Lets have a "best 3ds games" thread
Lets have a "best 3ds games" thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
All 3 Zeldas
Bravely Default
Dragon Quest VII
Couldn't finish this game when I started the flashbacks of stupid beefmchuge killing dumb looking lizards.
Super Mario 3D Land
Fire Emblem Awakening
Kid Icarus Uprising
Any Monster Hunter
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Kirby Robobot
Ace Attorney Trilogy
Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice
You first OP
because that game is literally on everything.
Yeah, those sections kill it for me, but the rest was good
I'm actually playing this on PC. It's pretty decent, but I feel they made some of the enemies far too bullet spongy, even for RE standards(unless RE6 was this bad, didn't play that one). Bosses in particular were more a test of endurance and just dumping all the ammo you stored between them.
What I think is really interesting is the Raid mode. Wish I had a buddy to co-op it with. It's not exactly the most fleshed-out feature out there but hey, It's RE with a loot simulator. I got have a subtle addiction to those types of things.
New leaf
Project X Zone 2
Best if you had a CPP.
There is no real reason the original 3DS should have launched without dual sticks.
A meaningful iteration on what has become a very static formula in terms of portable Zelda games. It exudes polish and has some of the most exceptionally thoughtful dungeon design.
It doesn't necessarily progress the series in any significant manner but it does take you on a particularly enjoyable journey that I found more entertaining than the past few console-based Zelda games.
> RE Revelations
Inferior resolution and crapcom shows off console bullshots for the 3ds version
> Bravely Default
Shitty ass game that forced you to loop the entire story multiple times before getting to the true ending.
> Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Shitty ass graphics that crapcom can't be bothered to upgrade. Seriously, they haven't changed since the ps2 days meanwhile other consoles were getting shit that looks way better.
> All 3 Zeldas
> Bravely Default
See above
> Dragon Quest VII
Glitchy as fuck.
There's a glitch if Maribel is in party during a certain events, Maribel disappears from your party forever and it makes the fourth slot in your party unusable forever. Also if you try to progress without the fourth slot, the last boss will freeze on you.
This game was worth it just for bringing Segata back.
I haven't played the DeSu games, but I've played through both SMT IV games and Soul Hackers, so I can say that the 3DS is a pretty solid SMT machine.
Especially since you can also play Strange Journey on it.
My favorite zelda game ever
Raid mode is fun as FUCK
>Shitty ass graphics
mh4u is prob one of the best looking games on the 3ds especially on the n3ds.
>mh4u is prob one of the best looking games on the 3ds
Good for you. And it still looks like the ps2 graphics.
Nah, RE6 got a lot of shit from players but I really hated RE5. Terrible friend AI, awful inventory that needlessly limits options between players and a lot of enemies take bullets like I've never seen before. You can use a machine gun on a dudes face and he wont always flinch.
I was surprised they even had a website component that is still active. I synced up the data and was able to use a completely different point system to purchase random loot which was kinda cool.
Is the second games Raid mode any good or improved? Once I beat the first I'll probably move right on to the sequel.
The only parts I liked from RE5 were some of the boss fights except the giant, the second and third tentacle monsters, and some of the parts with Wesker before the final battle. Other than that it was pretty underwhelming and uninspired.
>Thread about 3DS games
What did he mean by this?
I really enjoyed Codename STEAM. Highly underrated game.
Raid Mode in Rev 2 is incredibly good, played it more than the main story when I got the game for Vita.
DeSu 2 is great, you should check it out. It's everything SMTvsFE should have been.
Oh, to add to that: I kinda dig the evade mechanic, despite how odd it feels when you first are taught how to use it(I remember dodging the enemy multiple times but I couldn't get out of the room and had to look it up that I had to dodge near the TV). However going back to the boss fights I almost feel like the charging boss that you fight midway through the campaign should have been the first boss, since he's excellent for practicing the dodge. It's not that the mechanic is flimsy for me or anything, I just happen to pull it off without really trying or wanting to.
I can't hate RE5 due to how I ended up playing it. After purchase my friend and I stayed up for two days straight getting 1000/1000 on the 360 version. But any bad game can be made slightly better when you suffer with a friend, of course. Still, the couch co-op experience was real.
That's good to hear. I'll probably be spending most of my hours in the mode myself when I get to it. I feel they could actually make a full game out of the mode if they really wanted to. You know, like Mercenaries, which I didn't play.
RE5 is a fantastic co-op game. If someone shits on it and never brings up the co-op once, they've only played it alone.
It means your 3ds game hasn't improved in graphics at all since the ps2 game. You can blame crapcom for being lazy fucks.