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Video Games #3599
Video Games
Tanamachi Kaoru is the best video game character
What made sega vs nintendo more interesting than sony vs microsoft? is it nostalgia?
This is an underage girl in ffxv
Anyone else really regretting buying this?
ITT famous people that play/played vidya
E3 2017
What games offer me the hardest decisions?
Gg ez
Did I get bamboozled?
Which portal you enter?
Where games we enjoyed in the past legitimately good or were our standards not as high right now and we were easily...
Stop deleting the thread. Let's try to enjoy a Gravity Rush thread for a bit
I have a thyroid problem
In this thread we will autistically add our own subtitles to games which normally only have numbers:
Character is a cute girl
This Game will be Great
This is a Ubisoft game
ITT: Games you admit have flaws but still enjoyed
Starbound or Terraria
This game was developed by a multicultural team of various religious beliefs, sexual orientations, and gender identities
WW2 game
Iris Thread
Is aggron the best designed pokemon?
Wew another underpowered gimmick machine bravo nintendo
How do I into good city design?
You did let go, right?
Post a game that is stronger than all of its sequels
No webm thread
Yfw you first discovered emulation
Play not only one of the best Zelda games ever, but one of the best games EVER MADE
Is it bad that I bought UMVC3 on PS4 just to fuck around in it as phoenix wright
Pretty cool base concept
Play jrpg
Never played an Assassin's Creed game before
Why did Kojima even ever get into the gaming industry to begin with...
No argument
What games would you consider objectively better than Final Fantasy XV?
Did I do good Sup Forums? I used the PS4 trade in deal at GameStop today
My obsession with Heather Mason has become debilitating. I usually enjoy crying, it makes me feel better...
Looking for a playthrough for this game that isn't played by an inmature edgelord or someone who never grabbed a...
Ubisoft just keep getting better and better!
What mods should i grab for shadow of chernobyl?
Tease a potential GOAT tier crossover
New IP fucking when?
Hong Kong or Dragonfall Sup Forums?
Can we have a cosmic horror thread please?
DOOM's new patch removes Denuvo
Antagonist is a vain, feminine pretty boy obsessed with his looks
Bloodborne put them on suicide watch, Nioh dug the grave
Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart, and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard...
So, this will be my first time preordering a game since Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out in 2008. On top of that...
Post a worse sequel
Says he plays sonic
Unlocking planets on the same starter Warframe is seriously draining my will to go on
Howcome with all the modern technology we have nobody has ever managed to top the DKC soundtrack in terms of pure...
Gay cowboy with pink hair and a fedora the final boss
Can we have a thread for this magnificent game?
I have a thyroid problem
ITT: You are a group of current Ubisoft developers making an open-world game
Ken buffs
Knack 2
Where is it Ben
steam friend unfriends you for no reason
Remember when Sonic had deep lore?
Has alchemy always been the most broken shit in TES games?
I think this is Ultron infected by the sigma Virus
This is a naughty dog lead game designer
Has there ever been a more cancerous map design?
Why is this allowed?
Do you remember happier times?
Buy this game on sale
ENB gets popular on Youtube
Tfw 2016 was even worse than 2014
Kanye West might be making on a vidya themed album
Apologize to lady purple heart for being mean to her human form. Do it right now
Ironsights really did ruin the fps genre didn't they?
Come join us in Curse boys, full party
Nihonia makes better games than America
Who's the sexiest Sonic girl?
Game has lewd outfits for girls
It was just a matter of time
Game gets political out of nowhere
Tfw no bf
Games with vertical level design
ITT: We are Valve and we try to make new things to charge for one word at a time:
Dawn of War 3 Thread
Will you warm her up Sup Forums?
Who's the true protagonist of the series actually as of now...
Let's be real
Daily dose
Western """"women""""
Final fantasy girls
Get this game
Couldn't find out what the first one will be. Also no DLC
Sandbox games that don't get boring
If not for MC's fuckery, would they have banged?
So aside from being an all around well made indie game, I honestly think the design of Shovel Knight is good...
