Why does everyone hate this game


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Because no multiplayer due to laziness.

>wanting mp in this game


Because they're pussies who are afraid of deep water

the creator thinks guns are evil.

thats like saying so and so band is bad cause they have sexist lyrics

stupid retard anti-sjw sjws

I was going to post this ironically, but this mouthbreather beat me to it.

i hate the devs because they abandoned ns2 to come make this

>Not wanting to explore the depths with your friends in a cyclops

ns2 sucks

Not finished and runs like garbage

I love it. Best AA game of the year.

it wasn't great and they left further development up to the community. the state they left it in was unacceptable

>not finished


>runs like garbage

not really, it stutters but it'll be gone when they take that shitty ass terraforming out

I thought it was great, the horror of the deep and unknown overwhelmed me.
But since this is Sup Forums. Hurr Durr something SJW something something guns

>early access
>open world

No one hates in, no one just cares.
It's another early access open world survival, but atleast it's slowly going somewhere and adding actual content, but it's still early access survival with crafting, so no one cares

I like it and it was a great $13 purchase.

I really liked it. The underwater aesthetic was great and has not been done much. Its a bit short (25 hours or so) and could use coop to add some more things to do with it, but all in all i was satisfied with the purchase.

>it gets updates every day!
>the optimization willl be better when the remove terraforming :)
>it gets updates every hour!
>the map will get bigger in later updates :)
>it gets updates every attosecond!
>there will be more than one big fish later on :)
>it gets updated perpetually until the heat death of the universe!

I don't think anyone actually hates this game, it's just that we've been hurt too much by early access, so most of Sup Forums is very wary of anything in ea.

It has no cute underwater monster girls.

He's not even the idea's guy at this point, because everyone shits on his ideas and literally added nerve gas weapons weeks after his statement about school shootings.

>one of the first things UWE said about the game was that multiplayer would be their lowest priority, and they'd only make one after the game is fully finished, if they'd make it

Hugh Jeremy

That's literally the only thing you need to know about why this game is bad. Think Sean Murray but even more of a cunt.

>the PR guy
>somehow making the game bad

I could literally say the same thing for this

Minecraft got shitty because of the MP, it got too popular and Notch just stopped working on it.
The team behind Subnautica making MP a low priority is fucking GOOD for the game itself.

wew lad

You seriously have no idea what he does, do you? He isn't limited to PR. Ho boy he is not limited.

>board that judges everything on superficial first impressions
>hate a game because of a vocal member of the dev team

I don't see the problem. I bet he's a nu-male liberal SJW cuck, too.

This would ruin the game

But he's not the creator. He's a code monkey

He is a liberal but that's beside the point. He's acting as a game designer as well and he sucks at it.

With NS2 he WAYYYYYYY overstepped his boundary as PR staff and worked heavily on e-sports changes which completely destroyed the game.

He's still doing it in Subnautica.

The game is dead, and they have issues bringing in new players.

>Game with extremely hostile enemies
>Guns are evil, I'm not going to let people have guns in my game.

Literally the only thing you can do is run away like a good little SJW

Who needs guns in your game when your game has propelled explosive warheads and gigantic mechnical fists that can punch giant carniverous fish to death?

I'm waiting until the full release. Is it true that the dev will add more Cthulu-esque shit in it?

Cuck detected. Your candidate lost, it's time to stop being salty about it

Things can get killed in the game, you only have to download some mod and you have your gun.


>I go to Sup Forums. I'm so cool xD.


Liberal tears are delicious. Your time is coming soon, you'll wish you had some guns then ;^)

Well it is 4 years old but also you just linked an offpeak figure there

It has an average of 220 players which is fine

I LITERALLY have torpedos to shoot down your bullets with.

because they wont add more fish

>devs have two options
>one is to add in guns and trivialize every encounter because you can just shoot the alien
>the other is to not add in guns and instead trigger Sup Forumstards
tbqh i think the second option is superior

>Either one extreme or the other

You're more retarded than the people you bitch about

Apparently you haven't seen the election results. We're in charge now. That second option might be slightly hazardous for your health.

>Literal cuck to the political jew
Cum 2 my Montana ranch cuck cuck cuckold.

>Bobbit worm monster
>Ctnenophore-like creature



Because it runs like shit and the devs are doing nothing to fix it.
I always see shit getting added to the game but literally nothing done about performance.

Into the trash with ARK and every other shitty cash in survival games.

I don't hate it, but there isn't much to do in the game, it really feels pointless at times.

Also the no weapons shit is retarded. It's a SURVIVAL game. You're telling me that crafting weapons isn't part of survival?

But you can craft a huge submarine, and shit that fires torpedoes. It's like the devs are obtuse about it. I have nothing against game without guns but in here it makes zero sense at all.

Because Markiplier played it once

No, no. That would be forgivable. His actual statement was far more retarded. Pic related.

Doesn't the game have missiles and knives ?

Looks like it's doing fine to me OP.