Just beat updated demo
Was pretty cool, but melee combat could be better, I missed many times because invisible textures doesn't allow to come too close to enemy, but hit boxes are 1:1
Just beat updated demo
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looks like spammy damage sponge 1st person melee. what were they thinking?
What ending did you get? I got Infected.
Playing this demo alone has made any buyers remorse I had for buying my PSVR completely vanish. Amazing.
Both infected and escaping
I wonder, if it was player character on the kitchen video, does it mean that Pete escapes too? He was killed because he tried to save you after all
hol up, how do i get any different ending because everything was the same for me when i played besides the phone not ringing and that extra hall
no, thats Clancy, the player character in the video. He gets the business.
outside of the video, you play as someone else.
Not getting hit by the monster and leaving through the window: True ending and LSD LMAO
Getting hit by the monster(getting infected): Infected ending.
Leaving through the backdoor: bad ending.
Can the monster be killed?
I hit the fucker in the head with the axe about 15 times and he went down once but got back up again and killed me
Open the secret door before watching the vhs which gets you the fuse needed for the attic staircase (you can still get the backdoor key afterwards though there's no reason to)
Get the gun and all the ammo (2 in bathroom, 1 on basement staircase, 1 in attic, 1 in attic in a crate you need to smash with the axe) and unload into it then finish it off with the axe.
Or maybe the hatchet just sucks ass. There are rumors of other Melee weapons that sound a lot more useful.
Initial meele weapon is a pocket knife, so i imagine the axe low-mid tier or something.
There seems to be a rake in there too. Wonder if only family man will use it or the player can get the rake too, that would be crazy.
Strange, I was pretty sure that on the kitchen video you had white shirt too
Guess I need to rewatch it
What happens in the bad ending? Only got the escape and infected ones
Have you joined To The Family Son yet?
I for one was actually welcomed. Is it like a cult?
You are welcomed to the family, son
did you get the secret dirty coin that unlocks something for you when the main game comes out?
I'm gonna have to do it myself soon too.
Has it been confirmed how to get the 5th laugh yet? I have tried several things, followed several guides, I even managed to find my first ever ghost sighting in an attempt, and nothing worked
Watch the VHS, pick up the lockpick but don't use it, finish the VHS, go to the doll.
That's what got it to work for me.
Not op, but i got the coin, it seems people dont know that theyre supposed to stun mold monster via kicking body and hitting x twice to kick door open. People just assume monster=i must kill it
Just saying, they have it up on youtube how to 100% the demo to get transferable coin.
but you can't kill it
Do you still get the coin in the full game if you buy the game retail?
of course, it's just save files
>"resident evil" 7
>Being this much of a pleb
epic meme my friend, upvoted
Axe didn't work, so I used block and get infected ending
Then I got True one and tried at the end shoot it, but gun just stunned poo monster
Acquire more bullets then, fool
I've got 10, is there more?
I got infected first time, and then got lucky the second time when the Molded whiffed a swing past me while I was running by. I don't know if it's possible to kill it or not. I put all 8 rounds I could find into it, and it didn't even seem bothered by it. I really, really hope that this game isn't full of bullet sponge enemies like Revelations 1.
Shit's intense in VR regardless.
Do you even know what a texture is
I already posted the locations in the thread you could've just scrolled up I can't remember the exact amount, something like 15 or so. Just shoot it in the head while stunning it with the dangling corpse then axe it a couple of times and it'll die/fuck off and you're free to explore the basement at leisure (though you'll probably get infected, not that it really matters)
you can freely explore basement just by fast grabbing key and stun it and open a door, after that monster will disappear anyway
The game gives you a gun, may as well use it
Tried to shoot Family guy, bullets just went through him
Where does the finger go
Well yeah, wouldn't really make much sense if they let you kill off a/the major/primary antagonist in a demo
It is not what I mean, they should at least make bullets hit him with blood and stuff
You stick it up your ass whenever you find a giggle
As far as anyone knows he's just a human so it'd make even less sense if they allowed you to shoot him in the face and nothing happened. Besides, they clearly want ammo conservation to be a big thing again so they're gonna do whatever they can to dissuade people from wasting bullets.
Maybe he was still human at the time of the demo, I dunno.
What does the voice says at the end? ''did my dad ...'' what?
"Did my daddy give you a hard time?"
>Jack Baker's fucking banter.
Man this game is shaping up great.
Family Man for MvC Infinite please.
What's up with that light between the planks? Has anyone managed to find anything about it?
nope, maybe just textures problem?
so what's the deal with the hillbilly serial killers? are they umbrella guinea pigs that were forgotten about after they went bust or something?
Umbrella subjects with almost 100% certainty.
Should I play 0 - 6 + some Revelations and other numberless shit ton games for 7? I've always wanted to play through all of games.
So if it yes, should I play them on PS3/4 or PC. And should I start with original ones or remakes will do it too?
>2 weeks to pc demo
Does Xbone get a demo?
Resident Evil Remake is the one most similar to RE7.
2-3 are a little more action focused, 4-6 are VERY action focused. There is a lot of shovelware in this franchise, but I would recommend playing at least REmake and RE4, those are fantastic games.