What is the best race across Tamriel?
Boipucci general
I am dead inside
Hidden Gems
Risk of Rain
3X3 Thread?
SJW themes in all genres
I've heard a lot of people say that the Changeling is the "true" main character in Pathologic...
Say something bad about a game you like
New Vegas
Draw a boy
That kid who naruto ran in the halls
Spending development funds on known real life actors that add absolutely nothing to the game
Remember Commandos?
Name three good PC games that were better on a console
*cough* please, if you can...*cough* buy my.. *cough* game.. i need treatment.. *cough*.. please
Thoughts on Influencer Marketing?
ITT post failures
Games that are literally perfect
Main character is an assassin
This is probably the wrong place to ask but did your taste in games change when you became reached adulthood?
Alright gayboys listen up
Sup Forums plays some roller coaster tycoon 2
PS4 Surpasses 50 Million Units Sold Worldwide; Best Black Friday of PlayStation’s History
What are some comfy games to play in the winter time?
What was the last moment in a video game that made you feel?
Wait hol up. So you be sayin we wuz kings and shit?
You hanging in there Sup Forums ?
How's that game of yours going?
Female joins guild
Find a flaw. Protip: You can't
How do we fix open-world games?
What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
This fucker ruined TF2
Smash Bros Melee HD
Is 2017 our year ?
Happy 20yrs of Soul Calibur Day
So where does Final Fantasy 15 go?
Have any of your fave game characters ever officially been shown naked, Sup Forums?
Game tries to distract player
MvCI dream roster list
Rocket League thread
ITT: Overrated shit
Is the Alien series better suited to vidya?
ITT celebs who actually are avid gamers/post on Sup Forums
ITT games literally only you played
FFXIII First Week Sales: 1,464,964 FFXV First Week Sales: 690,471
Quake 2 shits on first game and Ultimate Doom/Doom 2
Which ass is the better ass?
Well, Sup Forums?
What happened?
Easy Allies
Name a more likable person in the games industry than Kojima
What game is the best parent simulator?
I've never played a Final Fantasy before, I think now it's the time since XV came out
28 different damage types
Can we have a cosmic horror thread?
Melee HD when?
Fish lvl?
Is Insurgency a /k/ game?
Can you play TLOU2 if you haven't played the first one?
Who has the biggest penis?
True unpopular opinion thread. Don't say Majora's Mask is underrated, have some balls
Filename thread
Sup Forums plays XCOM
So can we all agree that:
Was Frank right, Sup Forums?
Will Death Stranding be his magnum opus?
I just downed an entire bottle of pills
Why don't games have boss fights anymore?
Tell how this piece of shit isn't OP as fuck
German joins the server
So is it good?
How does Tim Schafer still have so many white knights left...
Blondes or brunettes?
Shake shake
What caused Battlefield 1 to die so quickly?
Are Gerudo the only vidya example of strong indipendent women without coming off as SJW pandering?
Why are there no fat people in Bethesda games?
Get £20.00 refund for KF2
Who is our LOTY Sup Forums?
ITT: Remasters you want
Oh shit Sup Forums, what did I buy?
Why hasn't she gotten her own game?
Why he is always taking it to the next level?
CS: GO is trash
Doom no longer uses Denuvo
Reggie is finna do it!!
Why she is so fucking useless?
Choose girl
Denuvo has no negative consequences for paying consumers
Who has one?
Which game's world amazed you, Sup Forums...
ITT: Games that are difficult to play if you have arachnophobia
Is Chicken-chan too sexy or just right?
Final boss comes out of nowhere
Getting shitty reviews almost all round
Zelda Greatest Game To Date
Return to Texture Land: Texturefag missed the deadline edition
He plays his games on disc instead of ripping it to the hard drive for faster load times
Why does GTA IV have way better characters, voice acting, and overall sound design than GTA V?
Id software have completely stripped Doom (2016) of Denuvo - only copy protection is now steam stub
VII Remake rumored to release in 2017
Is this game worth playing or is all the praise just nostalgiafagging?
