FFXIII First Week Sales: 1,464,964
FFXV First Week Sales: 690,471
How embarrassing.
FFXIII First Week Sales: 1,464,964
FFXV First Week Sales: 690,471
How embarrassing.
That is a picture of XIII-2.
XIII killed SE credibility and hurt FF brand name, and console is inferior to mobile gaming in Japan. NA and EU will save XV sales.
Times change, not surprising
I'm kind of surprised it did that well given 15 is the first single player mainline FF game in 7 years for Japan.
15 was still the best selling ps4 game in Japan
of course, game sales are determined by the game before it
FF12 is great so FF13 sold well
FF13 is shit so FFXV didn't sell as much (mmo shit doesn't count)
see: devil may cry 2 compared to 3
japan is very sensible. I want to live there but I am intimidated by their staunch culture
To be fair digital sales haven't been added in, and that really has taken off in the last few years.
As much as I prefer disks, I find even myself going digital now.
>I want to live there
They don't want you.
the XIII trilogy damaged the FF brand pretty hard
And to top all of that XV is not even a complete game nor it is better than XIII.
Are you pretending to be stupid or what? FF12 was one of the worst selling FFs
>nor it is better than XIII.
can you read? I said it doesn't matter what the game is but what comes before it that determines sales
I've spent the most sufferable 50 hours of my life playing XIII
I've spent 70 hours playing XV and it was some pleasure filled 70 hours (except for the 2 hours I spent in chapter 13) and there is even more shit to do, like the silver door quests.
Your opinion is literally shit.
>FF12 was one of the worst selling FFs
Also, FF13 and FF15 are not PS exlusive. They were both available on Playstation and Xbox.
It's almost as if the Japanese consle market isn't as strong as it was last generation and is only really picking up steam now.
>Xbox mattering in Japan
huh, I thought X would be higher
What gives you the impression it'll perform better in the west?
FF13 was basically the start of the downfall. Announced in 2006 along side Versus 13 and Agito, FF13 came out in an underwhelming state, with controversy of its own (releasing on the Xbox), behind schedule and to poor fan reception worldwide. Versus 13 was going to be the next project, supposedly, but then FF14 1.0 tanked. SE cancelled or delayed multiple projects all across their worldwide studios and began pushing mobile heavily. In order to save FF14, FF13-2 and LR13 were meant to keep single player fans of FF fed, but over 7 years later, the console space in Japan has shrunk (half the PS4s at this point in the cycle than there were PS3s), new fans weren't being brought into FF, except maybe mobile, and older fans moved on.
Mobile and FF Mobile, specifically, are pretty big for SE in Japan. 40% of SE's revenue, for the entire company, not just a region, come from mobile/PC, mostly from customers in Japan. With Mobious, FFRK, FFBE, and so on, SE has focused on where the JP market was going and that wasn't dedicated home consoles.
So, FFXV's performance, while definitely far weaker, had a huge up hill battle to climb already. FF franchise has been in a reboot since FF14 1.0's bomb and since then they've gotten FF14 back on track and finally released FF15. If mainline FF home console games every make a comeback in Japan, which won't happen unless home consoles make a comeback in Japan, it'll depend a lot on how overseas markets buy into FF to keep that segment of it alive.
Additionally, compare FF15 to how MGSV or Persona 5 did. MGSV was almost as long as a difference, but also sold on more platforms. Sales were around the same for Japan. Persona 5 did much better and also was a long wait but was on more platforms. (PS3 for both).
open world appeals to the west more
It's the last thing they have to cling onto, now that the Japanese sales numbers have dropped and revealed that it's a complete flop. One last bastion of delusion before they have to go full retard and start blaming the most popular character in Final Fantasy history for their fujoshi-bait bombing.
Retail and no count of digital sales.
Games are a lot more likely to be purchased digitally today than 7 years ago when FFXIII came out.
Holy shit, she's a giant. Look at those manlets, what game?
Man, the picture almost has a seamless transition, it's like both games are taking place in the same area at the same time.
Don't Japs only play mobile/handheld games nowadays?
>and revealed that it's a complete flop
Maybe in Sup Forumstard fantasy land.
>Final Fantasy brand 'greatly damaged'
Okay, I kinda agree-
>the state of Final Fantasy XIV Online
What the fuck? I don't even play MMOs but my friend who does considers the game to be fine.
