Why are sneks considered evil in vidya?
Why are sneks considered evil in vidya?
Because they are cute!
Cause they can bite you and inject you with venom, you ding dong
>inb4 not all snakes
snake apologists get the fuck of my board
What about Solid Snake?
What a dapper little snek.
Biblical reference to satan
Snake girls are cute because they represent replacing the fear of death with sexual arousal
Because of western tradition outside vidya.
Snakes have always been considered evil.They are one of primates deadliest dangers in trees and as they began to traverse grasslands. Everyone is born with an innate fear of them.
>There are snakes browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
Because they're reptiles.
Reptiles don't have emotions.
They're cold blooded animals who can't feel anything.
sweaters are cute.
>Everyone is born with an innate fear of them.
not true in the slightest.
I believe it's the same issue with spiders: they represent primal fears.
Evolutionary defense of most species towards most reptiles.
Aren't there parts of the brain that cause an instinctual response to snakes and spiders?
I mean there might be but I've never suffered from it.
Probably. But some people aren't affected.
Spiders are awesome.
That's interesting
Fear by association.
There are a few sneks that can be dangerous to humans with their venom- ergo ALL sneks are to be seen as dangerous for your safety. Because of this they have the evil role.
Some as with scorpions, how does the secretly evil criminal baron try to get rid of the detective who stays overnight in his castle? By putting a scorpion in his bed. That 99.9 percent of scorpions are harmless to humans an the big black one if venomous to humans at all is only non-lethal and the small unimpressive one is the real dagerous one (which makes sense, the small one has to have a powerful venom because he cannot phsically overpower his prey other than a bigger one)- irrelevant, audience goes EKK A SCORPION! Good for filmmakers though.
ask a snek owner anything, Sup Forums
Why are you guys so fucking full of yourselves?
did you fug the snek?
but i do let it crawl on my dick sometimes
Thats an Eel
What morph is it?
Were you ever averse to sneks? I want a tarantula, but something primal in me is scared.
It's a water snek.
why? :(
idk, the guy who sold it to me didn't really provide much info on it. All I really know is that it's female.
gooks are not human.
Food, nigga. We're top of the food chain.
Get over it.
Faggot vegan.
Did it die?
this is a snake (male)
Not really, I did a lot of research though, and made sure to pick out the most docile of breeds.
i mean cut off its head first or sumthing, why watch it suffer
No it's just trying to get warm.
they shed their skin and need to be kept warm when they do that.
it moves to try and generate heat when possible.
Gooks are human. They know they're at the top of the food chain and can do whatever they want. They are the Kings of species. They can do whatever they want to those below them.
No clue. Some user just posted it in another thread.
They're about to cook it, though. It's probably long dead.
Did "hold dis snake user" die?
what about spiders?
Nice ball.
Are we actually posting pictures of our sneks or are you turds just gonna fawn over snek memes?
why manually turn the eel around as it cooks when you can keep it alive and have it do that for you?
t. Faggot gook.
Snakes are disgusting and scary. Liking reptiles and keeping them as pets is the most retarded shit I've ever seen. They are not cute, they don't show emotions, it doesn't feel good to pet them. What's the point.
Born Again.
Serpents are not to be trusted and must be either killed or be left in the wild.
It's already dead dude.
>trying to cook eel evenly for best taste
>skinless fuck keeps moving away from the heat
>takes longer to cook and makes you angry and ruins your appetite
And this is why people think you're a faggot.
>>skinless fuck keeps moving away from the heat
good try.
The head has already been cut off, look closer.
Do not be deceived by the serpent. It is not your friend, it only causes harm and insidious destruction.
I have a snek, his name is Dr. Fang. He is top smug.
It's already dead
If you look carefully, you can see that it doesn't have a head
They did cut its head off you nonce. What you see is an autonomic response.
Two things about bush vipers like that.
1. They're so small its hard to appreciate those cool burrs on them.
2. They are CRAZY venomous.
Are you a girl by any chance?
looks like a normal ball to me
but I don't have much experience with balls
maybe its a Hagfish
And how do you notice the smugness? The lifeless eyes? Or the inexpressive face?
The same reason bats are
Nope. Neither is Dr. Fang.
>it doesn't feel good to pet them
Wrong, snakes feel awesome. They're also awesome looking, that's why you keep them.
Post more sneks wearing hats
You won't trick me you stupid fucking snek.
Cool snake. Are they in anyway dangerous?
I find that snakes are more expressive than cats. They actually react to what goes on around them and are inquisitive and stupid. Im sure Im anthropomorphism, but I dont care. He keeps me company and I only have to feed him once a week.
Not a bad way to die, though.
What do you people have against long frog tubes anyway?
Maybe? I'm afraid of them when walking through tall grass but put any snake or spider in front of me and my fear instantly goes away.
ball pythons are really tame
if they do bite you it's no big deal
>Bites from this particular species have resulted in at least one report of severe hematological complications[9] as well as two deaths.[10]
Does it ever do anything?
Na, the first day I brought him home my roommates were super concerned, but like all Ball Pythons he literally could not hurt you if he tried. Ive had him for years now and he's never even pretended to strike at me. As a python, he has no concept of predation and so has no defensive response (unless you act outright hostile) other than just trying to hide under things (including blankets, armpits, and even trying to get into a cave he thinks is behind my ear). Contrary to popular impressions, the striking reflex of snakes is really complex and easy to spot, and they only strike at things they can roll into the center of their body, i.e. not humans. At least thats true for pythons. Colubrids (i.e. non-pythons) are ornery as fuck though. Thats why I dont keep any.
I'm surprised it hasn't tried to kill you while you sleep.
>tfw sneks have poor vision and can barely even see you
>tfw sneks are probably more scared of you than you are of them
Snek bullying has to stop
another snek owner here
they are basically pet rocks
They do dumb stuff all the time. They'll try to crawl under things they're too big for and you get to watch them deal with the denial of being too fat to fit under something. They'll poke at things with their snoot, and lay their heads on hollow containers trying to listen for vibrations. During the day they're fairly lethargic, but its pretty entertaining to watch their nightly snake-raves.
He's a big guy (for me), but not quite THAT big yet.
Shit like this should be forbidden.
I mean, being cooked/eaten alive? that's seriously too much
I wish I had a miniature pig as a pet
>because some snakes are dangerous we assume all are to protect ourselves
>this is fine and accepted culturally
why is it when we replace 'snake' with 'black person' that everyone gets so angry
Have the same snake. Good choice.
They have excellent vision.
Fuck why wont you SNAKEposters go away?
It looks sad.
lol'd irl
lmfao its like snake but not spelled right XDD
Cool and thanks. They seem a good companion but I still couldn't see myself sleeping in the same room as one
>All Ahaetulla species are characterized by thin, elongated bodies, with extremely long tails and a sharply triangular shaped head. They are primarily green in color, but can vary quite a bit to yellows, oranges, greys, and browns. They can have black and/or white patterning, or can be solid in color. Their eyes are almost unique in the reptile world, having keen binocular vision and keyhole shaped pupils, being similar in this aspect with twig snakes, who also have keyhole shaped pupils.