$85 worth of DLC
This game is so comfy, why does nobody talk about it?
You're welcome
"We want the *insert every survival horror game released on PC this and the past year* audience"
Tfw there will never ever be a Star Wars game set in the prequels era ever again
Can we have one discussion thread for the Switch?
Destroy D.Va's mech
Let it die
Why don't you have a sugarmommy who pays for your vidya yet?
The only people who hate Serana are paladins and homosexuals. Prove me wrong
Dragon Quest VII
What does Sup Forums think of this game
RPG offers you Countless amounts of spells that poison, sleep, confuse, silence, buff, debuff, protect, evade
Say I'm number one!
How do we fix it?
Steam avatar thread
Do you know why we stopped the car?
Best of Sup Forums thread
Mmmm mmm, you bess getcha ass up
Draw a boy
Why is he wearing sunglasses at night?
ITT: Shit games you regret to have bought
ME3 Ending Rage Check
This game is shit because it aged like milk
Thoughts on him?
Its High Noon
PS TV should be here any minute
Hey kids i heard you like Video games
Take vidya quote
What do you want to see in the next Punch-Out?
Why did Noctic go through all this trouble for a person he hasn't met in 12 years
Is it ever going to happen Sup Forums?
Name me 1(one) game Sup Forums won't shit on
Last one 404'd
The fact that you had to kill the emperor at the end of the dark brotherhood quest line in Skyrim sums up everything...
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Why is doom the biggest game in my library at the moment? it just updated 11,9gb, wtf?
So, Sup Forums, did you purchased Dead Rising 4 already?
How did a 20 minute demo set entirely in an L-shaped hallway end up being one of the greatest games of all time?
Should all games eventually come to PC for archiving purposes?
What went right?
This is Rugal Bernstein
Why did this steaming heap of shit get so much popularity?
Where's the best place to get ROMS/EMULATORS nowadays? Last time I tried coolroms my computer got aids
Post games that defined your childhood
Decidueye is weak to it's own type
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on Todd Howard?
Why is CS:GO the worst game in the Counter Strike series?
Name a more beautiful video game character than ramlethal
Guess the game
When did this board go to shit?
Steins;Gate Thread
I really don't get the appeal of Monster Hunter. Seriously...
Do you get vidya related presents for Christmas?
Why aren't you playing the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2?
What are some video games where I can be the person of the year?
What's with Sonic and Hatsune Miku attracting the highest amount of autists?
Why does this game have 32 player servers?
Look at her
Final Fantasy XVI
Are they still watchable?
Dude stronk woymn lmao
How is this WoW clone actually successful? It doesn't even do anything better than Vanilla WoW
Wanted to upgrade my PC
Why isn't anyone talking about the new fucking Team Ico game that just released?
Delayed again
So, between the final demo update and this new trailer, is anyone actually starting to get hyped for this...
What size will the tablet be? What size should it be...
FFXIII First Week Sales: 1,464,964
What time is it?
How do you go from this
What's the least buggy open world game, Sup Forums?
How much HP would this recover?
In the middle of the night
What is objectively the greatest Game of all Time?
Filename thread
Final Fantasy has a new best girl
Enemies can shut off the console
Do you think the original Dragon Ball and Super should get a Legacy of Goku style game?
Pacifist friendly RPG's
What gane are you going to play today?
Swapnote thread
The PS4 has no gam-
What games let me play as a cold-blooded psychopathic murderer?
What song is he singing?
I finally bought a smartphone
My mom just got me the original Xbox, what am I in for?
Psst kid. You wanna buy some AMBITION?
Capcom has literally 30 years worth of franchises
Got this on the psn deal. It's my first Tales of game. What I'm in for?
Why do modern game developers hate freedom of speech so much?
Why hasn't there been a Harvest Moon/Sims-style Animal Crossing where you can date/move in with your neighbors...
Hey, senpai!
It's free today, if anyone cares
What made it so bad and forgettable comparing to enemy unknown/within?
