what is this for online play?
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What is this?
It looks pretty interesting, but I'm not sure I understand what it is.
Is it just for custom boards or can you play Mario Party using it?
It looks like you can load a rom and edit it then attach it back to game, but if you think about it this tool could be incredibly powerful paired with a creative person and free time
I'm going to make a map with no random elements.
Ok, I uploaded a MP2 rom
Now what
I've been trying to turn video game maps into MP1 maps. Lack of a clear trail on the base image was a bad idea for this one
Competitive mario party
This one worked pretty well except for the base image having text already on it.
How long does it take to overwrite a stage?
>Five red spaces in a row
Nigga, you crazy.
Thank you for showing me this, user.
>that map
What's the best Nintendo 64 Emulator with Netplay?
I want to play custom maps with my fellow faggots.
It already exists.
AQZ plugin for PJ64 is amazing.
just make SURE(!) that every player not only has the same ROM but also the EXACT same save file.
So far so good.
does anyone actually play netplay Mario Party 2? I feel like i'd like to do that since I have no friends.
Or if you're talking about these exact games, Mario Party 2 on Dolphin works perfectly.
I think the first thing I'd do is a map consisting entirely of chance times.
Know what'd be the ultimate Retardy set up?
>do a bunch of "Sup Forums redraws/collage" of vanilla Mario Party assets so we have a bunch of horrible looking stock maps made by a bunch of anons for every map that can't be replaced
>then get people to make stupid as hell joke maps like complete with silly background/board logos to replace the maps that can be
You can still play it by yourself! That's what I did.
I need higher resolution captures of 100% orange juice boards + the background in separate pictures.
Don't worry 'bout the future it's alright
I actually picked the MP1 Options House music as the board music because it's the closest I could get to New LA's daytime theme.
There's no custom music support?
Nope, not yet. It'd be great if they added more general modding support but so far you can't even overwrite more than 1 map on MP1 or 2 so it'll probably be slow progress.
Plus you'd probably have to fuck around with midis or some shit.
Remember we're working with N64 memory limitations, so adding custom music would be pretty overboard.
I would but can rarely find other players.
And now I am on mobile internet, so the ping is pretty shitty.
Mario Party 2? Dolphin?
Dis gon b gud
Emulating a system emulating an N64. Works surprisingly well.
This. Gotta keep it under 32 MB.
how do I play any Mario party on my PC online with my buds or is that not possible
How does this work?
I'm pretty familiar with Dolphin and don't know about this. A buddy and I have been wanting to netplay MP2 for forever; we live too far apart to bust out the n64
You can force PJ64 to load files larger than 32MB.
It's worked for me so far.
I suppose I should have explained how:
>Load the ROM with the maps overwritten
>Go to Options>Settings>Config:MarioParty3
>Change Memory Size to 8 MB, and deselect 32-bit engine
>Optionally, turning down the refresh rate has helped me reduce flickers
This should allow you to use maps that push the rom file to larger than 32MB.
Of course PJ64 can work with >32MB files. Lots of ROmhacks exceed that limit, Star Road is fucking huge!
How long until we can add custom minigames?
What does it look like in game?
shortcuts can be costly yo
I like the idea of making your own asshole boards but without the 90's pre-rendered backgrounds for the boards it just isn't the same. Also no ? space support yet.
Maybe I should learn poser. It's pretty much the closest thing to it nowadays.
until this develops further to account for ingame editing of some sort anything Sup Forums makes will probably look ghetto like this.
>no 90's prerendered backgrounds
What games have the closest thing to something resembling a Mario Party map? SMRPG seems like it'd come close. It's tileset might be useful for a custom map.
Well the viewing angle makes me think of JRPGs, so using Golden Sun tiles was my first thought.
Something like this for instance.
Mario party 2 was on the vc. Just get that and netplay it up. I've done it a few times, works well
I wonder why no one has made a PC knock off of Mario party with a map editor and online play yet. It'd be awesome.
I want maps like this. I want a black ghetto too full of boos and other shit that steals your coins.
Final Fantasy IX?
Custom playable characters and costumes when?
Mario 3 maps - possibly.
Super Mario World
Possibly some board games out there too
soup's on baby
These maps are just begging for skeleton key support.
FFIX I guess.
Or Donkey Kong Country renders or Kirby Superstar.
Baten Kaitos?