Modern UI

>Modern UI

Ugh god please tell me they're going to change this in the actual game, its fucking disgusting minimalist bubble crap you'd find on mboile phones. Why the fuck is this allwoed when RE always had such great Menu's/UI in the past?

Why are videogames actively trying to phase out stylistic menus design for this garbage? You look at P5, Jet Set radio, Okami, games that had amazing menu designs that POP and really interest you, and then you have this kind of shit, that you find in Last of Us, Fallout, and so on.

Minimalistic cancer needs to die.

>i want muh clutter mess design that takes you entire screen instead of simple clean easily readable and navigable that only takes a small window


>back to the basics

I'm okay with this. Mechanically, it's exactly what I fucking wanted. RE4's inventory was hot garbage.

>No Life bar
>No lore/file readability options
>No description window
>No map

k"Y"s sir, All elements RE is famous for are methodically stripped out in favor of your "Clean" menu. It might as well not be RE anymore.

Underage fucks, please get cancer and die.

>i want useless information to clutter my eyes from the action


Fuck I miss this game

>>No Life bar
He wears a watch that shows his vital signs. It was never a fucking life bar, you child.
>>No lore/file readability options
The examine button is still there like it has always been.
>>No description window
But there clearly is? It's just blank because he's not hovering over anything.

The lower one is superior.

t. interaction designer

Just admit you aren't an rE fan and fuck off back to your CoD thread kiddo

Get it right, you're no Interaction designer, you're a drop out Graphic designer who thinks hes hot shit for following apple's shitty minimalist trend.


>Not a life bar

Yeah okay.

Actually I'm a graduated communication and multimedia designer that can't find work because the field is hot bullshit. Should've studied for a real job.

Well at least you're honest. Hope you find something soon.

Item and inventory management was a big part of the resident evil series up until RE4 - there the inventory didn't really match the overall gamestyle because there was no shortage of ammo / healing items that would have made inventory management useful.
Not every game needs a flashed out inventory nor does every game profit from it.

>>Not a life bar

Christ, this is embarrassing. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because it's blatantly obvious you've never played an RE game prior to 4 in your life.

Thanks user. Actually started a videogame company today, got an office and the whole shebang. Making websites as a freelancer and gonna get a shitty parttime whatever thing to pay for bills in the meantime.

I started with 1, thank you very much. I think its you who doesn't "Get it" Because the condition bar, IE: The little green flatline bar that says FINE is representitve of your health, always has been. Why else does it change when you use herbs?

Think for one goddamn second man, you're so lost in your own shitposting you can't even see common sense.

Flat design is the hottest trend right now. Just take notice from websites.

You are so fucking dense. Pic related, dumbass.

Having interface look clean and easier to eye is important, but erasing everything for the sake of being minimalistic also wrong.

And you clearly don't listen because I was never talking about RE7 Fucko.

Does this game have gameplay?

I skipped through a fifteen minute gameplay video and saw absolutely nothing. Just slow walking through spooky environments.

>I-I wasn't talking about RE7 though!

Embarrassing desu.

It has one zombie, and its ganado tier

say whatever you want but this game had some great ideas

Watch those 30 second teasers from their youtube channel. It's where the only interesting gameplay footage comes from.


>what is 3rd person vs 1st person
it supposed to be immersion based you retard

Transparent windows aren't immersive user.

Opening my leather bag and digging out/putting away my items would be far more immersive, and could easily have been done.

Not sure how I feel about this.

It'd be sick if it was just guns.

Hatred 2, maybe.

>say whatever you want


>not a shit meme

You're complaining about something that doesn't matter. I bet you're the type to complain that they show weaknesses in Pokemon now, too. Fuck off

Smash and Air ride got the menu thing down right.

You got fucking rekt. Hold this L senpai

What the fuck does CoD have to do with anything? Go fuck yourself. The only people who still say "go back to CoD" are under the age of 18 or intellectually stunted. Just fuck off.

>Presentation of a videogame doesnt matter

Fuck off. It matters to everyone ehre but you, Menus are iconic, and memorable strictly because of how they're designed, if all video games suddenly adopt the "Standard black 50% opacity rectangular menu with white text" shtick, theres no more originality in menus.

Most classic games we love, had interesting menus FACT. and all of them are easily recognizable, and well remembered.

It's a survival horror game. The genre lives and dies on immersion you vituperate.

>The genre lives and dies on immersion you

It actually lives and dies on survival and horror.

that's not what that word means you diphthong

I'm in an extremely similar situation only i'm looking towards giving up on the videogame idea and selling out for money. I wish you the best.

I wanted to call him a jerk but my phone autocorrected to that. I have no idea what it means.

studios have run out of ideas and games are designed-by-committee of one half corporate suits who have never held a controller in their lives and one half focus groups. so it's all about being as subversive, minimalist and "un-videogamey" as possible.

>tfw no more merc/raid mode because LOL modern horror

fuck everyone who's excited for this shit.

>neo-RE fans


The Condition lifeline IS essentially your life bar. Just instead of looking like a bar, with decreasing and increasing, it's a green/yellow/orange/red vital sign showing if you're fine/caution/danger.

Yeah, not too big a fan of the menu design but it works I guess.

I just hope the full game isn't going to be as fucking obtuse as the demo was.