It's the single player games that have been of questionable quality that have given the series a dodgy reputation.
7: 9.72 million
8: 7.86 million
9: 5.30 million
10: 8.05 million
12: 5.95 million
13: 7.49 million
15: 5.00 million shipped
Japan arent digitalcucks like America
>I find myself going digital
FFXIV has a huge flop and disaster at release. Fans and critics hated it and it sold horribly. The game was already a big investment and they had to pretty much completely remake it. They did a fantastic job of salvaging it, but there still is damage.
Overall it was a net gain for SE, but it was really bad at launch.
It's a mediocre open world game. Western audiences absolutely love that stuff.
I've heard about the launch. But blaming FFXIV now doesn't really seem relevant.
That statement is old, even the CEO that said it was fired.
Actually Wada is responsible for the state FF got this decade, only after he got fired SE got it's shit up and fixed XIV, started producing XV, VIIR and KH3
Honestly this is not good. Japan will just end up with making mobile garbage game and we will all be stuck with triple A overratedd western trash games or indies shit.
XIV's failure was why they made more XIII games so they could reuse assets and market familiar characters.
Despite some negative things said about FFXV it's still a good step in the right direction.
Oh shit I didn't see the date.
Half right. Wada, as CEO, approved of saving XIV 1.0 with ARR, changing Versus to XV, and moving heavily into mobile where SE gets lots of their revenue now. So, if Wada is responsible for FF's fall, he's also responsible for starting FF's rehabilitation.
I loved FFXIV 1.0
If they get down more meaningful side quests, more monsters in the world, keep the feel of the game unlike the last chapters and tweak magic it will be great.
It was reported that FFXV was the fastest selling digital game in Asia ever.
Make out of it whatever you will.
A drop from 1.5m sales to 694k sales is one of the biggest flops in history, especially when XIII was a bad game and one of the weaker-selling FF titles to begin with. This thing has bombed hard.
Hopefully they choose the same director fromVI, IX and XII, Ito learns from his mistakes from XII, and mix it up with the positives of XV to make the next FF
>Analyzing data without context
And this why Sup Forums is full of professional market analyzers
Didn't some dudes behind the development of 1.0 killed themselves after the flop?
FFXV's performance in Asia outside of Japan will matter, though I dunno if it'll help worldwide numbers so much. FFXV is basically a 'reboot' for the franchise, so this'll just be the first step for a lot of things.
IF there's a bright side to FFXV, it's that the Luminous Engine is a proven, working engine. They've made their biggest game ever with it and know how to use it. SE Japan can now take all that knowledge and churn out a game faster, better, and with a dedicated Engine team continually updating it. At least, that's how you'd think it should work. We'll see how things go.
FFXV has 5m WW shipment.
>It's a-all about c-c-context!!!
The PS4 is selling faster than the PS3 did in Japan, week for week. The console market is alive and well there. Your trickery is wasted here, XV-kun.
That'd be news to me.
There is a ton of good in XV and I can't wait to see what they can do with it, there is just some things I don't like. Oh and the car, fucking make driving like Sleeping Dogs or something.
watch dogs 2 had a bigger drop.
FFXIII sales are that high because of the previous titles.
FFXV salves are that low because of XIII.
I know people are annoyed with the FFXV DLC plan and it does seem a little Jewy, but maybe after it's all out and the GOTY Edition comes out the later part of the game will greatly be improved?
DMC3 has it's sales split between the initial release and the special edition. You're going to have to provide more evidence if you want people to accept your claim.
Looks to me like consumers just got smarter since FFXIII was weak series, they didn't buy in the FFXV hype, that and FF14 1.0 disaster was a huge red flag for buyers.
Christmas is also around the corner though. Sales will catch up eventually.
the special edition released a year after the initial game so it's irrelevant when it comes to the point and also includes those who bought the first one as well
I hated the car driving at first, but then I liked the on rails. Very easy riding where you just hold accelerate and turn now and then.
Not really 13 but the sequels. XIII-3 LR sold only 1 million overall.
proves my point, 13 and 13-2 are fucking shit so what came after sold less
>If it disagrees with me it must be XV-kun
Yeah, have fun shitposting with data of one country in a way larger market and ignoring possible digital sales.
