Final Fantasy XV

>Incredible cast of characters who grow and bond over the course of the game
>Excellent villain which the game makes you sympathize with
>Incredibly well crafted world with endless amounts of content
>A well delivered story that is guaranteed to make you cry
>God tier soundtrack
>Amazing combat system filled with tons of depth and customization
So tell me Sup Forums, how is this not the best Final Fantasy game?

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And clearly the best FF waifu have finally descended.

ignis is the only gay person out of the 4

Aranea turned out to be the FF character I always wanted.

I want to fuck Iris's slutty throat so hard that she retches on my cock and can't speak for a week after.

Yeah no, Prompto is clearly the most homosexual.

>barely any Gentiana love

Also, stop using the same OP. Gonna get you pruned and it's just bland.

It seems alright.

>two threads 500+
>mods pruning based OP

>A well delivered story that is guaranteed to make you cry
>A well delivered story
>well delivered


>There's only 5 pictures of Aranea on danbooru
>no porn or at least fan art of her in a black bikini

life isn't fucking fair

>no porn


Fuck you, that picture is way better.

It's been 3 hours since I've beaten the game and my heart is still shattered

Help me

How does she remove that armor?

>No Cor love

Why? All the good characters are still alive and founding a new world order.

>All Luna wanted was to be by Noct's side despite her destiny
>She gets that in the end

What picture did you pick?

It was probably because she knew his destiny.

Her and Regis knew from the start.
>Regis didn't sound Noctis out for a wedding
>He sent him out to enjoy the world he was destined to save by dying with his friends one last time

The one right before they set off at Cape Caem

>these niggers didn't pick the picture from the Aranea fight

I wasn't expecting it to play out like that for sure.

Did absolutely anyone enjoy that hour and a half long segment during chapter 14?
That one where you literally just walk around hallways getting some of the lamest jumpscares.
The one where you're supposed to be vulnerable but have a ring that literally gives you the power to swallow rooms full of enemes and dodge infinitely doing damage during.

Post your face when this came on at the beginning of the credits rolling and realized the intro dialogue played again because in the heaven created by the Crystal Noctis experienced the road trip anew, but the wedding went just fine

>10 year timeskip
>all of your friends still wear the same clothes
This game is lazy in so many ways, it often feels like a PS2 game with all the simple PS2 animations for NPC or cuts to black because they don't want to animate simple shit like turning a vavle

Even with Infinite mana dodging all day it was stupid. Think you were suppose to stealth a part of it?

What a poor design choice, just like the game.


That was Chapter 13, Chapter 14 was Insomnia.

It was actually chapter 13 and yes it sucked ass.

>trying to raise his boy knowing what would happen

It would have been more interesting if you got more plot than a few papers that just tells you that Ardyn made everyone in the empire into demons or MTs.

But yeah, a ring that turns you into Gemini Saga?
Pretty cool but what a waste of time that segment was.

I just beat it and already forgot the which chapter was which.

My bad, I didn't even think of it as jumpscares at the time, now that section makes a bit more sense.

Is it ever explained how him or Ardyn knew Noctis was the one?

>pretty much no timeskip models of all the other characters
The game was rushed as fuck

Crystal is gone (power emptied into ring, ring shattered).

So, I'm replaying XV. From the beginning and when you replay that intro after that ending, I think it's more impactful. The intro seems really good now.

The "time has come" was that that the ring had taken all of the crystals power so Noctis was probably just born the right time and isn't special outside of Lucis lineage.

And Ardyn wanted to wipe out the Lucii, the ring and the crystal in one move so it was the best of times.

>10 years in development
>no clothes to buy

Lightning Returns was pretty much a Waifu Dress-up so how the fuck did this go by?
I want some fucking armours.

I want to see Iris and Aranea in cute clothes

Aranea would be too adorable if she embraced femininity

Got ya, kind of wish we had more of Regis through flashbacks that would have alluded to that.
>Cover of deluxe edition has Regis hugging young Noctis in the rain
>Never seen in game

The Crystal is sentient Ardyn and Regis are tied to the Crystal. Its implied the Crystal chose him and Luna being the Oracle just KNOWS the prophecy and that Noctis is the King of Kings destined to wipe the darkness from the world. The game does a shit job at actually explaining this though, but reading the books that state the prophecy and dialogue implies this. Also Ardyn didnt just murder Noctis when he was a kid because he wanted him to be at full power when they eventually fought just as a final fuck you to the Crystal were he to succeed in beating Noctis. This is why Ardyn helps you throughout the game and basically causes all the bad things to happen its to accelerate Noctis progress into becoming the King of Kingss

Ashe already happened though. Still, Luna was great

>Luna's emotional death scene
>supposed to be sad
>spend too much time trying to take pics of her sexy body.

What other character was in the timeskip?

Alright cool thanks, yeah the presentation in this game was about as good as XIII's in terms of plot.

Whadya mean if? She seems pretty intouch with it, but doesn't act like a damsel in need of help.

Everyone needed more characterisation.
Too much telling in this game, too little showing.

What is this basic taste?

I picked a picture of iris holding my arm outside the royal tomb at the forest

my biggest gripes with this game is that it takes forever to get anywhere and you have to fucking rent chocobos.

Its also bullshit you can only take on one hunt at a time. You end up wasting even more time just to turn the quest in.

How dare you! Ashe is top tier.

More like good taste

>Its implied the Crystal chose him
It was entrusted to the Luci line and the only ones at the time who could fulfill the prophecy were Regis and Nocti unless the crystal was going to wait a few generations as a perfect target for Ardyn.

