Why is there a TWEWY character in Pokemon now?

Why is there a TWEWY character in Pokemon now?

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TWEWY is urban.
Pokemon is urban.


hy is team skull so fucking good?

I love these characters and I normally dont give a shit about anything about the waifu's and the endgame in pokemon

They're pretty alright in my book. They rank right behind Team Rocket in my opinion desu.

Tiny Women Entering Worldly Yams


>grunt a
>grunt b

Lazy, just name them gamefreak

>naming a grunt

do you even play videogames?

Naming them gamefreak would be very confusing.

His name IS B


>Implying he's better than Beat from TWEWY

He doesn't even hold a candle to Beat, don't even compare Pokemon characters to TWEWY characters, like comparing trash to something brand new off the shelves. And in case it wasn't clear Pokemon is the trash


CRUNCH, I'll add it to the heap

How's that IOS port treating you?

>Implying I didn't buy TWEWY on the first day it came out in NA

Played it on my original DS and it was fucking amazing, the IOS port is trash and I don't talk about it. I kind of just pretend it doesn't exist, but I'd rather play that over the trash that was Sun and Moon.


because there sure isn't going to be a TWEWY.

Maybe we'all get another TWEWY after FF7 remake. R-right guys?


This is the best post on the board


>Pokemon game
>Can't take screenshots for miiverse

What the fuck is this shit?


from 03 to 12 is the best part. it gets into gritty hip-hop style like J dilla. It could've stayed like that, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LET'S STACK A BUNCH OF SYNTHS TOGETHER WOOOOOOH!

Quick user, what's some good J Dilla to get into, I've still only scratched the surface of hip-hop.

fuck man. i love every single one of his tracks. my favorites are "Life", "Purple", "Illasoul", "ALien Familly","dreamy", and "DFTF"


Oh shit I've heard half of these. One of the best hip-hop threads I was in was on Sup Forums a month ago with some user baiting that nobody listens to nujabes or something.

Best off-topic thread on Sup Forums in a long time, and I got recommended a lot of good shit like Kenichi Nishihara, Cyne, Shanghai Restoration project and more.

nigga what kind of backwards ass taste you have? i love the scratchy hip hop style but the whole song makes it what it is. best part is 1:00 to 1:30

>backwards ass taste
well excuse me for not enjoying repetitive generic pokemon battle synths

Someone post the two rapping ones.

But you listen to repetitive generic shit like J Dilla. Listen to life and it's the same fucking thing playing over and over you fucking retard. The point is it's okay to like music that doesn't make some groundbreaking ear tweaker every 30 seconds. Guzma's battle theme is definitely not generic.

The best part is :42 to :50 since its Aether foundation theme.

I believe his name is Jamison Fawkes