Has there ever been a more cancerous map design?
Has there ever been a more cancerous map design?
blizzard is trash at making maps
ur mum when she didnt \swallow lel
Is there ONE (1) good map in Overwatch?
Eichenwalde is literally just two chokepoints
All actiblizzard knows how to do is make chokepoints
Route 66 is decent
Nope, Overwatch has garbage maps.
>Last point is a small open clusterfuck area where the enemy D.VA can Allah Akbar or the majority of Ults can wipe a team
Lijang Tower
2/3rds of Ilios
>Last point comes down to Mei and D.Va stalling.
I'm glad they at least tweaked overtime so people can't stall for 10 fucking minutes.
>final push of Gibraltar/66/Kings
Either over in seconds or turns into some of the ugliest stale mates ever.
>what is cover
>what are defensive ults
>what is killing dva before she gets close
>what is just uninstall you fucking scrub
all the koth maps apart from the new being developed.
Remove the meme drop and you're golden
Illios is garbage, but I like Lijang Tower.
>complaining about dva ults
lmao desu
Eichenwalde is the same thing. Fucking annoying.
Unless someone goes over the house to distract it's hard pushing past the choke.
>Not Eichenwalde
>Literally forces Attackers to funnel through one middle chokepoint
Nepal is the worst. Sanctuary is the only ok part of that map
>>Literally forces Attackers to funnel through one middle chokepoint
That's every Overwatch map.
>Nobody has said Hanamura
If anyone complains about any map other than the 2CP ones then they're objectively trash and should be eliminated from the gene pool.
all assault maps are shit, no need to discuss facts.
>Reinhart puts up a shield
>D.VA's ship still manages to kill half the team who couldn't get a good angle in
>It flys through the shield and blows up behind you
More or less yeah, but that map has it the worst.
Blizzard thought it was a good idea to BLOCK OFF routes as the attackers progress.
you can fly around on the left by spawn
I wonder if Blizz will release modding tools of the caliber of TF2 or SC2. OW is so barebones. I can't justify paying for it.
They never will because then the console babies will whine.
>BLOCK OFF routes as the attackers progress.
The only routes that close are the ones made snipers brutally overpowered.
>modding tools
Do you not remember the hissy fit they threw when someone made a filter for D3?
The large doors/gates that open up after capturing a checkpoint shortly close afterward.
Basically forces the attacking team to shove everyone in a very small, narrow, entrance.
then put the cover closer to the attacker's spawn so that you're not forcing attackers to go through an even smaller chokepoint. In eichenwalde in particular it's retarded that you drive the payload to bash open a gate and the gate reseals as soon as you've bashed it
The game as a whole is so tilted toward the attacking team it's ridiculous. Complaining about the brief instances where they have to actually use their heads is stupid.
First chokepoint is cancerous
This fucking weaboo temple is the most cancerous map in all overwatch.
You always get the idiots that can't push for shit.
Gibraltar and kings row are pretty good maps. They have nice high grounds and a good amount of flanks for all characters to be playable and payload is innately less cancer than other modes
2fort would be fine without easy-access sniper nests
It would still suck because you have to pass right by the enemy spawn to even get close to the flag.
>Has there ever been a more cancerous map design?
It's hard to do anything on this map
First point is impossible to get back to for every character cause slow gameplay, last point is a fuck you the attackers get to have multiple unnecessary flank routes and can pile ultimately on the point from everywhere
Literally comes down to what you said a team not pushing is pretty much fucked, they go one by one in that first choke point and die every time and last point only has two multiple ways to go through but it means jack shit when everyone can't push through or try to flank one by one and get solo killed
Sup Forums has ruined me
Why isn't there a single fucking map in TF2 with a decent sniper nest other than Snakewater?
Every map in this game is filled with bullshit that you'll get caught on when backing up.