So why couldn't Regis do it then? I thought Bahamut explicitly told Noctis he was the King of Kings but now you're telling me Regis could've done it?

When Noctis found out Regis was kill, his number one priority should have been getting every woman he sees pregnant with his line.

I mean she's too busy being a sexy badass dragoon to be a girly girl despite having huge knockers and a kissable tummy

Putting her in a bikini would be a better move than putting Selvaria in one

>it was chapter 13
My b

The ring was too useful for what the section It's like they wanted to give you this awesome magic weapon but also wanted it to be semi non practical because they wanted you to go through their stealth section they worked hard on.
So you get this weird weapon that is too good for the section its used in, but nowhere near as amazing as it could have been.

Why are you describing what Versus 13 was supposed to be?

XV is trash compared to this.

If Regis could have been the chosen one then why did Ardyn basically had him killed. Ardyn was the one that put that Luna and Noctis get married in the treaty. This was done on purpose since Ardyn just knew that Regis would send him away to get married somewhere else. Ardyn knew Noctis was the chosen one. Ardyn is the mastermind of everything that happens in the game and in Kingsglaive.



I'm saying they were the only royal members alive, i doubt Regis could have punched Leviathan out of the sea.

>king dead
>queen-to-be dead
>suicide mission into the empire
By all rights, there should have been a few mini-noctis running around Hammerhead garage.

A sexy badass dragoon in the seach and rescue business.
I played it with JP audio and halfexpected her to go full onee-san mode on Nocti. She was quite soft and endearing for an imperial soldier. I'm really glad we didn't have to kill her.

Would you guys pay $5 for a pink bikini Aranea DLC?

He was so mad about losing the throne that he held a grudge for thousands of years and tried to kill everyone.

I like him he is a good villain but god damn Tabata cant direct for shit and actually make it very apparent that Ardyn is behind everything. Type 0 story was also this badly directed.

If she is added as a partymember.

Do we ever know how Aldercapt feels about Ardyn? I mean was he ever suspicious or was he just power hungry and saw that Ardyn was based as fuck with daemons?

I would pay $60 for a FFXV-2 with Aranea, Iris, and Cindy as the party with outfit changes like X-2

He seemed quite convinced that he would rule the world thanks to the crystal so he had no idea what it was about.

Well it was a shitty thing for the Crystal to do.

>See his people suffer and turn into monsters due to an epidemic
>Takes the burden of absorbing the disease/darkness and curing his people
>Gets accused of being a daemon by usurpers
>Gets cucked by the Crystal

Id be pissed too user.

Ignis is literally Hope-tier
>never shuts the fuck up
>his smarmy British accent never fails to irritate me
>his 10 fucking second dialogue to tell me not to drive at night
holy shit please tell me this faggot dies

Where the fuck is the OST?

That was the 6, who then gifted the crystal and the ring to deal with THE ACCURSED.

Besides, royalties killing eachother for the throne is common.

But I mean is this ever conveyed to the player? He felt like the single biggest missing piece in the whole thing, he's the fucking Emperor.
December 21st and it wasn't really that good compared to past entries.

Welcome to Hokuto no Final Fantasy: Everyone dies.

He wanted to rule it all. Ardyn was the one that made Niffelheim into such a superpower due to his knowledge of demons and how harness their powers. I doubt he gave a shit about prophecy and the gods since he went around trying to kill the gods/summons.

I'm not sure you want to know the answer to this question user.

Everyone dies at the end. No, I wish I was joking

Remember a demon named Foras in the final part? That was the emperor. Incase you missed the emperors empty clothes at the throne or the inbattle dialogue.

That does make sense and I agree but I have no idea why he has 10 seconds in a cutscene and is never seen except when I had Gladio one hit him with that two bar tech move.

They dont die moron

I know that but that doesn't change the fact that we know nothing about him other than "LUL LE POWER HUNGRY XDD"

There are events tied to friendly fire?

Noctis' dad really looking like Sun Jian there

What would the difference between Versus 13 and XV have been? The plot looks pretty much the same just that Versus 13 is starting out where the Kingsglaive movie took place

Did you miss everything that was going on? They are in goddamn limbo and would have passed on if Bahamut hadn't made that small space just so Ardyn's immortality could be dealt with.

How is this game compared to Persona 3?

Oh, still I can see why his anger seems justified.

You sure about that?

Because the game does a shit job at explaining this so it goes over people heads. Kingsglaive makes it seem the emperor is important to the plot, but he is not.

Well he was betrayed by someone who either was king or became king after the deal, not the 5 themselves who just appointed him.
Still. Killing the actual betrayer would have worked out better.

Ardyn did not nothing wrong

Clearly the artist also thought he was meant for something bigger.

>Links 3 of the 5 good songs

I didn't watch Kingsglaive, should I have watched it?

Where's Wang Yuanji?

Do you like good action movies?
Do you like seeing royal guard ninjas that can teleport by throwing knifes, teleport to them in midair, throw them again to basically fly and fight a giant Ultros?

And do you like seeing cities get absolutely wrecked?

>play first play through of Type-0. Suddenly giant aliens appear at the end. Cid turns out to be a good guy all along. Machina keeps randomly disappearing and reappearing
>have the play the game a second time
The ending was emotional though (like XV), and the gameplay was fun, so I'll give it that. Also, I loved the music


She doesn't, I do

>Cid turns out to be a good guy all along
You lost me

fuck I'll buy that

>Best girl is literally so incapable of winning a loading screen tip says she never will

if ever there were proof of there not being a god, this is it

Aranea had her own loading screen tip?