Three times more powerful
Name a single multiplayer game with a good community
Dad comes in
Is there even a single video game opinion Sup Forums unanimously holds?
How would you do a totally new take on the Pokemon franchise?
Yakuza thread
When will he finally keel over and die
ITT: Things that ruin open world games
What are your hopes, fears, and reasonable concerns for Crash: N-Sane Trilogy?
Which games do you think a girl would like? My sister asked me
Would you help rescue?
What games have the best rain effects? I think GTA IV is still the winner
What did he mean by this?
Who the best female(male) ?
Fps games
What are some good games about Japanese mythology?
How do you feel about religious themes in vidya?
Manlets aren't attrac-
Switch is Atleast capable of playing Dark Souls 3 and Skyrim Remastered
Where's my podcast, Ben? Where's my FUCKING podcast?
Alright, nerds. Explain why your favourite video game is so beloved by you
One will protect you, the others will try to kill you
Serious question. how do you guys handle the noise from your gpu...
IIIII... was always a foooool... for my New Vegas Thread
Stop playing effeminate JRPGs
Is Star Ocean - Second Evolution any good?
What are some PC games that are better with a controller?
Based on old japanese folktalkes
"Personally, I prefer the rear!"
How old were you when you grew out of Nintendo?
This is going to happen 100%
How did they manage to create the perfect gamepad?
This is Estelle, the main character of Trails in the sky. Say something nice to her!
Humble Bundle
ITT: 3D games that will never age
Excellent winter outside
Character appearance changes based on alignment
How is this game even possible?
You know you can't ignore the pain forever Sup Forums
Final Fantasy XV Updates
Star Fox
No filename thread
Why do people play moralfags in RPGs?
Indie Developers
So I love Final Fantasy XV quite much, it's one of the best FF I've played in years.. but
At chapter 8
Can any of you niggers help me kill this faggot
What did Josh mean by this?
ITT: Games Sup Forums hates because they aren't on PC
Girl joins the guild
What the fuck is notch's problem?
Is this the future of eSports?
Game design by Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya (Cave Story)
Start playing pic related because Sup Forums seems to love it
It's dark and cold outside. Let's have a comfy Etrian Odyssey thread
How old is too old for video games?
Sup Forums says this looks like a flash game
Tfw to intelligent too play videogames
I think these games are significantly ruined by the fact that you need to place torches every few seconds...
Help me out, boys! I can't decide which clan to choose, and I have been putting the game on hold for too long
In philosophy
AMD GPUs get better with every update and age like fine wine
What went wrong? Why did it flop?
What are some games where I can kill children?
I wanna get into the Final Fantasy series. Where should I start?
So I bought a PS4 slim because it was cheap
Is this game as bad as everyone says it is?
What are some video game series that were ruined by furfags?
So... Did Aonuma sacrifice roll for the sake of a jump button?
This is a WESTERN wonder woman
What is the lewdest game in steam?
What video games are you going to play today, Sup Forums?
All those series getting phone cash grabs
ITT worst protagonists
Now that Last Guardian can we what is the best game of 2016?
Poison is hot! HOT!!
Weird things you're doing today. Thread
Twink min max invading noobs in the burg with a +8 weapon
Do you think robin williams will make an ad for the switch like he did with previous nintendo consoles?
How do we stop phone games from destroying videogames?
Filename thread?
Why haven't you hacked your vita? You literally have no excuse at this point...
Play Overwatch
Explain this to me, Sup Forums
Choose one
Insane virtual console
Why does it seem like a 12 year old wrote this game?
"troll" thread
Are you gonna play me again Sup Forums?
Nintendo will pay $20,000 to Nintendrones to find "bugs" to counter future exploits on system
No hype for the anime fightan on steam?
Dr. Pavel, I'm Andromeda Initiative
What's the scariest video game you've ever played, Sup Forums?
Apologize to Lightning Sup Forums, apologize to her right this instant!
