Switch thread
Switch thread
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>Wii U => Pii U
>Switch => _______?
Dead on Arrival
>skyrim on the go
Wishful thinking, but normies will lap that shit up like you wouldn't believe
I fail to see how that is a bad thing.
What's wrong with Skyrim? t. someone who has never played Elder Scrolls
We know literally nothing about it
>a 6 year old game is something to.get hyped about
Jesus fuck, I know you guys are starved for games but holy shit.
I've been playing "Skyrim on the go" on my laptop since it came out. It's nothing to get worked up about.
So far reception has been pretty positive, definitely better than when Wii U was revealed. Sup Forums doesn't count by the way, they shit on everything.
I can't even play a fucking PS2 game on my laptop. Not to mention lugging around a laptop to play it is fucking inconvenient.
Guys, I can play Angry Birds on my phone, Switch is useless. Also, I'm from reddit and I'm a casual who plays games on his phone. It's really fun. Mario Run is awesome.
Seriously, when the fuck did it become okay to be this casual? Will Sup Forums sink that low just to shit on the Switch
I'm looking forward to it.
it has the potential to be a god tier handheld. I'm not too worried about the specs, It the games and battery life that i'm interested in hearing about.
It isn't anything to get excited about. People say it will flop, but normies will buy it in droves because of Skyrim, thus not making it a failure.
>Lugging around a laptop is inconvenient
>put pic related is fine
>laptops can't even play PS2 games, let alone Skyrim
>But Nintendo consoles are cutting edge tech that can do the impossible
You're a special kind of stupid, you know that? Skyrim has been playable on laptops for years, and laptops are far more powerful than a handheld, yes even with the X2.
>reception for it has been mostly positive
>PewDiePie literally called it shit when the trailer came out
>mostly positive
>literally citing Poopeepie
>So far reception has been pretty positive,
Boy, what moon are you living in?
>Caring about what PewDiePie has to say.
>not realizing the implications of what I just said.
I might not give a fuck about his opinion. But millions of easily influenced kids do.
Dead console thread.
Nintendo Shit
You can't spell "Switch" without "Shit."
Congratulations I guess, but you aren't the crowd I'm talking about
I'm talking about the people who spent money on skyrim special edition for console who view pcs as Facebook machines and nothing else
I can't see this thing without seeing the damn dog.
Pewdiepie is a mustard, of course he hates Nintendo.
i like how the switch looks
jut hoping it has good games
People bought the special edition because it is enhanced and has better graphics. They're not gonna buy it a 3rd time to play an inferior version on the go.
what's the joke here?
I am at a loss for words
As does the majority of Youtube thanks to NoA's Jewish practices. Guess how many people are gonna buy Nintendo's latest gimmick when the voice of the industry is constantly shitting on it.
What laptop are you buying that plays Skyrim? You're probably paying out the ass for it. You're calling me stupid while sinking thousands of dollars into some Alienware shit. So yeah, enjoy that overpriced piece of shit that you haul around.
It's also funny how you guys bring up laptops, phones etc., but when it comes to your console of choice suddenly it's a fucking bargain and PCs are useless.
It's called a switch because as you as you hook it up and start a game you'll want to switch back to your PS4.
A regular $300 laptop will play Skyrim and with mods. Are you living under a rock?
No one cares about that besides a few ecelebs. If you think youtube stars are going to sink their boat then you're fucking retarded. Most people are pretty excited about it, with you being in the minority. You and your fellow pewdiepie fnas.
I bought a 300 dollar laptop and it doesn't play Skyrim.
can we wait for january to make threads like this
Then you got ripped off.
>Nintendrones actually believe this.
20 million lifetime TOPS, calling it now.
You really overestimate the intelligence and frugality of the average video game consumer
>20 million lifetime TOPS, calling it now.
I think it'll do a little better than that. They only need to convince half of the people who bought a 3DS to buy one and they'll hit 30 million. Then again I don't know how many people were double dippers with the 3DS/N3DS situation.
>Then again I don't know how many people were double dippers with the 3DS/N3DS situation
Not tens of millions you can be sure
Switch will probably do well in Japan at the very least, especially after it's confirmed it still has MH
>They're not gonna buy it a 3rd time to play an inferior version on the go.
So, this is out of the question, but buying a $400 console to play it on the same TV their 360/PS3 is already hooked up to isn't?
I don't think it'll be a huge hit or anything but if anyone is going to buy games three times its casuals who buy shit like Skyrim, Cod and GTA.
>will probably do well in Japan at the very least
It has to with the way Nintendo has been trending in the West.
I just learned The Last Guardian, the game for which I purchased a PS4, is mediocre, and therefore I will take my anger out on these Nintendo threads.
What does this mean?
Nintendo IPs are still strong in the west, their bigger games sell very well. Pokemon S/M was the best-selling game on Black Friday and it wasn't even on sale.
I just want this shit to die already, please
Will it have a reset button?
>What does this mean?
I think the 3DS is the first time a Nintendo handheld has sold more in Japan than in North America. 3DS has sold about as well here as the N64 did. The trend is going in the wrong direction. Maybe the profit is still meeting internal targets, I wouldn't know. I'm not a shareholder.
>The trend is going in the wrong direction
This is true for all dedicated hardware and console games, sales for all consoles/handhelds is way, way down from the last several sets of platforms. 8th gen has sold maybe 75m consoles so far, that's less than half what 5th gen sold and not even close to what 6th and 7th gen moved, and I don't see the PS4 selling another 80m+ consoles by itself. And obviously handhelds are selling far less than what they used to, don't think I need to give you any numbers there.
>Random YT douches are the majority?
I know it's all down across the board, but we're talking about Nintendo. The decline in handhelds overall coupled with a general downward trend in their typically strongest market with their typically strongest product line is likely not where the company wants to be.
Switch? More like Nintendo Shit
>but normies will buy it in droves because of Skyrim
>Wishful thinking, but normies will lap that shit up like you wouldn't believe
How can both of you be this deluded? Get a grip, idiots
Casual games move hardware more than anything else
The ps4 didn't do so well because of bloodborne, it sold well because of call of duty, fifa and battlefield
If Nintendo plays their hand right this thing could be the next Wii
That said, I don't have a whole lot of faith in Nintendo's ability to not be retarded