New Frank is widely acclaimed with some calling it the best performance of 2016

>new Frank is widely acclaimed with some calling it the best performance of 2016
>is on track to sell 4 million copies worldwide
>everyone agrees the time limit was garbage
>more Saint's Row than DR
>TJ Rotolo just got diagnosed with cancer

Can Dead Rising fans be anymore fucked?

Other urls found in this thread:

>is on track to sell 4 million copies worldwide

Don't mistake number shipped for projected sales.

>on track to sell 4 mil copies

...Dead Rising 3 sold roughly around 2 million copies and this game has little marketing.

Something's not right.

>new Frank is widely acclaimed with some calling it the best performance of 2016
I call bullshit
>is on track to sell 4 million copies worldwide
Estimated numbers and actual numbers are too different things.
>everyone agrees the time limit was garbage
It was.
>more Saint's Row than DR
I don't understand what does this mean. It's not like DR games were that much serious before.

When the devs themselves are asking what they did wrong you know that's not true


shut the fuck up, it is dead rising is about using stuff you find as weapons and being goofy.

t. someone who never played dead rising


do you play DR for the shitty story?

Seriously? Source?

>more Saint's Row than DR
Modern Saint's Row or classic? Because if it's modern, fuck that shit.


Wait, there new Dead Rising?

Fuck that shit.

>inafune ruined megaman
>inafune ruined dead rising
>inafune ruined DMC
>inafune ruined ninja gaiden

really makes you think

I liked the time limit system, survivors spawning at certain times etc

Should I feel sad for big beard hipster?

not even that guy, but there's a whole mess of mechanics that have been present through the series that have been altered heavily or dropped altogether in this installment.

it's not Dead Rising, it's Saint's Row 3 but worse.

it made me feel like you weren't meant to do everything the first time through...and that was okay, you could restart the story, and do better next time, because you'd keep your gained experience, and that it brought with it...without a timer, there's nothing stopping you from playing the game the series has been played in the past, there's no longer any effort required in time management, making those special weapon or costume piece finds really matter more to you, and it made the things you did find each time feel more special.

don't forget the Season Pass containing the True ending as DLC, they've literally taken out Overtime Mode to sell it back to the players.

Is there any hope for Resident Evil 7?

I literally haven't seen any marketing for DR4 and the shit I've seen looks just wrong.

holy fucking shit
now that just over the line

Capcom has that time honored Japanese tradition of taking things and ramming them into the ground.

Dead rising forums at capcom unity they are pretty much asking why you liked disliked it which is the closest you will get a decent to saying they fucked up


Is it even out? Do you have a source for a single one of these memes?

you do this every thread

how isn't it dead rising? dead rising has always been about using items you find laying around to kill zombies and with dr2 made combo weapons which is nice. I get not liking the dumb exo suit. the combat has always been basic as fuck which is fine since you use a bunch of different weapons. not having to escort survivors is fine since it was just a pain before and the removal of the timer gives me more time to just fuck around instead of me checking to see how
much time until the next case. the removal of psychos is lame but not that big of a deal

>DR4 gets worse critic and user scores than TLG

Who could reasonably have foreseen this

Frank dies in the end

without a timer or escorts what's left? The game looks more like Dynasty Warriors: Zombie Edition + flaming dildo launchers and selfies. You can't build a game off of this.

the points you just brought forward have only proven how much you miss the point. There's no point arguing with you, you just won't get it.

Is there even a "story" this time? Or is it just "so random xd kill zombies" all game?

Make sure you buy our dlc!

story missions? I agree with the selfies being fucking stupid.

>story missions
What can they be? The timer was always the challenge in Dead Rising, no matter what you're doing it's always some form of competition with the timer. A timerless story mission would just be killing shit and then pressing X in front of a macguffin. That's no fun.

I just bought Off the Record.
I can't wait to get back in there.

Everybody keeps bringing up dlc, what's it about anyway?

the timer wasn't challenging at all

What you say. The cases and time limit is arguably what keeps making the games interesting in the first place. A couple of months ago I completed dead rising 1 and 2 on overtime mode on first attempt (played them before though) . Had a blast with 1 especially, but I don't really feel like going back to just explore. Time limit makes you focused, you put certain things on priority and you have a goal to work towards.

Not after 5 playthroughs but early on trying to save everyone and do everything is painful.

I love how it ended with an homage to World War Z. That movie was truly the Resident Evil of our generation.