Attended my first smash tournament
ITT:Moments in video games when shit got real
ITT:we all live in grove street
Media create sales
Nothing but the best
50 Million PS4 Units sold
This is what killed open world games
Why is the fifth numbered entry in a series always so dissapointed?
ITT: Video game characters who are almost definitely not virgins
Why does Sup Forums love this game so much?
2017 is shaping up to be on of the BEST YEARS of GAMING EVER!
ITT games only you played
Wake up next to this bitch
What are some things you never knew about your favourite game, Sup Forums?
Worth spending 300 € on this?
Is Garou a good game?
That's a nice head you have on your shoulders
Game has breast slider
Dawn of War III
The game is being directed by Norio Hirose, whose credits include Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, X-Men vs...
Who's the main character of Resident Evil?
What you're doing, kiddo?
Is this the most successful reimagining of all time?
Can someone tell me the difference between these two?
Existential RPG
Is the reason games are not good now because of money or because of lack of talent
Tell me EVERYTHING that went wrong
Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku thread
Fuck this racist faggot
I remember this game being a huge shit show when it released because of the cash shop, horrendous grind and so on
Should Final Fantasy have stuck with the linear style and pre rendered backgrounds...
He is back!!!
What are the benefits of region locking? Why do devs do it?
What are the must-play games in this series? Should I skip the first two?
Other games like this?
One of the smartest men in the world
Post the toughest moms in vidya
The eternal debate
The west cant make good wom-
Nintendo Switch: GameCube Virtual Console
Sup Forums will defend this
You could have grown out of video games, user. It would have been easy, just have friends when you're 13-15 years old...
Who would wina free for all?
FF15 coming to PC
Where were you when dinosaurs officially became the lamest things in the history of the universe?
Who else is hyped for the QTE cinematic experience about *cough* androids *cough* after Westworld and dozens of...
Is this just going to be Dragon Age: Inquisition reskinned as a third-person shooter in space?
Let it Die
Hey Sup Forums you guys can get Assassin's Creed 3 for free today
What's your favourite KotOR2 moment?
Whats the first thing that comes to mind when you see this game?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Legion is the worst expansion to date?
HELLO Sup Forums
Literal perfection passing by
Why are her breasts so far apart?
Guess what just came out on Android
BOTW thread anyone?
What's the video game equivalent of this?
There are no perfect multiplayer gam-
4k gaming
Final Fantasy VX completely bombs in Japan
Explain this
Are there any games where you can play as a Succubus?
FF12 Zodiac Age
Why aren't you a girl yet Sup Forums?
What do I think of it?
So Sup Forums, which of these do I pick up for Winter Break?
Give away the worst creed for free
What are you playing
About to start this. what am i in for? some cheep GTA clone?
What game did you play today Sup Forums? How long did you play for? Did you actually enjoy playing?
There is no such thing as good western voice act-
Let's have ourselves a Hitman thread, lads
Enemy breaks the fourth wall
Explore an underground ocean. Battle sea monsters. Discover Sunless Sea thread. Go insane. Eat your crew
Is it, dare I say, good?
G2A Issues?
New Frank is widely acclaimed with some calling it the best performance of 2016
Ladies & Gentlemen, your GOTY 2016!
My mom got raped my dad and then i got firsted by my brother and then i shot a black man after he tried to rob my dog...
What happened to The Division? Wasn't there a big patch that everyone said fixed everything wrong with it...
Tales of Berseria Pre-Purchase is out on steam!
Grenade Launcher
Game 1
Boss can eat you
FFXV updates to adjust chapters, add cutscenes, add playable characters, more
Tell us what you like about Toobie
Name my band Sup Forums
Perfect controllers don't exi-
Can we all agree that Memphis is the best city for GTA 6?
What made sega vs nintendo more interesting than sony vs microsoft? is it nostalgia?
MMORPGs: Why do so many male players play female characters today?
What are some games where I can play as a Egyptian?
In retrospect, can we agree that the Wii kind of sucked?
