God damn it, I can't let that Yukarifag win

God damn it, I can't let that Yukarifag win.

It's still Miku Monday so second Miku thread,

Discuss Miku and the Project Diva / Project Mirai series.

Other urls found in this thread:

projectdiva.wiki/List of Songs (F 2nd)

first for Sup Forums whiners BTFO by Mikus

strange creatures

last thread?

Yep. Just archived

I seriously need to take some new Rin screenshots.

Those eyes are beautiful even if they make her look like an alien.

Yes, I think I managed to remove one image, but I was second to late with posting new one.

So I have a ton of background pics from this game and I'm willing to upload them all somewhere as an early xmas gift for you guys unless you don't want me to
Where should I upload them to?
Also the images resulition is nothing stellar but I guess you can always reverse search the ones you like

I don't know if I actually saw this certain drawing or if it was a dream, but it was basically this but with "Miku" instead of "Discharge". Would anyone have it?


It's been a while since I've been in a MikuMonday. Yukarifag is still around?

was in the previous thread. Either is hiding now or not around.

He never left. he was always here, watching us, judging us from the shadows.

I'm too lazy to make a new webm.


I can live with this.


If you know how to do it with a debug console, you know what to do.

>when you get the excellent just right

OP you're a dum, don't start a thread like that

For anons that have experience with pro and slim/og ps4 did you noticed any difference when running X/FT between those models?
i know that neither game has a "pro" update but perharps slower loading times on pro or similar?

go away

come 'ere Gumi. don't get close of that Rin girl. she will corrupt your pure mind

You got that the other way around

So I haven't been following the F 2nd DLC to the end. It's all out right? What's the full song list?

projectdiva.wiki/List of Songs (F 2nd)
scroll down

why is Yukari so Flat?

>those faces

because flat > *

F2nd only had 8 non-AR songs. Kind of disappointed, overall.

So she can be closer to IA's heart.



you're all right I guess

Get out.


If IA and Yukari are so tight then why isn't Yukari in IA's game? Luka is in Miku's game, if you know what I mean.

GUMI + Luka > Miku + Luka
It's also in Miku's game

Yukari is made by AHS and IA is made by 1st PLACE so rights and licensing would get in the way. Maybe the two could work it out one day and get something done or a Vocaloid all-stars project could happen never ever.


>tfw no Gumi in a Project Diva game


Rin pleases old men for money!

Rinfag assuming direct control

We can just hope than maybe someday who am I kidding it won't happen never ever

is gumi meant for sexual?

>tfw no GUMI means no best couple

We have no choice, we must attack Crypton

you tell me

If it means she can get a good game of her own, or at least into a project diva title, then yes.

Systematic Love PV is really stylish. It kinda reminds me of sissyhypno. I don't know if that's good or bad.

She knows what she has to do then.

stop it. Gumi is not for sexual. Gumi is meant for a long and serious relationship


She needs the money to get into a game user.

i recently got project mirai. how the fuck do i raise affection? and why is there no meter like in the diva games?

mmm delicious vocaloid feets. post moar

b-but whe she need to degrade herself to the same level in which Migu is? Isn't she popular anymore?


No she just needs to degrade herself for Miku to show how much she really wants to be in PD.

fucking hell Migu. how many lives do you need to ruin before you give to someone who is not you a chance?

Is it really ruining her life if she likes it?

>Is it really ruining her life if she likes it?
you could ask the same to a junkie




"What are we gonna do on the bed?"

Luka's been addicted to Miku for long time and she's just fine.

Story time?

Feed them food
Play games with them
Pay them their allowance
Getting them the trip to the island does a lot for them.

She can't even manage that



The meter is the background in their profile pic.

Plain = low
Dots = average (PJs and loneliness unlock here)
Stars = high
Rainbow shine = Capped out

Most people go to imgur for that sort of thing


That's the easiest way to get a thread deleted.


k i'll stop

That's probably the goal. That and it's around 60 pages long it I remember right.


>no Piano Girl
I got this guys.

Does lonliness go away at higher levels?


who in his sanity would like an oldhag like her?

I do

Could be worse.

>Hating on Teto
You monster

She scares me.

Hey, if she looks(and sounds) good...

I don't know. she looks pretty young to me. also them drills senpai.


do yourself a favor user and pls don't stop posting pics


no? so yes in modern slang right?

Where can I get a physical copy of PDX in EU? Do I have to import it?

She is popular, but she needs as much presence she can get.


such is the life in for non-crypton voicebanks.

no to you too good lady

>literal povertyloids

It was digital only in EU so you'd need to import a US copy of it if you want it in English.
Remember DLC needs to match the region so if you're using a PS4 then it's not a big deal, but on Vita it'd be a hassle. If you don't care about DLC (I think it's only for costumes in PDX) then don't worry about it.

>got their own(not cosplay) anime appearance before anyone

>bought FFXV
>every time I boot up my PS4 migu smiles at me
>can't help but play for 2 hours
>fingers hurt so I can't play FFXV

Fuck, I'm never going to finish that game.

>Not cosplay


My fingers hurt from attempting Two-Faced Lovers for the past hour

maybe someday

Yeah, best I can do on that one is a standard aswell. It's fucking hell, but for some reason I still think it's the easiest 10 star song out of the bunch, maybe because I like the rhythm but the overall lack of double notes certainly helps too.

Too bad Miku couldn't get the part.