Battlestation thread 2nd try ;_;
Battlestation thread
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I need one of those stands for my blue Yeti
>blue yeti
It was $100 bucks
yo, I dig that statuette
does it hold any significance to you, or do you just like it?
You paid 100 for a piece of shit, could've gotten something better
my favorite teacher gave it to me in 8th grade, before he passed away.
Like? Keep in mind, this is my first desktop in 10 years. I'm not versed on much that isn't laptop only.
Here is where I don't seem to play many videogames these days. I think about it though.
Has info you don't need but here's the best catalog video on YouTube
Thanks user, I love your helpfulness.
Sadly, battlestation threads are deleted much faster these days, especially during the week. Good luck, OP.
are those christmas light up there all year? or did you just put them up
Hey friends question. What else do I need to buy to be able to use my audio techicas on my pc? Do I need to get a mix amp or something?
Mind if I bug you a bit more? I have the Blue Pro (with the XLR+USB, same one I got for $100), until I can get something better, should I get a preamp and use it on XLR mode?
Blue Yeti Pro
Oh man I have missed battlestation threads
Here is mine, r8 or h8
Looks pretty comfy, desks could be modernized though.
This is my dormstation from last year
Terrible taste in wallpapers.
rate me
I live in an apartment in the dorms at my uni so it is the desk that came with the place, the desk on the left is just a cheap one of those big ikea desks which works well.
Mostly it just seems crowded and too many wires
literally better than over priced blue yeti. alternatively you can get the Floureon as well.
>I live in an apartment in the dorms at my uni so it is the desk that came with the place
I figured that was the case after your second post, carry on then pham.
I'm festive. Just for the season. Here is the none holiday.
I see a Serbian flag user, you one of us?
I'll take a new picture sometime this week, though not much has changed.
not leting this thread die.
Nah I am an American and my family has been here since forever
I have it as a memento of when I met the Serbian ambassador to the UN when I was part of a club in High School. It was very interesting to talk to some of the representatives and gave me a different perspective on nationalism.
I keep it as a reminder of that.
Also, pic is dormstation from 2 years ago
Are we getting /comfy/
Oh, that's pretty neat user. Also, nice and comfy dormstation.
comfy/10, i personally love having things put in the corner. reminds me of a local comfy internet cafe where i used to go back in high school.
But thanks a ton for the recommended mics
These threads are pure comfy when they don't suddenly die
Why does speccy say 4095MB when every other program says 8GB
Sloped roofs are ultra comfy I do not know why
Plus that is some good looking cable management friend
Nice place user. How is it using a TV as a monitor?
I have always wanted to make a tiny streaming PC for a TV at some point in the future for couch co-op games and assorted TV and such but I feel like some of that can just be done by a console nowadays. Curious to see your viewpoint
I've never heard of this and can't imagine it's very good
>hating landscape wallpapers
It fits well with the aesthetic of the room I feel.
Now the ceiling panels, that makes the place look like an office building is something to complain about.
Neat. I hope you keep it for as long as you live.
My desktop's hooked up by HDMI. It's there on the floor to the left of the cube organizer. As far as building a mini gaming PC, it's pretty doable nowadays with the available HTPC cases on the market. You'll end up with a box roughly the size of a VCR. I did a custom rig a few years back for a co-worker of mine that came out pretty nice, had 6 TB of storage for his big-ass movie and TV show collection and a 750 Ti video card. I can't recommend the really tiny SFF PCs though, they just don't have the power to handle HD video most of the time, let alone gaming.
For dimensional/beveled panels or something similar it would have been several thousand dollars with the squarefootage I have. Not worth it to me really for the entertainment space.
>Plus that is some good looking cable management friend
T-thanks, even though I hate it especially cause it was provisionary right there.
>playing games hunched over at a desk sitting in a shitty chair
Kill yourselves. Couch+controller master race for life.
Have another, champ. Don't forget to do your homework tonight.
>he can't play bed and controller on whatever fucking size and height of monitor he wants
I have a Steelcase Think, user. I can lean back in my chair.
"moving soon"
I have the exact same desk.
I hate mine and am gonna change it by the end of this month
No need to tell me I have an Alienware, I already know what my awesome tower is.
Once I get a couch, you can come over and play with me, user.
Final (You), best $25 for a dino TV for gaming I could find (at a thrift store)
>tfw no easy way to manage these cables
>tfw bad lighting always
I should probably buy one of those little racks that hangs off the back of the table to feed the cables through.
>tfw volume 1 of that set is in the mail right now
Reporting as ordered.
New mouse and keyboard though.
The christmas star I wanted was out of stock...
Nice desk. You have supreme taste.
>went back to landscape
Did the bullying go too far?
Is there anything more patrician than the "table I dug out of my garage because I'm too poor to afford on L-desk" table?
I can turn the screen back and forth, portrait mode is for waifu photos.
Oh you still didn't share a pic of your waifu, friendo
Are you retarded?
Hmm? It's a Think. Am I missing something?
Been waiting forever for one of these. Thanks OP
Quick question, I have AS Rock H97 Pro4 mobo and my case and EVGA 500W battery just came in. Now I don't have a CPU and GPU yet but I tried to turn on the PC anyway to see if the parts I have works but the computer never turned on nor is there any indication that the mobo is being powered. iirc, I had a similar issue with the old XP computer I'm using now and that seemed to be due to the CPU not being inserted properly. Is the reason my unfinished build not powering on due to the lack of CPU or is one of my parts faulty?
No he's just a richfag.
Theres too many waifus, user, I cant do it.
Look at the pic again
Post a brown one
Fucking phone but you get the point
So I hope you keep the cork underneath the plant up to snuff so that you don't have water leaking down into your case.
It worked.
Pretty neat, user. Hoping your life is long, healthy, and enjoyable