>not having to escort survivors is fine
>the removal of psychos is lame but not that big of a deal
>everything about this post
Is this a bait? It better be, very subtle, I like it.

It's overtime mode, and the story is a copy paste of DR1's overtime mode. A concept Bluecastle hasn't wrapped their head around in 10 years.

>TJ Rotolo just got diagnosed with cancer

Really? The new guy just feels wrong and I was fine with Kief in MGSV because Hayter turned into a little bitch but Ironside's Fisher was a travesty since they literally had him go through reverse puberty.

The game takes place in 2021 and Frank actually used moves fitting his age in OTR.

>Don't worry guys, we're taking this one back to the roots :^)

I'm glad the housing market is on the verge of crashing in Canada, these people deserve to live on the streets.

It added depth and nuance, almost in a rouge-like fashion.

But casuals cried for muh streamlined everything and "I'm entitled to experiencing 100% of a game's content on my first play-through" mentality. Absolutely disgusting.

Apparently it was, you entitled cuck.

Leave the development to me.

The timer in DR3 was so lenient that you would have to purposely let it time out.

>using items you find laying around to kill zombies
There is a difference between items in a mall and flaming dinosaur heads and exploding christmas shit for t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m crowd.

>Your average Canadian

totally optional to use combo weapons

It's also optional to unlock your phone and drop a nuke.

>Director and Producer haven't developed a single DR yet
This should've been a red flag from the beginning

Canada ruin dead rising, Inafune was basically cut out after #1

>the removal of psychos is lame but not that big of a deal
No it's a huge ass deal because it was the only thing that gave the game more depth then GTA Zombie edition.

I have never in my life wish such ill and pain on a person I have never know personally in my life

dr never had depth

How is it in comparison to 4? I haven't played it yet and I loved 1, 2's prequel, 2, Case West and OTR .

Did Case Western even matter for the overall story or did they ignore it entirely?

>TJ Rotolo just got diagnosed with cancer

I strongly disagree the first one had a ton. Second was losing some of it to expand for larger area. Third just sprayed shit everywhere.

>story missions
Yeah I have a bone to pick with the "Case File" structure. It's like they've decided they needed to keep the structure in place, but forgot what everything about it meant. Every case when it was opened and concluded in DR1 revealed a new part of the story. This is a factor in the game itself because if you stop before getting Isabela to defect, you don't have critical knowledge to share with a survivor and they refuse to be rescued because they think they're already dead. Each case also colors in a different part of the story. Some obviously with greater weight than others, but everything added in and stopping in the middle of any case pieces together a different version of events.

In DR4 Frank already has everything worked out in Case 2, it's just a matter of having things play out and a final shock in 6. They did actually that exact same thing in 2; Chuck knows TK framed him at the end of Case 2, and while on Day 4 more is revealed the difference is that Chuck doesn't care for any amount of "Truth" after that. Granted without the timer in 4 we don't get a "The Truth has Vanished". But the games don't lead or provoke questions of authenticity. They just turn around and say "Well _____ lied".

Dead Rising 16
Dead Rising 2 16
Dead Rising 3 14
Dead Rising 4 0

Dead Rising 72 - (OT 24 hours)
Dead Rising 2 16 96 hours - (OT 24 hours)
Dead Rising 3 7 days (OT technically infinite)
Dead Rising 4 No timer

Returning VAs
Dead Rising 2 all
Dead Rising 3 most of them
Dead Rising 4 none.

Ending variations
Dead Rising 6
Dead Rising 2 6
Dead Rising 3 5
Dead Rising 4 0

Everything just comes up zero with this game

Jessie's VA showed up briefly in DR4

The only reasonable change this game has is the timer thing. It should've been created with the timer in mind and removed for the people that are either new or have hated it since the old games.

But lack of psychopaths and lack of multiple endings is pretty ridiculous when you're taking a known franchise and claiming to take it back to its roots.

It's true!

Is that supposed to be Zero?

Does DR 4 even have civilians to save?

you wanna know how it's unlock?
you just beat the game. no challenges, no collecting parts, just beat it and their ya go.

>is on track to sell 4 million copies worldwide
No chance, it probably won't even sell 1 million any time soon.

I must of missed that according to the credit roll it's all new people.

whose saying all that? The fat with the gay beard and 4 eyes?

Jesus Christ that is pathetic when you actually had to work to get mega buster and shit like that.

Ugh. There better be a cheat or DLC to get it from the start.