Well, I just heard that REmakes changed music and lost atmosphere of Originals, so I'm not sure
in few days
9 december or 10th
original resi is pretty dated. 2 and 3 are too but they are god tier games and resi 1 has the REmake.
up to you if you want to skip 1.
I would as I have played them before, but for you going from REmake to 2 would be a massive drop in gameplay, well specifically graphics.
Get them on the PS3, they were designed originally for playstation so they will have native PS buttons.
playing tank controls with kb&m is shitty anyway, plus the graphics on PC won't be much better.
as for the games story, you can skip it all really, RE1-3 was ok after that it got convoluted, so much that it ended up being an action game fighting all sorts of shit where the originals were zombies and bows.
I don't think RE7 will have anything, or little from the previous games.
it;s more like a new ip that they have slapped RE name on.
>Updated demo
Is it the same as the one that came out this summer? Did they add a new level? Do I have to replay the old parts?
The PC and Xbox versions are different demos. They connect with the ps4 one somehow
Oh boy, look what have you done, motherfucker!
>OY VEY, look what have you done, Goyim!
they opened the door next to the room you spawn in, and added a big puzzle, handgun, a monster, extra items and endings
It's already 3rd one update. They just unlocked rooms. And replaying old parts is not necessary, well if it not True ending
>That complete lack of any 'cinematic' noise as Jack just walks after you
This game is going to unnerve me.
did anyone else notice how awful the shotgun looked in the new tape?
All the guns so far seem wimpy as fuck and it's easily my biggest problem with the game.
Maybe it was a design choice, but it was a bad one. I understand not wanting to make you feel too powerful, but firing a gun should always be satisfying.
Do you think any previous characters will make cameos?
Yeah, it's a problem in demo too
m1911 feeling like a toy gun or something
play remake isntead of re 1
If have a stomach for archaic game mechanics you can give 2-3 a try,
4 holds up very well, replyed it few months back, still had lots of fun
5 is just awful all around, it as a forced ai partner and is basically a 15 hour long escort mission
a downgrade compared to 4 in every possible way
if you dont have anybody to play with you in co op i highly reccomend skipping it, it might really make you hate the series
6 is a bit better due to slightly better ai and a bit bigger scale, but its still inferior to re 4
again, if you ahve someone to play with you will have much better time, as a solo game its not reccoemnded
now spin offs
re zero is .. mediocre, the updated visuals look fine but the game wasnt very good and was never like by the fans, till rather play it over re 5 or 6
revelations 1, i enjoyed it, its a call back to older games before re 5 and 6, its very low budget and it shows
revaluations 2, i also enjoyed it, best writing and characters out of all RE games
still its an episodical game split in like 12 small parts, come together much better than re6 which is split in 4
sadly also pretty low budget
honestly play remake and play re 4, rest is optional
>Get cornered
>Think it's all over
>It's Leon
>He comes out, roundhouse kicks three nearby zombies, slides underneath a 4th and then suplexes Jack
doubt it
capcom is lazy as fuck
same dame with some changes to the puzzles probabaly
>that explosion at the beginning
this game is obviously gonna have a big story twist, you fight the rednecks for 6 hours then shit gets real
>this game is obviously gonna have a big story twist, you fight the rednecks for 6 hours then shit gets real
Of course.
Laboratory and B.O.W's are already confirmed.
>If have a stomach for archaic game mechanics you can give 2-3 a try,
Playing through RE 3 right now and just got done beating 2, what's so archaic about it? Sure they are not as polished as REmake but i'm really enjoying it.
>oh boy now look what you done motherfucker
the mesh's normal is fucked. it's not really anything meaningful.
That gun isn't going to work the way you think it is!
Jack's lines and accent are already top-tier.
Go to your pipe Andre
I'm getting the feeling that RE7 will be the most quoted game in the series since RE4.
So why people mad about it? It looks good if you ask me.
Anyone else avoiding this because it's FPS?
this is why
The true ending is retarded as shit.
>Leaves house with VHS
>Hurrrr no video evidence was found
>Police go back and investigate
>"Nothing out of the ordinary!"
dude LSD, man
But yeah, it retarded but I guess cops just thought it some university armature horror movie shit. But if they just IDed people on footage, they would likely found that they are missing
This 19th, neckbeards are going to rip this demo open for good
I'm still skeptical, because there's nothing "RE" about first-person. Especially since the last example of that was Lone Survivor or w/e, not that this will be that bad.
It looks well-done but I am not sure if it will be as fun to play as a 3rd-person RE game. Personally I really don't like not having peripheral vision around my character, which is why I avoid most first-person games.
>have Derelict House VHS tape on your person when you escape in uninfected ending
>nobody can watch it due to nobody having a VHS player in 2017
The fuck's with all the needles and drugs everywhere in the house anyway? Is the story of 7 just that you're trapped in a meth lab?
Is the new demo the same one just updaed? I cant find it on the shop
Demo probably gets another update, even if the game is around the corner.
The same texture was in the first version of the game in the attic where the hole in the wall appeared.