Is George Wood the most based game reviewer of all time?
Is George Wood the most based game reviewer of all time?
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vidya was better during bush jr
Golden Age was 2001-2007
>someone on Sup Forums LITERALLY ACTUALLY defending the 2000's vidya wasteland
>not only defending, but claiming they are "better" than the apex of vidya history
This board is forsaken.
Vidya was never good
I love George Wood
I love conical boobies
>Calling out SEGA like that
>Hating on the based six generation
Literally how do you beat the PS2?
We're gaming in the Clinton years right now. All this SJW bullshit would have been a 100 times worse too if Clinton had won the presidency.
Thank your lucky stars that Trump will be too busy shitposting the world to care about violence in videogames while he piledrives China.
>taking Taiwan's call and calling it no big deal
Kek. That mother fucker knew exactly what he was doing and is fucking with China before he's even sworn in.
Inevitable demise of a good thread. Fun while it lasted
I am the Final Fantasy seven
>tfw gaming in the Trump Years
6th gen is overrated as fuck
With the SNES
Why did Trump have to win?
We could've gone back to the Clinton years and saved gaming
bush years were much more comfy
It was good in Bush Jr years, but Clinton years had a lot more high quality games from third parties. Nintendo was also better in the Clinton years than in the Bush years.
Hey George... I never played Donkey Kong Country before... Is that okay by you?
wrong bush
I miss the East vs West mentality every publication had.
>George Wood
I showed her my wood, alright.
t. i was a kid during 2001-2007
From Omega Boost to Resident Evil
Post rare Georges
"My dick was Weltall"
After I play Buster Bros, I'm gonna bust a nut
Don't you guys think it would be a good thing for the Lara Croft series to give Lara breast cancer? There could be a level where you're forced to drive an ambulance to a hospital whilst following traffic rules and regulations. It would be a really deep and moving experience for everyone. It will show that even when you are feeling the most heroic, you are still vulnerable as a human being. Come on, isn't this a wonderful idea?
>"This game is literally impossible if you don't cheat. But if you cheat, you can beat the game. You shouldn't buy a game you can beat."
What the actual fuck. I refuse to believe anyone can be this fucking retarded. This guy is like, "Infomercial person who literally cannot live life without product X because otherwise they would be dead"
>Kill some aliens
It's weird to hear his voice without Slowbeef and Diabetus talking over him
>Bottom line, when all is said and done, Toy Story has better gameplay than either of the Donkey Kong Country games.
If you do not like these videos, you are STUPID.
Yes, I know it's insulting, but that's also the truth.
I have a feeling that this idea is totally plausible in today's gaming
The scrifp for this video is pure autism,
>rapidfire nitpicks with no context
>"we" everywhere, nigga who is we
>"silicon graphics", wtf are you talking about?
>lol play Doom instead, but then it's "make the the problem worse", what
>"cheat codes" are bad and ruin the game
>recommends JRPGs instead of toy story
This is nuts.
Don't forget the whole Street Fighter bootleg action figure tangent
>6th gen being the best gen
>When it was part of the death of fast-paced FPSes and 3D platformers, and the casualization of games as a whole
no thats obamas fault
I AM the Final Fantasy
So did George Woods actually fake his death or is he gone?
6th gen was easily the pinnacle of gaming. The teenfags trying to say the 90s were clearly don't remember the flood of godawful shitty FPS and RTS games in the late 90s when hardly anyone was putting out anything else
Are you ready do downshift on me, baby?
They're referring to the early-mid 90s, when the art of the 2D game was at its apex. The late 90 had every other developer fumbling around like a retard trying to make 3D games on systems that could barely handle them.
Good thing Tipper Gore was never first lady.
A lot of those "shitty" FPS and RTS games were, in fact, fucking great. Sorry you were too poor to afford a PC with a 3d accelerator at the time.
>"Resident Evil is impossible without the hint book"
Yeah, pretty based. If based means casual retard
>and the casualization of games as a whole
That was the 4th gen.
Golden Age was 1985-1995.
I got a Buzz in my Woody
Whats gaming in the Trump years going to be like lads?
Price for most AAA games goes up to $69.99
really hard to say
it seems like theres been mass proliferation of crazy since 2012 and now
Western conservacuck games cease to exist and get replaced by redpilled Japanese games.
This. I can see it happen
>George Wood
>game reviewer
He's not the reviewer. The reviewer was some committee with an acronym, can't remember what. George Wood is just reading the reviewers' notes. That's why a lot of them use "we" instead of "I."
japan is liberal as fuck.
