This has dogshit gameplay AND dogshit writing. Why the fuck did it win awards?!
This has dogshit gameplay AND dogshit writing. Why the fuck did it win awards?!
console players are known to have extremely low expectations
I thought it was pretty fun tbqhf
It was the next level of movie game. People were really impressed with the moving set pieces, even though the game play on those set pieces was total garbage.
But reviewers? Like this is baffling
No clue, just seems like another shallow mediocre cover shooter
Reviewers have even lower standards than sonyggers, this is common knowledge.
Now now, remember where you are, you are not allowed to say that word. Thats 5 minutes in the naughty corner mister.
>Gaming Awards
>Real Awards
t. PCucks
Almost all redditors love this series so I guess that explains everything.
I played it on launch and on the Nathan Drake Collection
Pirated it on PS3.
Go back to neoFag, nygger.
reminder uncharted is naughty dogs best work
>Gone Home
>all the indie shovelware with good reviews on steam
I wish console gamers had such standards.
Sure you did, now run along and test some early access game
This. It was pretty crazy to play something like the sequence with the helicopter in the building that collapses as you run through it. But anyone with any actual taste can recognize that the Uncharted series doesn't really have much in the way of gameplay, being extremely shallow outside of the surprisingly fun multiplayer, which uses the few mechanics it has in a better way, due the nature of online multi.
The story of the series has never really been particularly great either.
Uncharted 1 was shit, 2 was good, 3 was better, and 4 was amazing. imo
It must suck to not be able to enjoy video games. I was there once. You'll grow out of it, m8.
A actually really liked uncharted 2 and thought it desevered some of its awards. Gun play is total fun but i wish there was alot more to do than mass murdering thugs with guns and garnade launchers. Tomb raider 2013 and rise had a lot more gameplay elements than uncharted yet its called a uncharted clone for feminist. Also i find none of these games , movie games because am not a autist.
Fucking thank you. I feel like the only one who thinks the TR reboot was better than the UC series. I mean, even that wasn't that great, and while the UC games did do certain aspects better, like gunplay, at least TR had more to its gameplay and wasn't just a linear corridor shooter with the occasional setpiece and puzzle.
Have you actually played it? Watching a faggot screaming in a mic is not the same user
Different user here, I pirated GTA V 1 week before release on PS3
I always felt a since of progression with lara and her upgrades unlike drake just using different kind of guns. The uncharted games are good but they don't deserve the praise it get from everywhere in gaming journalist.
It's actually good on both counts you contrarian stupid fuck
>Bought the Uncharted Collection on PS4
>Struggling to play through the first game because I'm so fucking bored
Should I just skip it and play the second game? I'm really not having much fun at all
I had to struggle with the first as well. Something about it puts me right to sleep. How far are you into the first one?