

Pretty good.


>not calling him DICKS


I don't get it

Someone please edit so I can save it

This is reminding me of that fluffy abuse autism

I don't see any pony shit that's not real.


Used to call him "a cunt".

stop fucking spamming this


Keep posting from the last thread

Name 7 games that use that as a save icon.

It ain't me who posts 'em

So they were canonically on their honeymoon, right?

>Name 7 games that use that as a save icon.
Name five hundred and sixty-three (563) games that do this.


post em

All I know is cave story. And I fucking love cave story.

>All I know is cave story

fucking child

Then do what the other user said and NAME GAMES THAT DO IT, YOU FUCKING MORON




for future reference

Cave Story
Sleeping Dogs
Party Hard

I laughed more at the "Gumza or Roy, who is our boy?" article than the punchline itself.

GTA vice city
It was popular for normies

over explained, and it would be better if he didn't notice that his name was strange at all and Red was smirking about it.

holy shit you actually did it

And any game that kid will know?

cave story

>games made when floppy disks were still common in use, use the floppy disk as a save icon
Stop the presses

One of their favourite youtubers has probably played at least one of those games

Needs less Buckley

Trying too hard.

That was a casette mate, SA had a floppy disk

Much better, though the speech bubble doesn't need to be in the last panel. Anyone who played the game should get it anyway

why are you pretending this is an argument?



Many common still supported programs still have the floppy as save icon.

nobody ever used floppys to hold their save games

In the 80s you often needed a disk to save a game (Wizardry for example)

The difference is that Fluffy abuse is fucking parody of this type of shit.

Is it really a parody when there's so much content?

>Ahah I'm drawing loads of sicking crap, but I'm doing it ironically so it's fine!

Yes because it still retains self-awareness.

Uh oh

Stay mad.

Just don't!

>Not local gays come to Alola

If they're not from Alola they're not local retard.

That Judy is cute, but that Nick is creepy

r they gonna fug

>dick pockets


I'd totally go in there and be an asshole on the server just to piss them off, but that would mean I'd have to redownload tf2

I want to fuck that rabbit

i think its time to stop

>not keeping a spare dick for when your main one is on cooldown

this cant be r-real

Name one (1[uno]) game.

"What I got" threads are already stopped. They were always swarmed with anti-fun autists who couldn't deal with people doing the meme right (ie. placing multiple jokes in the last panel).




top man, well fuckin done.

Still better than c&c4