Was cancerous but fun as shit
>camp in front of lift with shotgun
>shoot guy who rides it up
>his team mates empty all their grenades into the room
>armor lock
>shotgun the team mates who run in after
Every single game for almost 2 years, never got old
It's like the last location is supposed to be difficult to take or something.
it's similar to TF2's dustbowl, but the way the classes are balanced, there is no simple counter to breaking through small chokepoints (like an uber), and having chokepoints clustered the fuck up like it is on the final point of this map doesn't work as well as it does in TF2
That map was shit, but also fun becuse of it, there were so many ways to cheese and camp I was able to 1v8 and win
>blue team can jetpack over to the shotgun immediately
>whoever has the shotgun owns 3/4s of the map
>reach sword can't counter shotgun
>that sniper hallway
>that lobby by the lift too
I still remeber it well
2nd half of Anubis is really fun as Sombra
>2CP maps are balanced
Would anyone actually miss any 2cp maps if they were deleted?
why the fuck does every map having fucking instakill falls with so many heroes able to push you into them? dont get me started on how cancerous it is on KOTH maps with those especially fucking illios and nepal
its like blizzard wants you to have the least fun possible with every single cancer mechanic in their game
I like this map....
Did you mean to post Dead Center? Because it seems you accidentally posted the best map in the game.
At least that isn't a 100% choke point.
Or you can just not stand right next to the edge like a retard, retard.
>bawww why can't I solo the entire team singlehanded with no deaths, this is cancerous
this is the dumbest fucking argument response ive seen all day
im not going to give you a (you) or a true answer to how dumb your post is
>wide open areas
>long exposed areas with no corners and large objects to hide behind
>short buildings
>slanted rooftops
>low ceilings
>health kits spawning at the entrance
>health kits spawning 1/4 past the entrance
please stop pretending you know what you're talking about. you probably picked this up on sale for $5 years after the devs fixed some of the bugs that the community had been complaining about for years
New one, Oasis is pretty decent, I like all of the KOTH maps
All point capture ones are cancer though
Holy shit user just stop being aggressively terrible. Being bad is a choice you know
You know what fucking pisses me off? They bothered to make overwatch in a new art style, but used the same shitty WoW art style for Diablo 3.
Some fucking bullshit.
unrelated but-
>tfw you realize that the voice in the Hollywood map that says things like "I'm not paying you for your acting ability" is the guy in the car (payload)
>you're escorting him to his trailer at the end of the map
I like Volskaya and anubis
I like their aesthetics but the gameplay itself is cancer
Can't wait for Christmas event to be quite honest.
>he arrives at his trailer
>Reaper, Widow and Doomfist just come and fuck him up after the heroes leave
>muh versus
Lyl, the only fun versus maps are from L4D1 anyways
I'm probably gonna spend another $50 on crates trying to get the christmas cake Mercy skin
what do you play you fucking casual? scavenge? campaign?
Versus has always been the default mode for L4D. It's the reason anyone plays that game.
Or you can save up 3000 points and buy it retard.
she probably wont get one, if the previous events are anything to take in is that chracter that didnt get a event skin that will get one. so widowmaker will definitely get one.
Oh golly gee I hadn't thought of that, but maybe I don't play enough to earn that many points you fucking genius.
I can't see Blizzard passing up that mad dosh. I don't see why she should have gotten the Halloween skin either but they did it.
"#1 Best Call of Duty Map of All Time"
- Watchmojo
>not shipment from COD4
>not Operation Metro from BF3
the witch design was pretty obvious, only one left now is a nurse one. and doubt they will use the the time to do a chirstmas skin for every character.
It's impossible to do a 8v1 and NOT win, retard.
They only have one possible target, you have 8 ways to score points.
OP here, I forgot to include every other map in Overwatch. In fact, the game itself is cancerous.
>let me just name the worst maps from the fps games I never played
hanamura is 6 minutes of hoping the enemy mei has a stroke so she messes up wall
I had 5 draws today
fuck CP maps
Dont know why, but i still like it
not a terrible map but it is meme tier
Looks like it came out of a THPS game
Yes, other Blizzard fps maps
How the fuck is dva ult even real just get out of its line of sight nigga hahahaha just fucking throw up a reinhardt barrier and call it a day nigga hahahaha
This map is worst.
Least worst of the 2CP maps.
Let me guess, your rank is below 3000?
all overwatch maps are shit
>all those paths that lead to dead ends
This image just makes me hate the TF2 devs. They publish the candy cane with a tiny ass texture, then haven't accepted any fix for it.
Wait is it really going to be 3000 gold?
what makes a map good/bad?
Are there any fps games that actually have well designed maps