Are there any more autistic fanbases than these?

Are there any more autistic fanbases than these?

Other urls found in this thread:

Two of those aren't even Sup Forums.

Add Minecraft and Kingdom Hearts instead.

Maybe not MORE, but equal.


Nah those aren't games my friend

Minecraft and Pokemon should be on there

Sup Forums.

All of them. Collectives are terrible.
Why is this even a thing? Like why these three shows?

Minecraft, Pokemon, Souls.


Only melee


Because fat tumblr nerd girls love to cream over them

They're the female equivalent of pantsu anime except more acceptable to the mainstream

don't lump in those poor souls playing 64

14-year old 20XX memers fit this though

My Little Pony (and, by extension, Team Fortress 2)
Dota 2
Super Smash Bros. Melee

>all contain anthro characters
I wonder why all the fans are so autistic? Hmmmm

I know but why are those three shows always associated together by said girls? They're not similar in any way from what I know.

>Everybody already forgot about My Little Pony
>Even if their fanbase is so autistic that it got its own containment board


Attractive guys in a sci-fi story I guess

My dude, I think you're mistaken.

Agreed. Also minecraft.

lel anti horsefuckers are so autistic they can't stop sperging and bitching about it, that's why a board was made

You haven't lived until you've experienced homestuck

Rick and morty, family guy, american dad,

It kinda goes without saying that Barney is autistic as fuck to begin with.


or most fanbases of a Nintendo IP for that matter

Steven Universe isn't autistic just SJW

it's both you fucking idiot

Furries are scum.

Pokemon's fairly autistic and thats coming from a pokemon fan

I super hate the community.


What are those things with no arms from?

I think its called homestruck?


I tried to get into it. Don't understand it's appeal.

It's too late, user.

I quit during Act 4 so I guess I've lived a half-life.

You missed pokemon. You might not want to believe it, but in your heart you know it's true.

I don't think his alarm script works with posts made halfway into a thread, only for OPs.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>Dark Ages shit
>Dissing PINGAS

What does Steven Universe have to do with video games?

It's about a fucking praying mantis solving crime



This isn't 2012 kiddo.



3 of these things are good.


Which ones


Yeah, the people who make these threads

The kojima super ruse cruise theorists, at this point I can't tell if they're being ironic or not, and it's painful to see that because if they're not being ironic that's a sad delusion.

I mean there are people picking apart everything Kojima's ever said like it's the davinci code, I know people are going to mental institutions because of Kojima

Touhou's fanbase.

Rule 15 still exists, therefore people are still assblasted.

Rule 15 was there because aspies spat the dummy.

All fanbases are shit. No are good.



You were proven wrong.


I still haven't touched hamsteak, in like 4 years is it worth finishing?

oh shit, thats actually zelda and animal crossing.

it has its issues, but i like Steven Universe's background art a lot.

>Tfw three outtah five


>dissing AOSTH, praising garbage DIC cartoon SatAM, not taking into account the best animated Sonic AKA the OVA
Haha you are the autist user.

Here's the real reason for autistic fanbases: THERE ARE GAPS TO FILL. Various Gainax staff talked about this before in relation to Japanese otaku but it applies perfectly to franchises like Sonic, Adventure Time, Touhou, Steven Universe, Homestuck, ponies, that kind of shit.

To begin with, colorful visuals and expressive big-eyed characters make the presentation instantly appealing due to its lack of subtlety.

After they are drawn in, they remain there because the characters have a lot of gaps to fill. Sonic is the quintessential "fandom" franchise:

1. The designs are very template-based, which makes for easy fancharacter creation.

2. The characters are not really defined much beyond "the smart one", "the tough one", "the rebellious one", etc. That way, you can project anything you want over them without feeling "out-of-character" because there is such little character to begin with.

Fandom is about projecting your autistic fantasies into a fictional world or even living vicariously through that projection. If the world is too carefully woven around set characterizations and themes, meaning if it has something to say, it will attract far less autistic fans.

It's why something like FLCL for example doesn't attract as much autism and the fans tend to be more normal: it's colorful, but it also has a lot of subtle elements outside of the super-wacky moments and the narrative has the clear purpose and message of chronicling the protagonist's coming of age and making a point about what constitutes "maturity". When it ends, the story is over. All the characters play a carefully chosen role within that story. This is also why the sequel they're doing shouldn't fucking exist.

Doctor Who and Sherlock are trash, At least you can watch Supernatural.
Dr. Who is literally just quip after quip after quip after quip and Sherlock is exactly the same just different setting.

I wonder how a FLCL game would work

Nobody is going to fall for this.

I thought autistic people were smart??

Another example: If you're familiar with autistic cartoon Youtubers (AKA a masochist) you should be familiar with MysteriousMrEnter. He's one of the most deeply mentally ill e-celebs by a long shot and he fucking LOATHES King of the Hill. Why? It has moral shades of grey and the characters aren't as one-dimensional as the average animated sitcom character, with Hank for example being a bumbling fool in some episodes and the source of reason in others. The facial expressions and body language of the characters are carefully planned to be very subtle. There is a lot of irony and sarcasm, which hugely autistic people do not understand.

He doesn't understand anything about the show and thus his dumbass response to its popularity is to be angry at it.

The Miyazaki/From software fanbase

It wouldn't unless it's just a fanfiction game about Haruko traveling through space and fighting shit


Oh yeah I watched that guy before.
Only thing I agreed on was that Peggy was worst girl.
Dude the KOTH autism isn't even that bad.
TTG, and still watching modern spongebob despite being shit and throwing tantrums is what your post should be on.
Especially Patrick.

Couldn't it just be a boss rush kind of game with slight interactive elements?

It would be pretty cool if there was a game at least had the visual intensity,engagement, and complexity of FLCL

I quit when they introduced like 30 more characters out of nowhere and every update was a flash game with 2 hours of reading for no reason

>Still considered autistic
I'm pretty sure most of the children who liked the series on deviantart grew up and out of it. Those who still like it are a minority.

MLP pre 2015
I should know, I was one of them

I dropped Supernatural around season 7 or so when they were killing Eldritch abominations with conveniently deadly soap
Did it get any better?

Why are you still alive

I know the feeling, we should have died back then

The fucking luigi fanbase

At least the hype died down.
Looking forward to S7 and the movie next year.

same here

blue arms

OVA > Boom > SatAM > AoStH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Underground

Then again SatAM should go above Boom just for having Snivley

>not playing gamecube on a small hdtv with component cables and progressive scan on
steven is a pleb


>he places MLP better than hey arnold

Wild times

>Taste this bad
>Still recognizes Samurai Jack as the greatest Western cartoon of all time
A fucking enigma that is

the only source of money in his life is a dad who is so poor he lives in his van until recently when greg became loaded as fuck

Minecraft, MLP, current gen consoles

>good spongebob that low
also replace s4 mlp with s5

>Dashcon fucking killed superwholock forever

Why is there anime on this ruler?

Pc players
They think they're so cool

>forgetting the autism mecca of vidya, Minecraft

Why are we discussing cartoons on the videogame board?

Sometimes things are like that.

>Dexter's Lab that low
So you're a faggot, then?

I experienced it
I want to FUCKING die even if that was 3 years ago when i experienced it