2017 Hype(Or lack thereof) thread
FPS games a best
Pokemon Sun and Moon - Main Story
There are two kinds of racing games that gather any interest right now:
So why isn't anyone talking about the possible remaster/rerelease of the Dark Souls Trilogy on the Switch...
10/10 girls from games 10+ years old
ITT: Vidya quotes that give you PTSD
Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet user?
Is Sup Forums looking forward to Quake Champions?
Anyone want to talk about how Star Fox is officially a dead franchise now?
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
EVE online
35 Years Old
Good mobile games don't exi-
Recommend me some games where I punch a kangaroo, cunts
User, stop being a lazy baka senpai!
Literally the same character
Shutting up my roommate
What faction in Fallout New Vegas is the most morally justified / superior?
Did anyone play Mag when it first came out...
Ask the monolith anything
Villain is the hero
Attack an NPC in a town
Which overwatch girl has the best ass?
Oh shit, the Enclave invade the last game you played. How does the game's world fare?
Console gaming
Whats his name again?
How can you refute that this game isnt the best silent hill game...
Sup Forumss opinion on mgs4
How do you feel about Uncle Death?
Battlefield 1 DLC Hopes
Heavy Vs Zarya
FF1: A group of adventurers restore the power of four elemental orbs which calms and heals a once chaotic and dying...
Enemies can unpause the game
Is it the worst written crpg in the history of genre?
I feel like giving Dark Souls 3 another chance
Is SFV saved?
Now that they're all almost out and the dust can soon rest, what's the verdict?
What exactly did she mean by this?
Final Fantasy XV Updated Roadmap
FF15's designer girl
Game full of cute anime girls announced
What game has your favorite combat system?
What's the most /x/ game?
Steins;Gate Thread
What kind of stupid name is Horizon Zero Dawn anyways?
RPGs then
Quick Sup Forums, whats your vidya ringtone?
How is it possible that an entire genre vanished?
Sharp difficulty spikes
How do you kill it?
How do i become this giga mad?
1 new comment
Say something nice about Sony
What are some 3DS /Essentials/?
Oculus Touch released today, Vivedrones BTFO
Hate mail thread. Share the best stuff you got
What you don't like about the remaster
Sprite thread
Was this actually made to reflect medieval times or was it just entirely fiction based
How's that game of yours going, Sup Forums?
It's been 15 years now. Is the halo series fucking dead now?
Is he our guy?
It's not great
Star Fox thread
Final Fantasy XV
This has dogshit gameplay AND dogshit writing. Why the fuck did it win awards?!
Action RTS or MOBA?
I need non-biased opinions. Should I buy this, Sup Forums? If so...
So what's the consensus on the P5 girls?
Genocide route is retarded and makes no sense. Chara is retarded
Who do you guys wanna see in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, pick one newcomer and one veteran
Why doesn't Toad have his own game series yet
This is a AAA game from 2016
"Five years ago..."
What is some fucked up shit you done to people you met online?
Is Valve finally pulling out of the video games industry?
I love Tharja!
Vidya Accomplishments
Mega Man Legacy
You know what the funny thing is?
Where did it all go wrong?
What's your game of the year Sup Forums?
Sup Forums will be destroyed in 5 minutes
This is your new recipe for tonight
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
All white male protagonists
All opinions are equally valid and can't be correct or wr-
What are some games where the background or supporting characters have a more interesting story than the main character?
Has a game ever made you cry?
I hear a lot of people praise Obsidian's writing
The Last Guardian
Slut thread
League of Legends
Who got you into vidya, Sup Forums?
Lets have a "best 3ds games" thread
Playing Demon's Souls for the first time. I can't parry for shit right now, but I'm having fun with it
You can date japanese made girls
You're having fun, aren't you?
This game's fucking terrible. I hate it. How was this considered good even by 2002 standards?
Is this game worth it Sup Forums?
Hey Sup Forums, I love the DS Etrian Odyssey trilogy; should I get a 3DS just for IV...
So is it just me? I actually laughed at this one
Why did this fucker just hang out on the roof instead of helping out in 64?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...