load to fix but that was over 50 hours of playing.
Just save if that happens and then you can pick up the item