how the fuck to medals work in this game? i mean i know its blizz being bellends about "its not about the player it's about the team" but how the fuck do they work? does gold mean first or what? and what the fuck do silver and bronze mean?
also general overwatch shitposting thread i suppose
Ian Adams
>does gold mean first or what? and what the fuck do silver and bronze mean? Have you seen the Olympics?
Jaxson Wright
>mfw I finally get to gold BOUT FUCKING TIME
Gabriel Robinson
Yo Fuckboi.
Gold means top of your team. Silver 2nd ect.
Kind of pointless in comparison to just having a scoreboard. No idea why Blizz didn't go down that route, the cucks.
Jaxon Young
>Medal order Man, how about you use common fucking knowledge? The ranks of each medal is judged by your team's stats alone.
Gabriel Nelson
If you have the highest damage on your team you'll have the gold medal for damage. If you have the second highest damage on your team you'll have the silver medal for damage.If you have the third highest damage on your team you'll have the bronze medal for damage.
Tyler Bailey
that was my point. if they're going to score 1st 2nd and 3rd why not have a full fucking scoreboard?
Michael Brown
Too toxic. The players aren't allowed to have any idea on how anyone else is doing besides the "on fire" gimmick.
Alexander Cruz
how does that work? longest kill streak or what?
Michael Parker
Just know that medals for elims mean nothing when the way elims are counted is retarded
Jason Jenkins
Your actions give an arbitrary amount of points that fill the bar under your health. You'll get the fire shit after hitting the bar's threshold.
Jonathan Morales
can you elaborate on that?
Noah Parker
>longest kill streak or what?
It's a combination of stuff that basically means doing useful shit.
Pushing the cart, getting kills, I think killing the enemy healer gives a lot of on fire points, blocking a lot of damage as rein, healing a lot as a support, etc
It's significantly more meaningful than who has the most elims (which is just kills + assists anyway, it's pretty much meaningless)
Parker Carter
Elims are solo frags + assists
There really isn't any excuse to ever have low Elims, even as support since you literally just have to tag an enemy once for it to count towards you score.
Joshua Hill
Even the most minor of assist counts towards your elimnations grossly inflating them.
Jonathan Murphy
thanks for clearing that up guys. i wonder what kind of game lets a player play ~20 hours and still not know how the bloody score system works
Jacob Murphy
>Lose >Rate - >Say something passive aggressive and leave I'm the problem.
Jayden Jones
It's because the only score that matters is your win rate.
Connor White
A problem with the on fire mechanic is roadhog and his self healing gives him a ton towards the meter
Luis Lopez
You're genuinely fucking retarded my man, it's incredibly obvious if you ever check your score and see that you fall from gold to silver in a certain category.
I have to ask, what rank are you/who do you usually play as?
Juan Stewart
r8 my quickplay guise
Carter Murphy
again mate relatively new to overwatch. never claimed to be amazing. was just trying to discuss blizzard's policy of "ok we don't want to rank players but we will rank the top three".
don't really play ranked, only arcade for dem lootboxes and quick play. regardless my top three played heroes are reinhardt, junkrat and soldier 76 in that order
James Price
How do I acquire skill with Soldier 76, he always gets shredded up and his gun doesn't seem to do much aside from helix rockets
Oliver Stewart
Medals are barely rankings, they're just a pissing contests for EXP and something to call out if people complain about you. Soldier/Junkrat will usually get at least a silver in healing and should get silver - gold every time. Most important one is time spent on objective/payload. Get on the objective. Stay on the fucking objective. Jesus christ stop 1v1ing, group up and get on the objective.
Gavin Perry
Medals are barely rankings, they're just a pissing contests for EXP and something to call out if people complain about you. Soldier/Junkrat will usually get at least a silver in healing and should get silver - gold in damage every time. Most important one is time spent on objective/payload. Get on the objective. Stay on the fucking objective. Jesus christ stop 1v1ing, group up and get on the objective.
Easton Taylor
gold is 1st silver is 2nd bronze is 3rd
If you tie with someone for first, you both have 10 eliminations or some shit, you both get the gold.
Brody Gray
ok maybe it was arcade oops
Cooper Perez
r8 again fags
Henry Sanders
If you're reaper and you have gold healing, it means you collected enough orbs from your death to become master of the shadow realm.
Hunter Evans
Bragging 1 star difficulty need to aim
Grayson Harris
>falling for the bait
Mason Carter
Nolan Moore
Not him but stfu Stop acting retarded m8 it wasnt bait
Mason Gonzalez
>in the back just pelting, so you get a tag for a kill, never really doing damage.