If a vidya doesn't have cute girls, is it even worth playing?
If a vidya doesn't have cute girls, is it even worth playing?
Brandon King
Christopher Harris
Fuck off
Nathan Jenkins
Kevin Collins
the fuck is wrong with her big toe?
Wyatt Perez
>can't prove him wrong
Jayden Walker
A video game without waifus is like a movie without moving pictures.
Julian Bennett
just play the fucking game
Thomas Bailey
That´s a big toe.
Lucas Kelly
I wanna motorboat Miku's soles.
Kayden Carter
Get laid you fucking losers
Jose Parker
It's truly sad that you are so manipulated by females that you can't even enjoy entertainment without them.
Juan Cox
For you
Nolan Wilson
Adam Young
Chase Campbell
You first
Brody Sanchez
Why would you play a game without cute girls?
David Martinez
Because I'm not a retarded mouthbreathing manchild
Isaiah Jones
Jeremiah Powell
>Posts on Sup Forums and then calls Sup Forums losers.
My fucking sides hurt.
Liam Robinson
Post more feet OP, you piece of shit.
Adrian Hernandez
Nope, which is why there isn't even 1 (one) single good western game!