Can you guys come up with a better story than 2.5 for Final Fantasy X-3?

Tidus and Wakka go on a gay roadtrip in Sin's prolapsed anus to find themselves. Yuna, Rikku and Paine tour Spira and have hardcore lesbian sex in public.

>Titus kicks a bomb he thinks looks like a blitzball and gets his head blown off

No sir, I cannot.

Tidus gets cuckolded by a big Bessaid cock

If they do an X-3 dear god I hope they just forget everything after X-2 existed. Its borderline fanfiction material.

Is there a translation for this yet?

The game ends in FFX, FFX-2 was just a dream.
FFX-3 gets changed to a prequel with Auron, Jecht, and Braska.

I can think of a better story than X or any of its sequels right now:

>A man puts his hand in his ass, pulls shit from it, and waves it in front of the camera for three games

Better than FFX.

FFX prequel

>Final Fantasy: Bioware Edition

This is really the least insane thing to do

Is this the one where Tidus gets randomly exploded for no particular reason?

Rikku is the main character. She goes on an underwater expedition looking for a legendary treasure. The entire game takes place in an underwater continent below the surface of Spira. The underwater continent is even older than Zanarkand.

post yfw blitzbomb


Isn't 2.5 literally fanfiction the writers thought they wrote but actually didn't?


A lot of this whole blitzball bomb confusion comes from early crude translation.

What really happened is that Tidus kicked a machina war era bomb that look similar to a blitzball because he's a idiot.

A lot of shit in modern Spira are carryovers from the Machina War, blitzballs are one of them, being based probably on inactive bombs that were found.

We had a gentlemen's agreement that this never happened.

Tidus and Yuna settle down and have a nice life. The End.

That doesn't stop the premise from being any less stupid

Wakka becomes the next Sin and goes all over
Spira killing the Al Bhed

I imagine there's still a shitload of fiends and unsent in Spira.

That doesn't make it better.

The first X was about letting go, and the second X is "Turns out Tidus didn't die lol" and the party has to go find him. X 2.5 is about Tidus dying again for real, and then him being replaced by a spirit or whatever. Why can't they let Tidus just die?

Tidus is literally from zanarkand. How would he not know what a blitzball looks like?

Please this

Easily. It's a prequel game about Jecht, Braska, and Auron.

He's not replaced by a spirit, he's been "beckoned" by Yuna which is a new state of Farplane fuckery where the dead are brought back to life as long as they don't realize they have been beckoned, which is why Yuna is keeping her distance from him in a a forced breakup. She is trying to keep him from remembering what happened and vanishing again.

It does look like a blitzball, because thats what they are based off of. It was probably dirty and old looking but still looked a lot like a blitzball, also this happened right after an argument if I recall so he was trying to blow off steam.

That doesn't make it better.

At all.

He STILL gets decapitated.

Bayonetta but with Lulu

>Can you guys come up with a WORSE story than 2.5 for Final Fantasy X-3?

I think that would be more difficult than your question OP.


Yevon literally did nothing wrong, as the events following X have proven.

Yu Yevon dindunuffin but his followers (mostly maesters) were the real reason for all the fuckups

Yeah I can
It's called "Not making X-3 and pretending 2.5 never happened"

Bevelle was a mistake, Sin should have kept wrecking those maesters

I'd make Tidus into Klonoa. He just ends up wherever people need him and saves the day. He'd wake up in some new world after the ending of X and get wrapped up in other people's problems. By the end there would be a connection to Spira, but that's it.

why do so many people want a FFX prequel with those 3 homos?

>Yuna ends up turning into a creepy necromancer.
Man, Braska's bones must be rattling like hell.

Why can't they fucking end it at 2?
I'm not buying any X-3 with any of that Yuna fucking undead Titus and resurrecting Sin


heh I thought I was the only one who suspected her of resurrecting Sin herself so she can relive the only part of her life that had purpose.

X is the most popular FF thats why. This is Square we are talking about. Remasters, remakes and sequels

My version of 2.5 involves Tidus throwing away the Brotherhood sword and using a gun after being convinced by Yuna about how much better guns are.
Then Tidus joins up with the Gullwings as the once all-girl team descends into a an abyss of crime and unethical assassination jobs.
Shinra defects and begins to create artificially intelligent machina soldiers and everybody begins to hate the Al Bhed again. Rikku begins to wear sunglasses to hide her own Al Bhed blood.

How is X remastered?

I was too young to know how or care Star Wars fans felt. I didn't get it.
Now I know. You poor fucks.

Its good, but the characters looks weird especially Tidus. If youre gonna try the steam version just install some mods

He literally sacrificed his entire city so they could dream instead of losing a war.

if its al bhed shoot it in da head ya?

Rikku and Wakka's relationship is a strained and complicated one in this storyline

The dynamic between Rikku, Yuna and Wakka was really good in the early game before her lineage was exposed. The scene on top of the Shoopuf where Tidus stops Wakka from going off on an Al Bhed rant and Yuna thanks him shortly before is pretty kino.

The game starts in FFX, FFX-2 was just a dream.
Squall is new MC