Post some vidya related wallpapers

Post some vidya related wallpapers.

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>using vidya wallpapers

Why not? I like to mix it up every once in a while

Could I request some comfy RTS bases?

I honestly love playing RTSs just to build a big base. If only COH2 wasn't so limited in the base building department it would have been perfect comfy game

what game?
also what other games that look the same?







Suikoden 2 young grasshopper.

Suikoden 1
Exit Fate


>tfw you could never recruit Seed and Culgan




trying to save your ubermensch against the hordes of slav scum is everything but comfy

They're total bros, yeah. As lengthy as the game is already, I wish they spent more time developing Highland's side of things post-Luca Blight


screenshot 1/3




>Judging people for using vidya wallpaper
>on a board about vidya


dis is my shit now

praise kek

I used this wallpaper when I was young, granted it was 800x600. Once my father saw it and beaten the shit out of me and called me a faggot. He said that I should go out and stop being obsessed with polygon women.

He was a good man

Your dad's just afraid of strong women.










this is great map







What game is this from?



Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions




Ummmm... could we not post sexist pictures on a blue board?










>that black mage checking the sweet upskirt

















This game was so shit


I'll post my small collection

If anyone has any Bloodborne papes I'd appreciate it.



I'm going to dump what skullgirl stuff I have




Posting my little collection









Here's the last and best one imo. Enjoy.
