Is Insurgency a /k/ game?

Is Insurgency a /k/ game?

Not even fucking close
>No jams
>Fully loaded magazines
>Hit scan shit
And worst of all
>no cheeki

I can live without jams but I have no idea what you mean by fully loaded magazines.

he wants a game were you're that one random fucktard with no ammo

Yeah but are the weapons and the reloads modeled well?

There's a gamemode like that in this game.

Yes it is, if you get the right mods.

Probably how ammo count carries over to the next magazine instead of getting wasted when you drop one before it's empty.

uh, in Insurgency you cycle magazines. When you reload a half empty mag, you'll get that mag back after a while.

You know you fucked up when you have 6 mags with like 3 bullets each.

Not like you'll survive long enough in a round for you to need that much ammo.

32 player servers were a mistake.

I'm pretty bad so I haven't lived long enough to figure that out.

It'll happen often enough in Coop-

But yes, in an online mode I never carry like six mags. 3 will do lol

I wish I could quit this game but the lovingly detailed Steam workshop mods make it hard to leave.

BF2 had that, it kinda doesn't fit the nature of the battlefield series. Or it just gives away what BF2 could have been?

Oh shit, so that's what was happening to me....

How the hell do you run out of ammo in co-op? You can just spray everywhere in full auto and throw grenades everywhere and resupply at each one if like 10 objectives.

>le cheeki breeki xD
Save that for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


Why would I do that?

Mods fix that comrade!

Some of the crazier co-op matches just have waves and waves and waves of enemies.

>>Fully loaded magazines
>never played the game

Why is every fucking map a fucking tunnel.

I just want to stop playing but these Steam workshop guns are so good.

I made the experience that on European Servers I have very tactical and serious gameplay.

In the evenings, when the americans go online everything goes to shit. It's like I tuned in Xbox Live. Is that so in every online game?

>European Servers I have very tactical and serious gameplay
Europeans are too pussy for this game and barely win any checkpoiints

When you fully load a magazine you subject your weapon to jam city
Ideally you want 2 or 3 rounds less than capacity

Convince me not to buy this game.

It's up there.

Its clunky shit. I got it for a dollar from the Humble Bundle 2 years ago and I feel ripped off.

Clunkier than Red Orchestra 2?

I wouldn't know since I never played RO2.
Its like CS' autistic brother. It tries so hard to feel real, nigga if I wanted to shoot a gun I would go to the range.

just buy squad

Do the soldiers know how to use the bolt release when reloading in that game?

found the fudd

Shut up kiddo

I honestly think this game is worth $40 when you get the Day of Defeat mod for free along with it. I love the game for how cautious you have to play.

how is squad? worth the money if playing solo?

I bought before they ever started working on Day of Infamy and I didn't get no stinkin' free game.

I meant Day of Infamy. The names are almost the same and I haven't played them in forever so I got mixed up. For DoI being a free mod it's amazing.

It ain't free for me.

well I got it on sale for £15 and have since had 120+ hours with it queuing solo

so i'd say it was worth it for me

still has a long way to go tho (new animation overhaul in the works) and could do with some better shaders.

I enjoyed insurgency for a while, got tied up with other things so haven't played it much lately. I've had that military shooter itch lately and don't want to waste money on bf/cod. Is the community generally busy, like if I go on at any time will I find a game quick?

The mod idiot, not the Early Access game.

theres always atleast 3-4 full 72 player servers up at all times

its easy to pick up, if you ever played BF2:PR its basically the exact same on a newer engine, im pretty sure they even reused assets