Is the reason games are not good now because of money or because of lack of talent

Is the reason games are not good now because of money or because of lack of talent

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Lack of talent

Pursuit of profit at the cost of all else.
And a lack of talented auters with artistic agency, creative integrity and actual directorial capacity.

Good games with creative design is something we mostly saw in the single- and double-A markets. eg. Killer 7. Meanwhile creative bankruptcy abounds in the indie and AAA markets.
Guess which parts of the market have entirely eroded thanks to corporate greed?

more because the market doesnt bear it. you idiots shitpost games because they arent breaking ground on graphics, so the only studios that can produce those titles spend so much money doing so that they have to guarantee and maximize sales. that is accomplished by repeating previous success, not by innovating or taking creative risks

Lack of time. They insist on pushing out yearly releases and just don't give the developers enough time to put in interesting content or do quality bugtesting. As such, every game is just a remake of Assassin's Creed VII and most of the games are massively buggy.

there's an immense amount of talent in game dev. truthfully, there's far more talent than there are jobs. the reason games are shit now is because most projects cost so much that they absolutely have to be successful or the company can be put in near-ruin. when failure isn't ever really an option, most companies really can't afford to take any chances and try anything interesting, instead having to play everything by the most likely to be profitable numbers

really, anybody who thinks it's a lack of talent has honestly no clue what they're talking about

lack of diversity

1. Middle management thinking they know what people like and pressuring devs into doing shit nobody likes.

2. Film school dropouts shitting on another artform they don't understand.

The talent is there but the system makes it incredibly difficult to shine.

It's a lack of creative ambition.
That happens because AAA developer pump massive amounts of cash into their projects in hope that they'll make a profit.
There's more talent in the industry now than ever before, but they both lack ambition and are given no ability to experiment.

Talent, vision and ambition, all not there. Almost all of their new games feel the fucking same. Huge soulless map, 1 million garbage to collect, 2 million garbage task to do, bland MC, bland story, SJW obligatory homo insert, pandering to liberals and so on and so on.

>because ubisoft



Fucking destroyed holy shit

Money and corporate greed

All because of the normies

Lack of talent, and because they tell everyone to make every game reskinned Assassins Creeds.

With Ubisoft it's just sheer incompetence.
They have absolutely amazing ideas and visions, but can't execute them well. Their games always end up being a simple, mediocre experience that is just okay at the end.


I don't know OP. A few of their games have become good honestly. The Division is now what it should have been, but the population is still ded. Siege started off pretty bad aswell, but came back and it's a great game. Plus the fact that their now doing free DLC--cosmetics are the only thing that are not free--for their future titles has me somewhat interested. Although they could fuck it up. CSGO for example.

Siege is great, now if only the fixed the fucking netcode/hitreg


Every single one of their games anymore is tower climbing to unlock repetitive side quests simulator.

lack of standards by consumers

What's the point of making good games when people will just buy shit ones anyway? It's not very fun to work for a huge game development company anyway, everyone there probably just wants to go home.

>almost everything is a cookie cutter broken game where you climb towers to open maps

Siege is probably the most original game they've made in years. I'll be shocked if the next batch of operators doesn't feature a guy who climbs a tower to unlock enemy positions on the map. That or some leftwing snowflake jackass who's special ability is harassing an enemy on social media to distract them.



>Lack of talent
They lose their best people to EA.

It is not lack of talent as much as it is ignorance to talent.

Games are manufactured, not crafted anymore.
Manufacturing requires workers, not artists, and even if there are artistically talented people involved, their potential is wasted beyond what is expected of any menial cubicle slave.

So where does EA lock them away, because they obviously do not work on their games?
Ubi used to be cool

ubi was way cooler before that.

>tfw you realize that the reason games were interesting and challenging before was because the devs haven't optimized the formula for expanditure/profit, not because they wanted to make non-shit games

it's not money or a lack of talent, it's lack of passion.


ray man is ok and that all that is good at ubisoft

R6 Siege would be perfect with
>fixed net code
>offline terrrorist hunt
Literally needs two things. TWO THINGS

Reminds me of all those ME3 tweets

They thought they figured out a workflow for making big money.

Make it a sandbox
Make half the cast wear hoods/masks/something teenagers like
Explore to small mission to big mission to story repeat
Have a villain and make it look good in the trailer
Release again next year

Farcry 2 onwards followed this
Assassins Creed is this
Watchdogs is this
Division was this
Never played The Crew but seems to follow it
Ghost Recon will become this

South Park, Rayman and Siege didn't do this and seem to have found an audience

I don't think it's a lack of talent, they can make some pretty looking shit as well as some stuff with decent gameplay.
France art degrees actually produce some skilled individuals

that doesn't make any fucking sense, they've always needed money. the cold hard fact is that back in the day, gamers had better taste and higher standards, and developers needed to accommodate them.

I mean considering there was a massive downgrade in the Witcher 3, I can see where the confusion could come from

it´s because the stop hiring based on talented and started to hire based on gender and skin color instead

liberals once again ruin everything with their identity politics

For most other companies I would say it's for the reasons everyone else has posted, the industry is dangerous because of the cost of producing a AAA game,, so they make "safe" games without trying to break the mold.

In the case of Ubisoft, however, it really is just a case of "muh womyns in tech!". Their dev teams are literally 75% females, the rest is a mix of shitskins for their diversity quota.

People always like to give Bioware shit for their sjw crap, but ubisoft is in reality 10 times worse.

And who are you, the anonymous person who post this, to say that? What are your source? Are you an ubisoft employee to be able to say that? Are you an insider?
No, it's literally :
> Source: My anus.

It'll change lil hombre. Say if we can ass fuck disney on the new star wars it would be a start.

Its definitely not lack of talent. Game development is slowly changing. More people are starting to do their own projects completely driven by communities and free lancers. There's this new military Sim that's using uterra that's a totally open platform. You buy the license, you do what you want. And people are starting to build their own games like building a computer and just buying 3d models and paying animators to make them work in game. I'm excited about the future.

My source is the company photos they put on facebook and that get posted here all the time. You a Ubishit employee? Their white male cuck janitor, maybe? Did I hit a nerve, cuck?

Honestly, we're on the verge of another full-blown vidya game crash. Almost every AAA title that came out this year has done abysmal

I´m positive as well about the future
but I keep telling people who want change that just shit posting on Sup Forums isn´t enough

we need to organize and let our desire for change be known

we tried to ignorung sjws for the last 6 years and things only got worse

now with trump in the white house it is time to get active and strike back

Can't say what I'm working with some lads on but it'll be pretty red pilled. Vidya related.

They've been stuck with this mentality of more devs and features=better for a long time now and due to how long their projects take they are only just now starting to move away from that development model. I really doubt a game like Ghost Recon Wildlands would have been greenlit in today's market but they've been making that shit for years so there's no turning back.

Ubisoft has some very talented and passionate people working at their studios, the issue is that they've spent so long playing it safe that even when they start moving away from AC2 clones there still isn't interest in their games.

And then there's the whole issue of Uplay being absolute garbage. I get some sort of error or bug whenever I try logging in, whether it's the servers going down because more than 5 people logging in or something random like not being able to change my account email.

great to hear :-)

I was thinking about making a "thank you sjws" video where we get to interview people who mostly voted for trump because they got tired of political correctness. each mentioning a different insanity of the left

like I know one girl who´s brother was different to suicide after some feminist accused him wrongly of rape and pretty much ruined his life with the help of an completely biased left-wing university. I know another one that quite working in the games industry when the work environment become to hostile for towards none extreme left ideas

>France has Indian and muslim immigrants or sjw cucks helping them.
what did u expect?