Why couldn't we save her?

If any franchise deserved a crossover it was Dead Rising and Resident Evil other than the sandwich shop. Why did RE6 get L4D cast in mercs yet the most logical franchise didn't?

Technically yes, but they just drop a bunch of shit ala DR1 Infinity Mode cardboard box when you kill the zombies around them essentially, and then they promptly fuck off... somewhere.

If his name is tied to anything Capcom has taken issue promoting it
Or at least they did till inafune shat the bed doing his independent and now the belief is Capcom was the helping hand in it all. Now they are lining up to use the IPs they made because inafune name is basically garbage anymore.

Are there no pirated versions out yet? Not paying 60 bucks. Sucks it's on Windows store that never have sales.

The best ones are always the ones we can't save.

Not really.

By DR2 zombies were considered the kind of thread that made them props on a gameshow.

Resident Evil is supposed to be taking the notion of contamination seriously.

He explained on his facebook that he got fucked over because he's a member of SAG-AFTRA as a Stuntman and a VA and even though Capcom approached him, he couldn't take the role because they hadn't decided what companies would be targeted by the strike action and he would have rather not broken the strike even though Capcom did agree to the SAG terms and were not targeted in the end (And apparently Capcom's one of the best in the industry to work with because they don't hide the project, even if their games leak earlier, and will even bring in builds of the game for the actors to take a look at and play during sessions so they can get a feel for what they need to do).

He's not bitter about it because he rather had stood his ground for SAG than compromise it but he was sad because he did love the role and really would have loved to have done an older Frank.

His facebook page. Didn't say what type of cancer yet though.

It's ok they killed him off anyway, along with the franchise

Only if you don't buy the true ending dlc :^)

I just want to play as Dead Rising characters in mercs with their own official move sets or at least get to see Jesse fight.

Dead Rising was specifically made to be an outlet for the stuff Resident Evil was moving away from. The first goddamn trailer included "No Umbrella" as a tagline to set them apart.

Also there's been like... Two real "crossovers" Capcom's conducted with separate series they own. So it's not like Capcom is snubbing synergy for one, they just don't do that... and if you mean further ingame homages that excessively favor Resident Evil? I just don't care enough about cameos to worry about why Arthur was given homage in DR2 over literally every single character Capcom owns the rights to.


>His facebook page
went to fb/terence.rotolo
I see nothing about cancer, wrong find?

Did the developers actually say they're taking the series back to its roots? From what I've played it seems more like someone tried to describe Dead Rising to them and they made a game based on that description.

they better have tj come back in a dlc expansion telling the true events of dr and not Vicks retelling


First at 2:30, then at 9:00, probably more, but those two alone should be enough proof.

>time limit is bad
you know, if you suck at video games, maybe you should find another hobby

Someone told me the other day, you can never truly recapture things you loved in the past, and I'm coming to terms with that.

I love the original game, but it was a product of it's time.
I haven't played passed 2 and I don't intend to. I'm happy if people like this, but it's not my bag.

Honestly play 2 Off The Record. Was a pretty incredible game. 90% of DR1.

>Dude constantly quoted how much Q&A he did
If you're defending this game you're defending "we're trying to make it for the widest possible audience"/make every game the same so casuals don't get upset shit.

>leafs make 2 with some guidance from japan
>makes a decent sequel
>leafs left for their own devices for 3 and 4
>immediately shit the bed
Fucking Leafs

the time limit didn't make things hard at all you idiot

Thats why they removed, Because it was inconvenient for normies. The big beard guy literally said in interview that it was problematic for players having to choose what side mission to do, they were incapable of doing everything.

You have to learn to not presuppose quality from brand or even sometimes the names of talent in media. Not just corporate developments, anyone who's otherwise brilliant can fail even when they don't crumble to exterior pressure.

I enjoyed the selections of Sherlock Holmes I read in school and picked up the complete works that were by Doyle. I enjoyed most of them. Loved a few of them. However I do not use exaggeration when I say that one was also the worst published crime fiction I've ever been exposed to. Derivative of other Holmes stories and with a nonsensical beginning, middle, and end.

This is so frustating. If they said they're taking the franchise in a new direction at least the fans new what to expect. Saying it's going back to its roots and then going against everything in the franchise is nothing sort of a slap in the face.

People are afraid of new things.
They're trying to convince their outlets that they are both the changes that were requested, and yet still not changing anything even if they had a redesign that could go into Bomberman Act Zero.