>I know people are annoyed with the FFXV DLC plan and it does seem a little Jewy
Really? I haven't really kept up with what the internet is saying about the game but I thought the dlc plan was fine. Stuff that should have been in the game but isn't (honestly, we all know it's due to time constraints but they're not allowed to say it) will be free and other stuff will be paid. As long as they deliver well on the premise, it's fine.
>will greatly be improved?
Eh, they're aiming to fix one part and they're adding a bunch of (end game?) content you do after you beat the game. With your expected QoL stuff. Think the game will just have more content mostly.
Well, combine with the fact that XV is not a good game either, it's not even a complete game, damn it.
No, i said it wasn't 13 itself but its sequels.
The revenue cones from the copies you ship to retailers, not necesseraly from the copies the retailers sells, that revenue goes to the gaming shops. If a game is selling badly then the retailers will give the copies back to the publisher, but this isn't the case here.
>Sup Forums doesn't understand capitalism
FFXIII PS3 attach rate 36.6%
FFXV PS4 attach rate 20.4%
(In Japan)
A sharp drop.
Depends if people have played XV or liked it. If you played and liked XV, DLC probably seems fine. If you've only seen the bad youtube clips of where XV fails and still think of SE the same since forever, then you see it as a typical SE jew move.
After eventually coming to really like XV, and I really didn't like it at first, I'm very happy to hear about the more robust post-launch roadmap and am eyeing that season pass.
13 is the lowest rated mainline FF game of course it's part of the problem
>XV is bad meme
Stop trying to force it, the game came out a week ago and everyone already played and formed their opinion it. You can't change the collective consciousness this late in the game.
>If a game is selling badly then the retailers will give the copies back to the publisher, but this isn't the case here.
Well, sadly, it is if there is left over then back to SE it goes.
Sales to the 2 sequels of XIII were even worse.
SE killed their franchise.
FF 4.0 was a massive bomb and it turned the rabidly loyal FFXI player base away by shitting all over their promises and what made them enjoy the online FF title in the first place. Instead of sticking to what worked they wanted the WoW player base and poisoned their own players against them.
Then we had THREE fucking pink waifu simulators that went against the entire point and premise of FF. New adventures and new worlds with each new title while keeping core names and themes between them. I got so fucking sick of armpits mcgee I didn't even buy FFXIV. I don't even want it to do well. I want FF to just die. They fucked FFXI players and then they fucked the single players. They don't deserve our money.
Is anyone surprised, We already know japs are cucked by mobile games now.
Doens't matter because FFXV is the best FF game since the PS1 era. XIII is trash.
Anywhere that would accept a degenerate like me is a place not worth living.
>he thinks the game did better in the west
>Not good =/= Bad
In this case, XV is pretty mediocre, an improvement from XIII but not helping much. Actually, if they want to make a big comeback after XIII's mess, they need XV to be great not just good or decent.
>The revenue cones from the copies you ship to retailers
lol no.
I can't say XV is not a good game. It's got rough edges, but it's got way more game than XIII had. The side quests are mostly shitty and the main story can be confusing, but there's so much more to do than in XIII. You could compare XV's battle system to XIII's, XV's story to XIII's, and then there's nothing else left to compare with XIII. Because all it has it a corridor, a story, and a battle system. Not that I'm hating on XIII, I loved it when it released. But XV you can do so much more, has so much more going on, and is a better game in so many more areas where it counts as a video game.
It's fine. They make SE lots of money so they can make games like XIV:ARR and XV. I also loved Mankind Divided and really liked Rise of the Tomb Raider. And Hear good things about Hitman from Sup Forums.
Let's ignore the market shift
Let's ignore ps3vsps4
Let's ignore the fucking years that passed
Many of the former userbase might just be too old for consoles now, especially since if they are corporate whores they are part of the mobile gaming market shift crowd who only have time for their cash grabs
now post PS3 and PS4 install bases in Japan during their respective launch and it might make more sense.
Actually yes.
The retailers pay for the shipments, believe it or not.
They can ship stuff back or credit publishers for poor sales or something. Shipping numbers matter but sell through to customers also matter.
The only thing that matters is money. I doubt square spent less on this than 13. That makes the return on investment far poorer than before.
If you know the number of this one, you will be surprise and think 'What the fuck are Nips doing with their PS4 all these years?"
>now post PS3 and PS4 install bases in Japan during their respective launch and it might make more sense.
You'll be shock because it will all come down to the brand reputation not the console base that is the problem.