I feel like giving Dark Souls 3 another chance

I feel like giving Dark Souls 3 another chance.

i have and I got bored quick

The only way I'll ever play dark souls 3 again is if it actually does come to the switch
Then I'll be obligated to recreate my fierce deity cosplay

>new character
I'm going to be a knight
Oh wait, everyones a knight
>new character
I'm going to make a mage
But I really like archery
>new character
Thief starts with bow but assassin has cooler armor
Oh yeah...the new arrow limit sucks
>new character
I'll be one of those katana weebs why not?
But I played through dark souls 1 as dex
>new character
This class has a cape and spear and fth
Oh man I got so far with this dude
>life interrupts
>weeks later
>don't remember what I was even doing with that guy
>new character
I like archery, assassin armor is cool

Hits to close to home, I have my first save file like 5 saves that I started some build that I either got bored or forgot wtf I was doing with them, one save for lvl 10 pvp with dark hand (which is stupid op for lvl 10 pvp and I got bored with it) and one vor lvl 100 pvp.

The most fun I've ever had in a video game was invading cathedral with obscuring ring, cat ring and every kind of ranged weapon the game offers
>launching people to their doom with a great bow
>luring them off a drop that I can survive but means instant death for them
>heckling anyone who goes in the water with lightning avelyn
>chipping them with a pharis bow and elemental arrows when they sit in one spot with their shield up
Each invasion cost about 30k souls in arrows but damn was it fun

I did that right up to when I found out you get no credit for fall damage kills, which took about 30 mins to confirm with various methods. I was so furious I couldn't see straight

I never really cared enough about the material rewards for that to bother me
Salty tears were payment enough

I'd have felt the same way if I wasn't grinding verts so I could be done with the fucking game

>not ending with him eating it
he's a fucking FROG

>But I played through dark souls 1 as dex
so fucking what? do what you like

are you too happy?

OP here. Beat Iudex and Vordt and got the Undead Settlement, but I have lost all will to play.

I'll again next month.

I liked DaS3 a lot but too many of the weapons felt the same, like in DaS2. In DaS1, almost every weapon feels unique.

>play through DS3 with almost every kind of build outside of weapon limitation runs
>only thing left to do really is do PvP
>PvP is utter tripe

and that's why DS3 somehow turned out worse than DS2

Make a knight and get great axe on the wall. Beat the entire game with it and love every second.

ok whats my next charecter going to be?

Utter crap the game really does not want me to use cetus

>whip? could be fun
Nope turns out its unplayable trash

>I know lets use a bow
Arrow limit

>Magic can be fun
Mana is the fucking worst god damn it

What the fuck do i do Sup Forums? the only fun i had is with great axe and im half way through a pyro run but mana is so terribley boreing and there are so few interesting spells unlike ds2

admit it guys ds1 was a fluke

I'm having a lot of fun with my SL30 Shrek twink

Give it a go, OP

Oh tryd twin sheilds cause that was fun in ds2


If your going to use fists just use the dark hand. Damage wise its probably the strongest unupgraded (you can't upgrade it and it has damage comparable to many fully upgraded weapons) weapon in the game.

You should check out bloodborne
Whip is kinda ass but still viable, the bow blade is my favorite soulsborne weapon, and with the DLC magic is amazing

Bought it a few days ago, and I've already logged 25 hours. I don't understand why people dislike it. I also don't understand how anyone can say it's worse than 2. It's basically Demon Soul's 2.0.


>hating a core mechanic of the game that greatly increases its longevity
I will never understand this
I mean, if you hate the multiplayer, what are you even doing with the game at this point?
You can't still possibly be playing it


>want to make a new character
>but really want that one specific weapon
>you can't get it until half way through the game or later

I did and I realized it's the best souls game.

At least in the souls games you could get someone to drop it for you
>want to play through bloodborne with the sickass scythe
>have to pretty much beat the game to get it
Pissed me off so damn much

That's what NG+ is for.

>tfw you invade someone with a dollar store connection

I cheat engined myself early weapons all the time in DS 1 and 2 for special runs. Is the anti-cheating enforcement really so strong in 3?

>Is the anti-cheating enforcement really so strong in 3?

I haven't followed ds3 news basically at all so I can't tell what your smug anime girl posting motivation is.

When's the next DLC due to come out?

Do people seriously think the arrow limit is a problem? what the fuck? why? If anything, it's too high. And this is coming from someone who's used a bow or crossbow on every playthrough so far.
inb4 no replayability. I know, but I want to like it.

I don't have a problem with the on-person arrow limit, that seemed fair, but I hate the storage box limit
I hated having to farm souls and buy arrows every couple invasions
The storage box limit for every item should have been 999

When did everyone start hating DS3?

I finished the game like 10 months ago and remember having fun with it.

Is hould not check out blood borne, blood borne should have made me realise ds3 wasnt going to be worth it. fuck that game is trash

Because Sup Forums hates and complains about literally everything.

Eh, I don't think anyone hates it. Combat feels better than ever, apart from the enemies' 15-hit comboes. Extreme linearity and NPC dialogue never changing (along with some NPCs literally having one or two lines) really kill it though.

You just listed out the reasons why people hate this game.

Is the non PvP multiplayer even still alive at this point? I've got the feeling it's dead.

Sure, and these problems really bother me. Hate is a strong word though, and I would rather like it than hate it, so I try not to let these problems stop me from enjoying the game.

>Feel like giving a game another try
>Convince myself that it'll be enjoyable this time around
>Play 10 minutes
>Realize why I stopped in the first place

So did I, played the DLC but it felt mediocre, like it was just going through the motions of "this is what Dark Souls is".

I had some fun making stupid joke builds and annoying PvPers.

They've just turned the combat into a streamlined clusterfuck frenzy. I hate it, every boss feels so fucking drab since the strategy for most is continuously roll until their 7-hit combo ends and then attack in the 1 frame opening you get.

I think im just bored of the Souls formula now. It just feels so samey now

Dark Souls 3 was just a funless void for me. I played Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1 and 2, and Bloodborne to death, but I barely got through 1 playthrough of 3.

It just wasn't fun, and considering some of the bosses were just "Remember our older games that you already played?" it got really boring really fast.

who else here was /friendlyinvader/

DS 3 has no OG freindly npc's and it makes me fucking cry like a little bitch

Did the dlc add any miracles?

>tfw you discover FTH is useless

Thats the Wonderful 101 for me, everyone says its such a deep action game with lots of replay value but I never even got past the second level without stopping because it just feels terrible to play.

lmao no it's a joke you can only get banned by being a 99 stat trainer using retard