How's your game going, Sup Forums?
You ARE making a game, aren't you?
How's your game going, Sup Forums?
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too depressed to learn
That sounds like QUITTERS talk!
I asked a monolith that if my first game would be a success, but it said no.
It's out in 2 weeks
So what's the next step if your game wins it big?
its going alright i just want to fix some of the issues with the paths for the ai and do more details
Pay people to make games for me
I just bought a GM license. I want to make a SHMUP.
I know absolutely nothing about game development. Any advice?
Pic unrelated.
Haven't done anything on it lately because I'm a lazy piece of shit and work is draining me.
I've been thinking of doing a formal design doc and drafting out a task list that will lead me to a completed game step by step and seeing if that helps. I think a lot of why we open our editors, dick around for a few minutes, and then close out without actually doing anything is because we don't have an actual roadmap plotted out so it's hard to be motivated to get anything meaningful done
I hadn't seen one of these in a while. Was almost tempted to post in AggyDaggy instead.
I gave my main character a projectile, you only have access to it when you have a certain powerup. You lose the powerup when you take damage once.
now lets be realistic, it wont
but something like what said to make better games i guess
almost ready for greenlight / demo
you use your newfound fame/money to make your next game
be a neet for as long as possible
Aside from staying with your eyes open for any complaints/bugs, at this point its either go for a new project or make some extra content for the game.
Then hurry up and make the first one so you can get it out of the way.
>fap to fanart of your game all day every day
Make a simple platformer to help you learn the language
I've been trying to get multiplayer working for days
is anything animated in the game?
the controls don't seem very tight.
>my game's protag is a kemoshota cat
I sure hope I get fanart
Yeah, I plan to make some simpler games first as a programing exercise
Going pretty well. I expect to hit 1.0 by the end of March.
It's /tg/ though, not Sup Forums.
think i'll dump all the recent progress webms.
Learning basic programming logic would be the first step.
Okay so I have time and I'm willing to make a game for you guys. The only condition is, it must be about mechs.
Give me ideas.
I'm sure at one point the person on the left had the skill level of the person on the right
no animations, not really needed since the squirrels dont leave the ball, and they dont move around in it. some things have simple animations tho
this thing.
Why don't you make the destructive blocks have rewards inside them?
Looks fun
Mech that are controlled by remote in a safe distance, but if mecha gets killed, the user gets killed too
stuff toggler.
they do sometimes tho.
>I'm sure at one point the person on the left had the skill level of the person on the right
Yeah, but they didn't release their game in the pixel shit state, like many indie developers do now.
Seems like the squirrel should still have some kind of animation at some point. I agree with though.
last one.
Don't bully the programmer artists.
you have to organize a tea party for you and your mech friends.
in the party you get to show off your battle suits and victory poses.
gain prestige points to buy new skins for your gear.
How's Godot? Is it a good engine for beginners? I'd rather not drop a couple hundred buck on game maker or anything like that.
projectiles remind of binding of isaac
i'd say release a demo asap for feedback.
Moving with momentum and sphere physics doesn't seem very fun to control.
>Is it a good engine for beginners?
pirate gamemaker
Something like this.
Get a mech beauty pageant going.
Gamemaker standard edition is free and has I think? every feature of the $150 one except you can't export the project as anything but windows. So you can always learn on that and if you make something good buy the full version
and add some waifu simulation elements for the mechs
Yes, moving with momentum and cube physics is so much better.
Momentum only is the problem.
Making a basic platformer for practice, since I haven't devved much since summer. I've got basic movement down with some simple momentum, and one-way platforms.
I still don't really know what to make of it exactly, though.
Momentum mechanics are fine. If you can't handle them, don't play games with them.
What kind of category is this?
A cut above pixelshit.
Also niggerlips.
Amateur, has potential.
Art, but unskilled art.
Nobody likes platformers 100% based on momentum. Like i said, release a demo for feedback.
my pc died, along with all progress. only thing i had backed up was the document file with all the ideas.
Making a harder AI is fun.
>Like I said
I'm not SquirelltopiaAnon.
