ITT: Games that are difficult to play if you have arachnophobia
ITT: Games that are difficult to play if you have arachnophobia
Also a difficult game to play if you like good games.
Deadly creatures,
Resident evil.
4 kinds of giant spiders and 2 of them will spook the fuck out of you even if you aren't an arachnophobe because of how they pop out of nowhere
What asshole thought giant spiders would be the perfect enemy across any video game? What, are they not creative enough to come up with something else?
>What asshole thought giant spiders would be the perfect enemy across any video game?
Nintendo. Every 3D Zelda game to date has some kind of giant spider enemy.
>Skulltula houses in Majora's Mask
>those fucking giant spiders in Twilight Princess
>the ones that jump on you.
>that hole you jump into and surprise,its full of giant spiders
did they want to give younger me a heart attack or something?
World of Warcraft
The first truly giant spiders I saw were in Arathi Highlands, what got me was that you can see each of their 8 eyes individually. Always closed my eyes and hit the auto run button whenever I ran past spiders since.
I just started playing Dark Souls 2 again after a long hiatus, and I just finished getting the Dragon memory.
>being afraid of tiny animals
Grow up, weakling
Torch is your best ally.
Metro: Last Light.
Go die in a corner somewhere you fucking 8 legged freak.
inb4 nope webm
Nah, I don't wanna. I much prefer rubbing my pedipalps on your face while you sleep.
Bloodborne chalice dungeons.
>jumping spiders
>anything but adorable
>playing the underdark mod for Oblivion
>starting place is this dark as and huge as fuck cavern
>already nervous about trekking through it
>see spiderwebs along the way
>even more nervous than I was before
>come up to this small pond and receive a quest notification to inspect it
>after coming close and looking at it for a few seconds, I turn around and there's a fuck huge hairy spider attacking me
I screamed oh shit so loud that I scared my mom in the next room
It's all fun and games until big bro arrives
Wait, i don't remember spiders in this.
>spoil myself the entire game but the only part i should have
>open a door and look up
>a bunch of them dangling on the ceiling
ahahahahaha no STOP
Mergo's Loft in Bloodborne, giant spiders made me literally scream.
On a different note, Limbo is actually pretty good for saying fuck you to your arachnophobia, even if the first encounter can be spooky.
In general, spiders in games don't bother me. But if there's a death animation where they curl their legs, that's the shit that gets me.
>something that could not exist for seconds without collapsing and suffocating under its own exoskeleton
>scary or threatening in any way
Spiders are pretty harmless though, they do more good than harm
>getting webbed through buildings on inferno
fuck those guys
Fuck difficult to play, Last Story is difficult to FIND.
Good luck getting a copy that isn't price jacked up to twice the retail price.
>tfw spiders in just about every other game scare me
>Limbo didn't
I mean, a silhouette of a 2d spider just isnt spooky.
sorry bruv, i can't hear you over all these spiders
I never played a game with hyper realistic spiders, so it hasn't been a problem for me.
I have never met anyone who doesn't love spiders. Really we're all small and harmless, how can you be so scared of them?
then i got just the game for you
>Wait, i don't remember spiders in this.
You fight a large white spider fairly early in the game and it's capable of swallowing you and your party member, force them to be out of commission for the duration of the battle
Assuming you don't live in areas where the black widow and brown recluse reside in
Sorry dude, but I've seen more than enough pictures of jumping spiders wearing water droplets as hats to find them threatening in any way.
>play Twilight Princess
>see the redesigned Skulltulas in the Forest Temple
>mildly disturbed
>get to this fuck
>get to his final form
>can't stop laughing
I pirated it user. Kinda wish I did get a physical copy of it, it's the only operation rainfall game I don't own.
dark messiah of might and magic
real good if you're horny for boots and spikes though
>Assuming you don't live in areas where the black widow and brown recluse reside in
Nigga, as far as venomous spiders go, those are small time
Ironically arachnophobia is next to nonexistent in places where actual dangerous spiders live
Arx Fatalis. Dark Messiah too, the fuckers are even immune to the boot of death.
Fucking Legend of Grimrock, both of them
It wouldnt be that bad if they didnt fucking jump at your face in glorious first person view
even worse when they fall from the ceiling and instantly hug you jesus christ im not even that scared of spiders but watching the spiders attack made me really uneasy
I don't play western shit desu.
what a cute girl (boy)
Does this look cute to you, huh? Does it? I bet you wouldn't be so cocky if you were tangled by my web.
Nigga, you could decimate humanity's population in front of my own eyes, but that won't stop you from being the lolcats of the arachnid world.
>intensely afraid of spiders
>actually don't mind them in EDF
this son of a bitch though, even when they die the way their legs move is fucked up
pokemon gsc/hgss
pokemon bw/b2w2
pokemon sm
Then what is a dangerous spider
does Oddworld count?
The Brazilian wandering spider, not only is it actually dangerous to a full grown human (unlike recluses and widows) their venom also causes huge painful erections
but those spiders are cute though. they dont count.
I want to emulate this game. Is there any way to play it with a GC controller? I know the game doesn't support GC controller on the actual console.
One may be fun but two you better run
Those are clearly cats though.