Just look at all the homo shit in them
No, they are still a conservatshit country but they still have a legal laws for gays to marry.
How are they conservative?
just an assumption that's all
So it's just head canon?
Back story.
George Wood had a public-access tv show in the mid 90's called Flights of Fantasy. I'm not sure if it was a half hour or hour long show. The earliest episodes seem to be all about video games. Later ones feature fewer games, and more diverse media. Comic, movie and tv reviews as well. He seems to have done other public access tv shows before and after as well. Years later, George Wood creates some company called Navigtr. Even after looking at this site, I still have no clue what they are or what they do. Navigtr starts uploading the game review sections from Flights of Fantasy, under the title "Gaming in the Clinton Years". These attracted a lot of attention. They got more when the Retsupurae guys mocked some of the videos.
He got a lot of attention because he's this out of touch old guy with often times hilarious opinions on games. I have no idea if he genuinely has an interest in games, or if someone told him to make a show about it, and he did his best.
This was a tiny show on a tiny station in Maryland. Thanks to the internet, Flights of Fantasy is significantly more well known today than when it originally aired. Some of the reviews have gotten millions of views.
These channels have a few full episodes:
Navigtr official site:
Look in my pants and I'll show you why they call it the Playstation
What did he mean by this?
>he's this out of touch old guy with often times hilarious opinions on games
He's just reading the review, he didn't play the games or write them.
Japan is very conservative in the sense that they always stick to the "old ways". Apparently fax machines are still used there.
Golden Age was 1992-2002ish but it only got really shit when shit like CoD4, Gears, Wii Sports and Halo started getting popular. Also honorable mention to horse armor.
I'll show you why they call me Big Dong Donkey Kong
kek, of all the clips they could choose from Tomb Raider 3, they show locking the butler in the freezer
>Mario and his friends are mute in Super Mario 64
I get his point but I dunno why this triggers my autism.
Plenty of people fax machines
Not directly. But I remember a sharp decline in quality during his second term
I'd prefer a tweet than Clinton's debunked legislation.
Can't you fags just accept that he is absolute shit too instead of making such weak attempts to deflecting criticism. They are both terrible options for leaders, being both incredibly corrupt and incompetent, although I suppose in different ways.
Too bad he gave the entire pacific rim to china on a platter.
>Bill != Hillary
If Bill was in office people would stop giving such a shit about TNA.
wtf i hate trump now
Well memed my friend
>being both incredibly corrupt and incompetent
That's wrong though. Clinton is corrupt but competent while Trump isn't corrupt but the most incompetent person to ever be elected President.
The MSM falsehoods about his "business interests" causing conflicts are delusional as hell. Any one who thinks Trump is running for President as a 70-year-old billionaire for business reasons is retarded. However, anyone who thinks Clinton isn't controlled by almost every special and foreign interest possible is equally retarded. The only issue is their ability. With Clinton we would've turned into an oligarchy run by corporations and wealthy foreign powers while provoking a pointless war with Russia but with Trump who really fucking knows. These next four to eight years are either going to be the greatest in this nation's recent history or a total shitshow. At least with Trump there's a hope for positive change, and PC culture finally being dead is a huge plus.
and? i was a kid up until last week lol
I beat super metroid in under a hour and it was worth it.
Hillary Clinton's proposed bill was so unconstitutional that Jack Thompson jumped ship. But yeah, gaming would have been "great" under her.
>controls are stiff
>gameplay is flawed enough to not earn an A on his review
wow, even back then reviewers were worthless piles of garbage. glad this guy is dead
>Laura would have nothing to do but inflate herself if it wasn't for the extremely long, intricate, expansive and amazing natural levels
Dobson's grandfather?
Attacking in SotN when you're flat-flooted is one of the few times I think "stiff" can be unambiguous used to describe the controls, though. It locks you in place until the animation finishes, how is that not stiff? Of course it's only one thing and there are ways to mitigate it, but the review even says right afterward that the controls are fine except for that one thing.
It's a crap review but you're a crap audience.
Nigger he's not even President yet what the fuck are you talking about? All his proposals so far would hurt China. He also wants to reduce debt but straight up telling them we'll never pay it all back so they should reduce it.
>PC culture finally being dead is a huge plus.
Trump won the electoral college, not the popular vote.
Ripping up the TPP is the biggest foreign policy gift they've gotten from us in awhile. RCEP is going to fill the vacuum. The other stuff he's proposing is chump change compared to that.
Lol, nigger that's entirely because of California. The other 49 states want the PC meme to die.