I'm just some random user saying you're a retard.
Super Monkey Ball is 100% Momentum-based and all iterations have been at least widely enjoyed if not loved.
getting strong warioland 1 vibe from this, i like it.
Demo finished and released so lately I've just been tweaking it and adding minor stuff.
Cry in fear because my success was an accident and now I'm completely in over my head?
>in super monkey ball you control a ball
That was the first game i thought about when i saw the webm, but the whole thing is completely different.
Did you just phase through a table in the first part?
Phillips CD-i
Guy on the left is what I finished last week.
This weekend I mostly reworked some things in the character controls to make it easier implementing a torch/lamp system that makes sense from a gameplay perspective.
But currently I'm just replacing the common healing potions with something more creative and fitting for the setting.
When my new computer arrives from the mail, I'll then have no excuse not to use the GameMaker I ordered from Humblebundle.
These are the replacement for mana potions.
Probably gonna put some negative effect on them too.
Maybe halfing stamina regeneration or so.
Ignoring the fact that Owlboy was made by a team of industry veterans and was being worked on for 10 years (and is not such a good game).
I remember you. Keep up the good work!
>That rotted damned
Nice. Planning to add some idle to the face? Totally optional, honestly, considering it looks like you're aiming for dungeon crawler thing, but just like an idle view like this, the face is p. weak but the body's perfect.
And what does that have to do with anything?
Yup, but now it's on my to-do list.
Can Unity and Blender please use the same axis coordination.
It's confusing
>Mana Pots are drugs
Mana Overdose, consuming too many (like 3 or 4) in a short time gives you nausea effects, initially a slight screen blur and sway, getting more violent with each excess use until the Debuff wears off, refreshing with each injection.
And long-term addition effects. If you don't consume one every once in a while, your Mana will naturally drain, casting random spells at some thresholds.
>Silky smooth 30 room speed
It's a start. I'd recommend that you look into switch - case statements and state machines if you plan on ever making your game more complicated than this, since you'll be able to execute different parts of code based on what the player is interacting with without having to call a million flags with if - statements.
Flying NPC AI terrifies me. Good luck with your project m8, we are probably not getting AC7 so we NEED your game.
is this the PC ace combat we need?
i made these graphics today for my friend's rpg maker game. he's being a lazy asshole though! i have no idea what the game is even about
export as .fbx instead of using .blend files
you're welcome
Also the standard edition does not support skeletal movement.
I actually had something like that in the beginning but I'm currently using a different rig for the guy. Have to change that again though so the face rig was pretty much up there on the todo list for the character.
Something along those lines would be cool. The current system only supports regular debuffs, but I'm planning screen effects and possibly stacking effects.
Are you me?
Your art is getting better treefag
Looks pretty good, but some more contrast and the addition of selective outlining would push it a lot further
Everything. If industry veterans who have tons of experience and probably some backup money needed 10 years, imagine how long proper indie game developers would need to make such a thing. An impossible feat, almost.
Either way, business wise it probably didn't pay off to make such detailed pixel art and to spend so much time on it. Plus the actual gameplay suffered from it, as it has outdated ideas surpassed by many "more shitty looking games" and seems like a collage of 10 years of development.
Yep. That head's perfect, honestly.
Best of luck. I'll be keeping an eye on this.
I'm still not seeing how that has anything to do with what and isn't good art.
Nothing, but you can't expect people to actually do games like that.
>Ignoring the fact that Owlboy was made by a team of industry veterans and was being worked on for 10 years
no it wasn't
I was friends with one of the guys on the team, he was a lazy cunt who sat around tinkering with the same game for years never finishing it before owlboy
I've posted this here before but decided to take a break from the sprite practice and work on GM coding practice.
The only way I could teach myself to sprite draw without pulling my hair out was to do an outline sketch (visible in the image) and then painting over it and reworking the pixels as I go.
Generic design aside, thoughts on the sprite quality?
I don't wanna program a 3D camera with a transformation matrix
it's hard ;w;
Damn nice. Psi-ops meets Hotline Miami.
Th-thanks user senpai!