Free will is a myth

Free will is a myth.

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God this cunt reminds me so much of the incredibly smug edgemeister philosophy graduates I've met. Was satisfying to finally be able to shut one of them up

Your memes end here



Free will may be a myth,but we have so much freedom upon our actions that It's almost completely free.We're not robot forced to do specific shit.

The whole no free will meme Is just autism.



>Stains of Time starts playing

How the fuck was the entire soundtrack so great


i'm pretty sure platinum just hires the same band for every game and they are just godlike now




What makes you think you have freedom? The ability to make choices? But is it really you making those decisions, or just the cumulative experiences you've had leading you one way rather than the other?

People who suffer brain tumors sometimes report doing things they wouldn't normally do. Is it still them making those decisions, or the effect of the tumor on their brain that chooses for them.

There was also a study where it was shown that decisions were detectable in the brain before conscious awareness of the decision.

I don't get the focus on whether free will exists or not. If there is outright no such thing as free will & the universe is already determined then so what? What are we going to do about it?

Surely what's more important is to step down from free will to self-awareness, & to question to what extent it enables decisions to be informed & deliberated on rather than spontaneous & reactionary? That could actually translate into something of substance, at least

while true, it is impossible to reliably gauge what a person will do. so free will exists as a mid level concept reliant upon our inability to keep up with just how chaotic everything is.

> The ability to make choices? But is it really you making those decisions, or just the cumulative experiences you've had leading you one way rather than the other?

this is undeniable fact, but implementation in anything other than a controlled test or long term personal experience with a specific person or narrow group makes this moot.

ie although our actions are all predetermined, it is pointless to try to take advantage or rely on this fact. purely because of the depth and volume of how we work, along with the fact that its constantly changing too fast for anyone to keep up with or predict.

>There was also a study where it was shown that decisions were detectable in the brain before conscious awareness of the decision.

It's called Libet experiment. Look it up, this will convince you. Prepare for Nihilism induced depression, tho.


If a person's actions were the result of a tumor pressing against a portion of their brain, causing them to commit crimes. Should they then be accountable for those actions after it was removed, and they showed no signs of recidivism?

Suppose we performed brain scans on a wide variety of psychopaths, and found a certain arrangement was common between all of them, to the degree that we could tell someone had psychopathic tendencies just from looking at a scan of their brain. Would it be their fault if that person then acted like a psychopath? What amount of introspection or self-awareness could change the structure of their brain so that they were not a psychopath?

Its similar to how people say that they would have done something differently in the past than what they actually did. There would be no other option because they would have made that same choice each time given the circumstances. Same applies to spontaneous vs informed decisions.

different guy, but how is any of this practical?

like its interesting, but isnt everything you are saying ultimatly pointless?

>believing in determinism
>even once
aside from it being a pragmatically null praxis, it's obviously a psychological phenomena created by idiots too stupid or cowardly to comprehend there own tremendous responsibility. That is Nihilism, knowing just how guilty you are. Just try climbing out of sin when you figure out how free you truly are.

>What amount of introspection or self-awareness could change the structure of their brain so that they were not a psychopath?

Have you not been paying attention to the past 20 years of neuroscience?

But really, knowing where the will ends and determinism begins is very important, I would agree with that point. But complete determinism? Absolutely pointless and necessarily a-moral as a belief system. A belief system that renders choice and therefore consequences entirely equal to one another, thusly undermining the merit of belief itself.

>make thread about campy cyborg-action game
>get thread about psychological phenomena and nihilism

I love how MGR threads can go one of two ways and its entirely impossible to tell until you actually get inside


That or a thread about politics, war & freedums


Holy shit that's a good one.

I need more memes.

God the multiplayer in that game sucks.

I've always hated this saying. People who don't want to be responsible for their own actions say this.