/ctt/ The Console Tan Tuesday

/ctt/ The Console Tan Tuesday

Other urls found in this thread:


[opinion about best switch tan]

glad we can all agree on L

Isn't it a bit tad early?


Why are you yelling at me?

Hey guys, can I join in?

No, OUYA. u r ugly

Don't mess with best Switch!


how does it feel that an unreleased console absolutely devastated your softcore porn general?

This sh*t is epic lol

Do the math.

Most autistic thread on this board

>not accepting E as your lord and savior

I don't know man, and are pretty tough competition...

Gen better not find out about this

but I have


May as well post his other recent stuff.

I need more E.


Are you snatching these off his twitter? You should probably head to his tumblr if you want non fuzzy images.

She should wear something warmer, its winter now.

Shit, yeah I realized they were jpg as soon as I posted them. Minor mistake to correct.
>Jaguar in a sweater by the fireplace
How has this not been done yet


comfiest switch designs reporting in

Mission objective: Stay comfy

post feet



Need more futanari console-tan


Thread is more dead than Vita

New Shantae game soon anons.

/r/ing console-tans dressed as characters from the game (like Wii-U as Risky Boots).


best boy hands down


Needs more lewd retards

Who's the other in there? 3DS?

Wii U

Huh, light hair color threw me off I guess.

No I meant the black haired one was Wii U

Actually I'm at fault because I assumed the dark haired one was Vita.
So then who's on the left? Is that one Vita, as evident by the hoodie, or is it someone else?

Revival with lewd PS4 tan!


god she is so fuckable


Which console-tan makes the best music?

Back it up. Who's the Champion of Chips?



snes, duh




Never underestimate the Famicom. The VRC6 chip could kick your teeth in from a quarter-mile.



I want to have rough sex with PS4-Tan.


I don't get the joke here.

I want my balls busted by ps4-tan

Gen is too busy thinking about SNES' ass




who's this artist?
he really draws cute swittch

/qa/ thinks we're breaking the rules by having off-topic stuff and circlejerking with drawfags. They also think we're autistic.

/qa/ suggests we should move our topic to /i/ or /aco/.


well they aren't wrong on what they think of us

Not 100% sure but there's a lot of drawfags that vanished but do look fairly familiar
Pic related
Really bad idea since this is still vidya coupled with OC everytime one pops up.
Besides, it should stay here to be recognisable for regulars.

Mods should decide that not /qa/ posters or us for that matter.

>Check the /qa/ thread's archive
>"/i/ and/or /aco/ || Both boards have healthy console-tan generals already."
>The /i/ thread
Anyway, the only problem with that is that /ctt/ has tried moving over to /i/ in the past and the mods there gave us the boot. Whether or not the mods over on /i/ might allow it with some discussions or not, I can't say, but IIRC the reason they didn't want /ctt/ there was because it was focused on Sup Forums content and ergo should stay on Sup Forums. Moving to /aco/ might end up reducing or killing off the SFW content that vastly out numbers the porn.
The mods on Sup Forums have basically allowed us to stay here for three years now, and they more or less have continued to uphold their end up the "deal" (being, allowing /ctt/ to exist) so long as it stays in Tuesdays and we practice self-regulation (which is "our" end of the "deal"). Sort of a silent rule of thumb.

Moving to /i/ would slow regular traffic down quite a bit and potentially stop new traffic from discovering /ctt/, since most of our traffic comes from Sup Forums and lurkers anyway, and between the slow nature of the board and everything the threads might survive beyond just Tuesdays and become a perpetual and slow "general", which goes against the very reason why /ctt/ is kept to Tuesdays to begin with (because content creation is too slow on a day-to-day basis, keeping it in Tuesdays is a dammed river effect.)

TL;DR - It's a tough call and I don't know a good answer, but I say just stick with Sup Forums like always.

Sup Forums is still a relatively big board and given how big it is, it benefits into having new drawfags and PC alike.

>just because I disliked it, it wasn't a good thread
>h-here I go~

moving /ctt/ to another board would probably kill it. it's only teusdays sheesh

Looks like Planet of Junk

And that's...Hillean?
Not 100% sure.




Hot, but what's the deal with that face?

All I see is :^)

Is that the Zero Suit thing?
Fuck yes.

Who the fuck is /qa/'s demographic, anyway?
They seem to have an active disdain for several boards, particularly Sup Forums and Sup Forums. And knowing that, why the fuck should they be trusted on matters particular to such boards?

That looks really painful if the loli is inside.

I think that's Digger Nick on flockmod, not sure either
it isn't mine, but I'm flattered you thought so

Its bored culture though.
Its technically not on topic, but it is relevant in that its all inspired by games.

I mean, we know what a culture-less board looks like, /h/ is a great example, on topic, rule enforced, low amounts of deviation.
People come to Sup Forums to rant, vent, and unwind, we dont want to start enforcing definitions so strictly that it impedes that.

Pretty ded today


>Its bored culture
It sure is

/qa/ should fuck off and die.

CD-i and quality music
couldn't get this buttery smooth audio on the SNES Mega-CD in japan or the Lynx 2 handheld

Those guys can fuck off and search for other shit to hunt down. Why not try to weed out console wars shit forever? Complaining about /ctt/ is pure autism when there's so much garbage on Sup Forums to change. These threads are comfier than everything else out there.

These threads are always slow, but they keep going throughout all day anyway.

I think it's a good thing, it would be people are just misinformed on its use and think it's a place to complain about threads they don't like

It's shadowbugx stuff

>These threads are always slow
Especially slow today. 87 posts in over 8 hours.

Slow comfy, which that's cool.


Considering the thread was made around midnight and almost died before some user last minute necro-bumped, yeah, it's gonna be slow. That's generally why anons say "don't make threads so early", because not many are awake to hold a discussion or make content, it's just dead for the early hours of the morning. My rule of thumb is to start the first thread at 10am (central), generally a good time and the thread picks up quickly at that point.


You think that's bad?

Imagine if it was in the actual power suit.
And then the dock went into ball form.
You'd have one seriously compressed loli.

Sweet fucking Jesus...

NOW it's a true Matryoshka

you guy's disapoint me.
I've been here for 3 years.


I hope they get slow as usual
the same speed before switch came out

could have put alittle more effort into the tards or not have them at all